Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 582: The Two-Yin-Yang Death Formation Ling Cheng's New Level of Alchemy (3200 words, pl

One year later.

In a deserted land at the junction of the borders of Jiao Python Lake and the Golden Horn Grassland of the Demon Clan, somewhere deep underground, there is an underground cave protected by a third-level high-grade formation.

In a corner of this underground cave, there is a woman with white hair shawl, wrinkles on her face, dignified temperament, and some scholarly atmosphere, sitting here.

In front of her, there was a suspended black token.

At this moment, she was constantly mobilizing her consciousness to penetrate into the token.

I don't know how much time passed, but the token in front of her suddenly flashed with inspiration, and an earth-yellow wave rippled out and spread around.

Finally, he came into contact with the third-level high-grade formation that protected this place.

The white-haired old female cultivator with her eyes closed also felt at this moment that she could control one or two of the third-level high-grade formations.

She suddenly couldn't restrain the joy in her heart, and a look of joy appeared on her face.

However, she did not dare to be careless. She quickly increased her consciousness to penetrate into the token in front of her, and carved special formation lines on the token.

This arrangement consumes a lot of spiritual energy. Even if the white-haired old female cultivator has a cultivation level as high as the eighth level of Foundation Establishment, she still finds it very difficult to draw those formation patterns.

After a while, the spiritual energy in her Dantian was exhausted.

She also took out a second-grade high-grade Spirit Recovery Pill and swallowed it.

After swallowing two more spirit recovery pills in a row, it took nearly half an hour for her to draw the last formation pattern on the token.

The token also flashed with inspiration at this moment, and an aura consistent with the aura of the third-level high-grade formation that protected this place also spread out from the token.

I saw the white-haired old female cultivator just gently entering a spiritual power token. The third-level high-grade formation protecting this place suddenly moved, with an earth-yellow magic shield exuding the third-level high-grade aura, and A giant hammer suddenly appeared.

Under the control of the white-haired old female cultivator using the token in her hand, the two third-level magic weapons suddenly started flying in the air.

Seeing this scene, this white-haired old female cultivator couldn't help but be ecstatic even though her temper was stable.

The array device that can control the formation can naturally control the third-level high-grade formation here.


"After ten years, I finally built a token that controls this third-level high-grade defensive formation through the internal restriction of the token that can freely enter and exit the formation."

"With this control token in the future, the family can truly control the third-level high-grade defense formation here."

Before she finished speaking, the white-haired old female cultivator took out a snow-white mirror from her storage bag and channeled a spiritual power into it.

After waiting for a short while, Ling Pengyun's figure suddenly appeared on the mirror.

"Peng Lin, what happened?"

Then, Ling Pengyun asked the white-haired old female cultivator.

This white-haired old female correction is Ling Penglin, the most powerful formation mage of the Ling family, and the place where she is now is naturally the place where the third-level teleportation array was discovered by the Ling family.

Ten years ago, the Ling family discovered this place, but they did not own the third-level high-grade formation disk here. They could only freely enter and exit this place through the token in Ling Penglin's hand. After that, Ling Pengyun dispatched Ling Penglin here. , let him build a third-level high-grade formation token that can control this place.

It took her ten years to succeed.

In addition, she also gained other benefits.

In the past ten years, although Ling Penglin had focused most of her time on building formations and tokens, there was a third-level low-grade spiritual vein here, and the spiritual energy was extremely rich.

Because of this, Ling Penglin upgraded her cultivation from the seventh level of foundation building to the eighth level of foundation building.

His formation skills have also improved, and he is already a veteran second-level high-grade formation mage.

The treasure realm in her hand was a third-level low-grade communication treasure realm forged by Ling Pengyun a few years ago with a few pieces of third-level precious iron and special spiritual materials.

This mirror can transmit messages from millions of miles away.

Ling Pengyun refined four mirrors in total.

One of them is in his own hand, one is in the hand of Ling Penglin who is in charge of the teleportation array, and the other two teleportation treasures are in the hands of Ling Yunhong, the clan leader who is in charge of Lingxiao Qianxing Lake, and Ling Chengyuan who is in charge of the Lingxiao Mountain branch of Huaishui County. in hand.

After returning to her thoughts, Ling Penglin also informed Ling Pengyun about the construction of the third-level high-grade defensive array control token here.

After Ling Pengyun heard this, he was overjoyed.

Previously, the third-level high-grade formation here was nominally in the hands of the Ling family, but the Ling family only had the ability to enter and exit the third-level high-grade formation, but had no ability to control it.

Even the simplest move of this array is difficult to accomplish.

"It's really a good thing."

"By the way, Peng Lin, how many weapons are there in the formation here?"

Ling Pengyun said with a smile.

"There are two pieces, one for offense and one for defense."

"In addition to being able to use spiritual power to open these two things, they can also accumulate thirty-six years of earth vein power in the body, which only increases their power."

"That defensive array absorbs the power of thirty-six years of earth veins and can withstand three full blows from the Golden Core Perfection cultivator."

"That giant hammer array has absorbed the power of thirty-six years of earth veins. It will have the power of three strikes. With all three strikes, it can kill even the seventh- and eighth-level Golden Core monks. If the ninth-level Golden Core cultivator is Without many defensive magic weapons, his life will be in danger, and it will also pose a lot of threats to the golden elixir perfection monks. "

"And this formation was also named by me as the Liangyi Juefing Formation. Its defensive array was named the Determining Shield, and the giant hammer formation was named the Determining Hammer."

