Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 566: Mo Qianqiu Enters the Golden Elixir Stage (2600 words, please subscribe)

At this time, the Jindan at the exchange meeting also took this opportunity to take out some third-level spiritual objects that were useless to them and they were reluctant to exchange for spiritual stones, hoping to exchange for their own spiritual objects.

In a short time, various rare third-level precious irons, spiritual waters and other spiritual objects appeared in an endless stream.

Most Jindan cultivators also exchanged for what they wanted.

During this period, Yan Siyi took a fancy to a ten-jin third-level middle-grade red flame precious iron, and wanted to use it to smelt it in the prototype of her own life magic weapon "Yuanyang Fire Cloud Pot" to improve the quality of this pot.

Fortunately, the person who took out the red flame precious iron accepted Yan Siyi's exchange with three third-level low-grade Juyuan Pills and an additional one thousand spiritual stones. Otherwise, if they only bought it with spiritual stones, even if they added the spiritual stones on Ling Pengyun, they would not be able to afford it.

One jin of third-level middle-grade red flame precious iron is worth about a thousand spiritual stones on the market, and ten jin is worth ten thousand spiritual stones.

One Juyuan Pill is worth three thousand spiritual stones on the market, three are worth nine thousand spiritual stones, and one thousand spiritual stones make up ten thousand spiritual stones.

After a while, the exchange ended.

Ling Pengyun and Yan Siyi both took out three third-level spiritual objects for trading, so they did not take out the other third-level spiritual objects.

Then, Ling Pengyun and his wife and Jiamu Zhenren left the auction venue.

However, the two did not return to the Ling family directly, but went directly into the first-class cave in the market and entered into seclusion, in this way, to avoid the limelight.

After all, they had spent a full 780,000 spiritual stones at the auction venue before.

This amount of spiritual stones is a huge amount even for a Jindan perfect cultivator, and it would be strange if it was not remembered by others.

If you leave the boundless sea area cultivation world through the market teleportation array at this time, you will be in danger.

Time passed slowly, and soon the calm was broken.

On this day, Jiamu Zhenren rushed to the gate of the first-class cave where Ling Pengyun and his wife were, and then he knocked on the gate of the cave.

The startled Ling Pengyun and his wife opened the cave gate and saw Jiamu Zhenren's happy face. They couldn't help but ask curiously.

"Brother Mu, what good thing happened to you?"

Jiamu Zhenren shook his head. He didn't answer directly, but asked first.

"Brother Ling, do you still remember that Lingzhen Laodao bought a golden elixir spirit object Jiamu Lingguo three months ago?"

Ling Pengyun became more curious. "Of course I remember. What you like is about that treacherous Taoist master Lingzhen?"

"Yes, I just learned from a junior brother that three months ago, after the auction ended, the Taoist master Lingzhen brought a grandson named Mo Qianqiu from his many descendants to our sect and rented a fourth-level formation from our sect at a high price to protect his grandson from the thunder tribulation."

"I don't know what kind of luck the grandson of Taoist master Lingzhen Mo Qianqiu had, but he actually succeeded in breaking through. Now Mo Qianqiu has become a fellow Taoist of ours, and his Taoist name is Qianqiu."

"In this way, the Mo family founded by your old acquaintance Taoist master Lingzhen has two golden elixirs. With this size, if nothing unexpected happens, the Mo family will be able to gain a foothold in the Northern Wilderness cultivation world in the next few hundred years."

Jiamu Zhenren said with a smile.

Hearing this, Ling Pengyun felt that the grandson of the Lingzhen Patriarch, Mo Qianqiu, who had broken through the Jindan realm, sounded a little familiar.

After thinking for a while, he looked at his wife Yan Siyi beside him.

"Madam, the grandson of the Lingzhen Taoist, Mo Qianqiu, was the formation genius of Bailing Sect who was famous in Yan State back then?"

Yan Siyi nodded slightly, slightly surprised.

"Yes, according to what my grandfather said when he was alive, when the old Taoist of Lingzhen snatched the sect's share of the golden elixir, he would kill the other golden elixirs in the sect for the sake of Mo Qianqiu's golden elixir path."

"It has been decades since the old Taoist of Lingzhen was expelled from Bailingmen, and Mo Qianqiu should have been over 150 years old, the best age for a golden elixir breakthrough."

