Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 574 Servant? (3000 words, please subscribe)

at the same time.

Mu Yuan sea area.

Somewhere, there is a circular island that covers an area of ​​tens of thousands of miles.

Deep in the island, in an underground cave full of aura, there is a middle-aged man with a kind appearance who looks very approachable. He is wearing a green robe, with black hair shawl, and a golden scent exuding from his body. A man with the aura of a Dan Realm monk is sitting cross-legged here.

After a long time, the sound of knocking in the cave came from the outside world.

The middle-aged man in green robe was also alarmed and opened his eyes.

With a hint of confusion, he slowly stood up and opened the cave door.

The person who knocked on the door was an old man with white hair, but he was very majestic, his body was full of the power of Foundation Establishment, and his face was full of excitement.

The middle-aged man in green robe and golden elixir frowned slightly and asked the white-haired old man kindly like an elder.

"Yuan Xuan, didn't I say a few years ago not to disturb my retreat unless necessary?"

"What's the matter with you coming here this time?"

"Uncle Changguang, we really have important matters to discuss this time. I hope Uncle Changguang won't take the blame."

Upon hearing this, the white-haired old man who had perfected his foundation made an apology first, and then explained.

"Uncle Chang Guang, according to reliable information, a few days ago, the Yuanying Monster Clan's Xuanbing Giant Whale Clan, which had ten Golden Core Realm giant whales, sneaked into the Raging Whale Sea under the command of the Mu Yuan Immortal Sect, and destroyed many forces. Even the Jindan forces were destroyed by as many as two or three."

"Subsequently, five golden elixirs from the Mu Yuan Immortal Sect were killed, and the Mu Yuan Immortal Sect became angry because of this. Now, this sect has sent people to fight against the Yuanying Monster Clan's Black Ice Giant Whale over the Raging Whale Sea Area. The clans are fighting together, and according to the news, this battle is extremely fierce and may not end in a short time. "

"In a few days, it is estimated that the Mu Yuan Immortal Sect will allocate manpower from our Mu Yuan sea area and send them to the front line."

Speaking of this, the white-haired old man's eyes flashed with evil spirits.

"Uncle Changguang, now the Muyuan Immortal Sect is at war with the Xuanbing Giant Whale Clan, and the Muyuan Sea Area where my clan is located is in the territory of this sect. The Muyuan Immortal Sect in this area does not have many manpower. Otherwise, we are here Just like a hundred years ago, some forces were quietly destroyed... and the flesh and blood of mortals and monks were sacrificed to refine the... demon... pill."

Before he finished speaking, the middle-aged Jin Dan, who was called "Uncle Changguang", suddenly became nervous. He shouted and quickly stopped what the white-haired Foundation Establishment Perfection monk was saying.


Then, he mobilized his spiritual consciousness and scanned the surroundings to see if there were any outsiders around.

When no one was found, the nervous look on the middle-aged Jin Dan's face dissipated.

At the next moment, he pulled the white-haired Foundation Establishment Perfection monk into the cave, and countless anger suddenly surged out of his kind face.

"Yuan Xuan, how many times have I told you that what happened back then should not be mentioned again. Once outsiders know what our clan did back then, our clan will definitely experience a catastrophe."

When the white-haired Foundation-Building Perfection monk heard this, his face was filled with helplessness.

"Uncle Changguang, I naturally know about this. However, in recent years, the family has been suppressed by the Haiguang Sect, which is directly adjacent to the territory and has two Jindan monks. As a result, the family's finances have been deteriorating year by year. The younger generation of the family has Daoming is about to reach the completion of foundation building, and it’s time to prepare golden elixirs for him.”

"But with the family's current finances, even if we save some money and borrow some spiritual stones from the clan members, we can only prepare two ordinary golden elixir spiritual objects for them at most."

"Two ordinary pill-forming spiritual objects can only increase the success rate by 20% at most."

"In the future, Daoming's attack on the golden elixir will still have a high probability of failure."

"And if there is a magic-binding elixir that has the same effect as the golden elixir, the probability of Daoming breaking through the golden elixir can be at least 50%, and it is more likely that he will enter the golden elixir."

"To take a step back, if the family fails to help Daoming break through the golden elixir, and the golden elixir spiritual material is consumed, the financial aspects of the next decades or even hundreds of years may not be good."

"Hai Guangzong is watching eagerly from the side again."

"Uncle Changguang, let's take a risk. Otherwise, the family may not survive... two hundred years."

At the end of the story, a trace of water mist appeared in the eyes of the white-haired old man who had perfected the Foundation Establishment. He even knelt down and kowtowed to the middle-aged Jindan.

"Uncle Changguang, our Sima family is the Jindan family that emerged from two generations of our clan. In this life, our two generations have been thinking of ways to prosper our family."

"Now, half of my body is about to be buried, but every time I think about my family being destroyed in the future, my heart is as sharp as a knife."

Hearing this, Sima Changguang, the only golden elixir of the Sima family, had black lines on his face.

After being immersed in it for a long time, he sighed helplessly, and a flash of scarlet flashed in his eyes.

"Then let's take a risk!"