Ling Penglin handed the magic shield and giant hammer array device that he had taken out earlier using the control token to the mirror, and let Ling Pengyun in the mirror see if they were real or fake, and then introduced them in detail.

Ling Pengyun, who was far away in Baiyun Mountain, a third-level middle-grade spiritual mountain, Baisong Mountain, saw this scene through the communication mirror, and his face was immediately filled with smiles.

Previously, because he did not master the third-level top-grade array that protected this place, the array device of this array had never appeared.

Ling Pengyun, who had been here before, could only sense through his spiritual sense that this array had array devices, but he did not know how many array devices there were and how powerful they were.

After all, the third-level top-grade array here has the effect of concealing spiritual sense.

And he was happy at this moment, in addition to being happy that this array was extraordinary, he was also happy that this array had two array devices.

An ordinary third-level top-grade array is worth millions of spiritual stones on the market.

The value of a third-grade top-grade formation with two third-grade top-grade formation devices will be multiplied and at least worth four million spirit stones.

This formation alone is enough to equal more than half of the current Ling family's wealth.

"Great, great, in this way, my Ling family will also have one more trump card."

Ling Pengyun sighed happily.

Then, he looked at the image on the mirror through the communication treasure in his hand and thought secretly.

"It's just a pity that the third-grade top-grade formation still needs to protect the third-grade top-grade teleportation formation in the cave and the third-grade low-grade spirit vein deep underground."

"To prevent it from being discovered by the Bailingmen, the overlord of the Jiaomang Lake, and the Jinjiao Mad Bull Clan, the overlord of the nearby Jinjiao Grassland."

"It is difficult to get the formation to the family in a short time."

"However, that place... can be used as a life-saving place hidden in the dark."


Lingxiao Qianxing Lake Territory

Deep inside the "Earth Fire Island" with an underground fire cave, a cave alchemy room was ablaze with flames and countless rolling heat waves.

In the flames and heat waves, a young man with a faint scent of elixir, wearing Ling's Taoist robes, with regular features, fair and tender, very much like a pretty boy, sat cross-legged beside the fire mouth of the alchemy room.

Above the fire mouth where the underground fire came out, there was a black alchemy furnace suspended in the air.

The hot underground fire swept around the bottom of the alchemy furnace, heating the alchemy furnace, and the temperature inside the alchemy furnace became higher and higher.

After a while, the temperature inside the alchemy furnace reached the requirements of the handsome young man for this alchemy.

He also opened the lid of the alchemy furnace, took out an inner pill of a perfect foundation-building monster from the storage bag, and threw it into the alchemy furnace.

Then he controlled the high temperature in the alchemy furnace with his mind, swept over the inner pill of the perfect foundation-building monster beast, and purified the impurities in the inner pill.

This step was extremely time-consuming. It took five days in a row before the solid inner pill was purified and turned into a ball of liquid.

Fortunately, the handsome young man had the help of the earth fire here, and did not consume much spiritual power.

He also patted the storage bag on his waist and took out dozens of spiritual medicines from it and threw them into the alchemy furnace.

Still using the previous method, he refined them into liquid medicine one by one.

At this moment, he also pinched his hands.


The injured liquid in the alchemy furnace all trembled with spiritual light, quickly merged together, and turned into a fist-sized, colorful green liquid.

The countless high temperatures in the alchemy furnace also swept over the green liquid at this moment.

A wisp of white mist instantly rose from the liquid.

At this moment, the liquid was shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the various colors on its surface were gradually turning green.

I don't know how long it took, when the liquid had all turned green, the handsome young man also pinched his fingers to remove the high temperature in the alchemy furnace.

However, his face also became more solemn.

"It is really risky to condense five portions of Xiaobailing Water at the same time. It is better to condense three portions of Xiaobailing Water as before. In this way, I can have spare spiritual consciousness and increase the success rate of refining Xiaobailing Water."

He took a deep breath and immersed himself for a long time before he moved again.


The ball of green liquid in the alchemy furnace trembled slightly, and separated again, turning into three small balls of liquid.

A trace of high temperature also appeared again, sweeping over the three small balls of liquid, repeatedly burning the impurities in the three small balls of liquid, and their size became smaller and smaller.

After three consecutive days, a faint fragrance gradually came out of the alchemy furnace.

The handsome young man was delighted when he saw this.

"It's done!"

He raised his hand to open the lid of the alchemy furnace, and three balls of green liquid medicine exuding the aura of the second-grade upper grade also flew out of the alchemy furnace and hovered over his body.

After carefully examining the three balls of liquid medicine, the man's face became more joyful.

"Counting the success rate of my previous attempts to refine this little lark water, my success rate in refining this water has reached 30%, which is completely confirmed."

"In this way, I can finally make a profit by refining the little lark water."

"In the future, I should also try to refine the pulse-protecting pill, which is also a second-class foundation-building spiritual object."

The little lark water is a second-class foundation-building spiritual object, which can only increase the chance of foundation-building by half.

The same is true for the pulse-protecting pill.

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