"This time, Mo Qianqiu was able to break through the golden elixir, probably because of the help of a method that can increase the best age for a breakthrough, or other opportunities."

"With Mo Qianqiu's talent in formation, his future achievements will probably not be lower than that of the old Taoist of Lingzhen now."

"In this way, the rise of the Mo family with two golden elixirs is probably inevitable."

Speaking of this, the thoughtful Yan Siyi smiled.

"If... Bailingmen knew about Mo Qianqiu's breakthrough to the golden elixir, it would probably be a headache."

Ling Pengyun also smiled when he heard this. "As long as it doesn't involve our Ling family, it would be nice to have a good show to watch one day in the future."

As soon as these words fell, the Jiamu Zhenren also smiled and said to Ling Pengyun.

"Brother Ling, my news is good, right? I talked a little too much just now, and my throat is a little dry. If I could have a pot of second-level spiritual wine, maybe I could find out more about the Mo family!"

"Of course, if you, the second-level spiritual chef, can cook for me personally and stew a pot of second-level milky white spiritual fish soup for me to moisten my throat, it would be even better."

When Ling Pengyun heard this, seeing the expression of Jiamu Zhenren, his smile on his face became even more.

He also said with a smile.

"Okay, but, fellow Taoist, you have to prepare your own spiritual fish."

Jiamu Zhenren laughed. "I prepared the spiritual fish when I came here. I have been coveting your skill for a long time."

Ling Pengyun smiled helplessly at Jiamu Zhenren, and took him and his wife into the first-class cave.

Half a year later.

The Immortal Cultivation World in the Boundless Sea.

In the sea area of ​​the demon clan, there is an island surrounded by countless deep sea waters. From the outside, the scenery is beautiful and no different.

But if you get closer, you can see that the island is actually covered by a huge light curtain.

And inside the island, a great battle of Jindan broke out.

Two Jindan early stage cultivators, one old and one middle-aged, are working together to control a third-level middle-grade formation with a flying sword and a magic shield. They are working together to bombard a ferocious wooden dragon python that is more than 70 feet long, covered with green fish-like scales, has an eight-foot-long horn on its head, and exudes the pressure of the middle stage of Jindan.

Although the dragon python is strong, it even has a combat power far beyond the same level.

But the third-level middle-grade formation arranged by the two Jindan early stage cultivators is really powerful.

The two sides fought for several days, and the dragon python had been hit by countless blood marks on the flying sword formation of the formation.

A large amount of blood also flowed out and fell on the island.

The long battle also consumed most of the power of the dragon python, and it felt exhausted.

At this moment, the old Jindan who controlled the third-level middle-grade formation had a bright look in his eyes and raised his hands.

"Flame Sun Sky Sword!"


The thirty-six formation flags supporting the formation trembled suddenly, emitting countless formation patterns, gathering together and gradually condensing into nine eighty-foot-long flame sun swords.


As the old man raised his hand and waved, the nine giant swords flew out and killed the dragon python.

These nine giant swords all had the full force of the middle-stage Jindan. When the nine swords came out together, no matter how the dragon python resisted, it was in vain.

The wooden shield magic weapon of the wooden dragon python was directly shattered.

Then, the dragon python was beheaded by the nine flame sun sky swords.

The dragon python was no longer alive.

After performing such a powerful attack, the two early Jindan cultivators, one old and one middle-aged, also turned pale due to excessive consumption of spiritual power.

"Qianqiu, follow me to quickly clean up the corpse of this monster to avoid any accidents."

The old cultivator immediately landed beside the corpse of the wooden dragon python and put it into the storage bag. Then, he used the art of controlling objects to collect the blood of the dragon python that had flowed onto the ground of the island during the battle.

The middle-aged cultivator called "Qianqiu" also rushed to help.

These two cultivators were the grandfather and grandson of the Taoist master Lingzhen.

The powerful third-level middle-grade formation they used before was the famous Yanyang Tianjian formation in the territory of Yan State.

However, this formation was not brought by the Taoist master Lingzhen from Bailingmen. When he was driven out of Bailingmen, all the formations on his body were looted by the Jindan of Bailingmen.

Now, the third-level middle-grade Yanyang Tianjian formation in their hands was re-refined by the old Taoist of spiritual formation after upgrading the formation to the third-level middle-grade in recent years, spending a large amount of extremely large spiritual materials.

After everything was settled, the two of them left this place.

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