"Dao Ming, please quickly gather the trustworthy people in the family and follow me to do something before the Mu Yuanxian Sect sends people to recruit our monks!"


A few days later.

On the border of Muyuan Sea Area, in a remote place, a slippery surface passed through the sky and stopped over an archipelago.

This light-escaping figure also appeared. It was a flying boat.

There are four people standing on the flying boat. These four people are Ling Pengyun, Yan Siyi, Ling Chengshi who has the dual spiritual roots of gold and earth, and another person who has perfected Qi training and has many scars on his face. The middle-aged monk who is extremely fierce and whose eyes are full of ruthlessness does not seem to be easy to deal with.

Then, the ruthless middle-aged monk sighed helplessly, with a look of pain on his face, raised his hand and pointed at a round island in the archipelago below, which was not very eye-catching and not very large. It only covered a few hundred feet, but had a large beach. He said helplessly.

"Two seniors, the group of docile golden sand turtles I found are hidden in the beach of that island. Use your spiritual sense to scan it and you can find their traces."

Ling Pengyun and Yan Siyi heard it, and both mobilized their spiritual sense to scan the island.

When they did find a lot of monsters under the beach of the island, the two of them looked happy.

At this moment, Ling Pengyun also raised his hand and waved a spiritual power to transform into a gust of wind that swept across the island, blowing away the sea sand on the island.

Suddenly, dozens of spiritual turtles that were originally hidden in the golden sea sand, with yellow shells and a body size of at least several feet, appeared.

Seeing the figure appear and the aura of the cultivators in the distance, the dozens of golden turtles panicked and hurriedly crawled into the sea.

Seeing this, Ling Pengyun pinched his hands, and the countless sea sands that he had previously swept with the wind suddenly turned into dozens of cages, trapping all the turtles in the Qi training realm.

Then, he quickly left the flying boat under his feet, went to the Spirit Island, knocked out all the turtles, and put them into several prepared beast-controlling bags.

After everything was over, when he returned to the flying boat, he looked at the ferocious middle-aged man with a nervous face and said lightly.

"Your news is true, your life belongs to you."

The strong middle-aged man heard the words, and a touch of joy suddenly appeared on his face.

A few days ago, he was the captain of a monster hunting team, leading five fellows in the late Qi training stage, specializing in hunting monsters and monsters for a living.

After more than ten years, the six members of the demon hunting team were as close as brothers and had a very good relationship.

But everything changed when the demon hunting team led by him accidentally discovered the golden sand turtle group hidden on the island.

The value of the group of docile golden sand turtles was too high, at least worth thousands of spiritual stones.

This amount of spiritual stones was enough to be considered a sky-high price for a Qi training cultivator, and a gap was created between the six members of the demon hunting team.

Because of his high cultivation level, he was regarded as the biggest threat by the other five Qi training late stage cultivators in the team. After all, if he was there, he would have to share the biggest profit.

The five members therefore joined forces to attack him.

If this person had not been smart and happened to see Ling Pengyun and his wife leaving Guiling Island with Ling Chengshi and heading to Muyuanfang City, and loudly informed them of the golden sand turtle group, and asked Ling Pengyun to kill the other five Qi training late stage cultivators of the demon hunting team, he would probably have been killed at this time.

Ling Pengyun saved this man, naturally, for the sake of the golden sand turtles.

Although the golden sand turtles are not strong, they are extremely docile. Even if they are not tamed by the method of taming beasts, they can be tamed by simply feeding them some delicious food. They are unlikely to rebel. Usually, this monster will not actively attack other monsters or cultivators, and mainly feed on some seaweed.

In addition, they are also very large in size and have good defensive capabilities. They can be regarded as a relatively good riding spirit beast.

"Thank you for your help a few days ago."

The fierce middle-aged man thanked Ling Pengyun with a grateful face.

However, just as he was about to step away, he stopped.

He never thought that he would have an intersection with a Jindan cultivator in his life.

Now, such a powerful person appeared in front of him. If he said goodbye, he might not be able to have any intersection with such a person even if he met him again in the future. He was unwilling to do so.

In addition, although he is a casual cultivator, he has raised his cultivation to the perfection of Qi training by relying on the wealth he obtained from forming a monster hunting team and killing monsters in recent years. He is only fifty-eight this year, and there is still a chance to build a foundation.

However, he is a casual cultivator with little wealth. If he relies on himself, he has no wealth to buy spiritual objects for building a foundation to try to break through the foundation.

For the rest of his life, he will be trapped in this Qi training state, waiting to become a yellow earth after fifty or sixty years.

Then, an idea emerged in his mind.

He looked at Ling Pengyun with a determined look, and asked him with a little helplessness, unwillingness, but firmness in his voice.

"Senior, I will never forget your life-saving grace to me. Senior, do you need a servant?"

"As long as you give the order, I, Wang Xuan, will do my best to help you in the future."

Ling Pengyun's expression moved slightly when he heard the words.

Thinking back, this person was chased by five late-stage Qi training monks, but he was still able to hold on for a long time. He had rich practical experience. He also saw that this person had a firm mind and was a person seeking the truth. So he did not directly refuse, but asked back with interest.

"If I accept you, what can you bring to me?"

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