Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 584: The Yin-Yang Mirror Shows Its Power (2800 words, please subscribe)

One year later.

That night.

Five figures quietly crept on the ground outside the "Winged Shadow Tiger Territory" adjacent to the Baiyun Mountains.

After several hours, when the sun was about to rise.

The five figures finally stopped hundreds of feet away from a second-level lower-grade spiritual mountain.

Their figures also appeared.

The leader was a young monk wearing Ling's Taoist robes, with prominent facial features, surrounded by murderous aura, and looked like a killing god.

The other four figures were four golden dragons with a body size of at least five feet, covered with yellow fish-like scales, and a sharp horn on their heads.

These five were naturally Ling Chengxia, the son of Ling Pengyun, and the four golden dragons under his command.

A few years later, all five of them have entered the realm of foundation building, and even the four golden dragons that have turned into dragons and have extraordinary qualifications have relied on the help of Ling's large amount of resources. In just two or three years, they have been promoted to the second level of foundation building.

With the help of the auxiliary method Yin Yang Hua Xuan Tu, Ling Chengxia is not far from the peak of the first level of foundation building. According to his estimation, he will be able to break through to the second level of foundation building in less than three years.

In addition, when Ling Chengxia and the four golden dragons broke through the foundation building, they all broke through the foundation building alone and succeeded in various means.

This also makes them extremely powerful, their meridians are tougher than ordinary cultivators, and their combat power is even more extraordinary.

Not long ago, the five of them even had a brilliant record of killing a mid-stage foundation building monster with their combined efforts.

And Ling Chengxia brought his four golden dragons to the territory of the Golden Core Monster Wing Shadow Tiger, mainly to kill the golden foundation building monster, get its flesh and blood and inner elixir, and feed the four golden dragons.

Since the four golden dragons turned into dragons, their appetites have increased greatly, and their mouths are very picky. They will not eat anything other than the inner elixir of the golden foundation building monster.

Moreover, every few days, they need to swallow a golden foundation-building demon beast inner pill.

Even though the Ling family has cultivated these four golden dragons as guardian spirit beasts and has resources to allocate, the Ling family does not have many golden demon beast inner pills.

For this reason, in recent years, many foundation builders of the Ling family have gone out to hunt golden foundation-building demon beasts or collect golden inner pills on the market, but for a while, they could not match the consumption of the four golden dragons.

As early as half a year ago, the golden foundation-building demon beast inner pills in the hands of the Ling family were eaten up by the four golden dragons.

Ling Chengxia and the other five also took this opportunity to leave the family and come to the "Winged Shadow Tiger Territory" of the golden elixir demon clan adjacent to the Baiyun Mountains to hunt golden foundation-building demon beasts.

The Winged Shadow Tiger clan is also a demon clan subordinate to the Red Gold Bear clan, but the Winged Shadow Tiger clan was originally very incompatible with the Baiyun Mountain Range's overlord, the Baiyun Spirit Fox clan, and it can even be said that they are mortal enemies.

The origin of the two tribes can be traced back to thousands of years ago.

Thousands of years ago, the Baiyun Mountains were the residence of the Winged Shadow Tiger Clan, and this mountain range was originally named the Winged Shadow Mountain Range.

However, as the Winged Shadow Tiger Clan gradually weakened, the number of golden elixirs in the clan gradually decreased.

The Baiyun Spirit Fox Clan, which was also under the command of the Red Gold Bear Clan, rose again, and even had several third-level formation masters in this clan. The Baiyun Spirit Fox Clan became a favorite in the eyes of the Yuanying Demon Clan, the Red Gold Bear Clan.

The Red Gold Bear Clan also drove the Winged Shadow Tiger Clan out of the Baiyun Mountains and gave the mountains to the Baiyun Spirit Fox Clan.

The Winged Shadow Tiger Clan did not dare to hate the Yuanying Demon Clan, the Red Gold Bear Clan, and could only place the resentment on the Baiyun Spirit Fox Clan who occupied their place of residence.

However, the Winged Shadow Tiger Clan has missed the treasure land of Baiyun Mountain Range in recent years, and the number of Golden Cores in the clan has been difficult to increase. There are only three Winged Shadow Tigers in the Golden Core Realm in the current era, which has made it difficult for this clan to recapture Baiyun Mountain Range.

At the same time, the Winged Shadow Tiger Clan also hated the Baiyun Spirit Fox Clan, which is why they did not help the monsters in Baiyun Mountain Range when they were attacked by the Yan people more than ten years ago, but watched them.

As for the blame of the immediate superior Red Gold Bear Clan, this clan did not care.

If it were not for the other Yuanying monsters who took the initiative to invite them to join, otherwise this clan would have defected from the territory of the immediate superior Red Gold Bear Clan long ago.

Thinking back, hundreds of feet away from the second-level lower-grade spiritual mountain, in a small forest.

Ling Chengxia, who was full of murderous aura, asked the longest golden dragon beside him, which was more than six feet long.

"Jin Da, how many monsters are there in this sacred mountain?"

The six-zhang long golden dragon named "Jin Da" raised his head and hissed and stuck out his tongue at the sacred mountain.

After a few breaths, the golden dragon named Jin Da replied to Ling Chengxia, who was surrounded by murderous aura and had countless murderous intentions between his eyebrows.

"One mid-stage foundation building, three early-stage foundation building, one thousand three hundred or four hundred Qi training monsters, smelling stinky, a smell of sick cats, probably a group of Wing Shadow Tiger branches or vassals."

"However, the sick cats in the mountain are of gold, which is inconsistent with the attributes of the Wing Shadow Tiger clan."

Speaking of this, the dragon's eyes flashed with a touch of scarlet and a bit of pride.

"Master, do you want to kill these kittens?"

"Jin Er and I haven't eaten the inner elixir and flesh of gold-attributed monsters for a few days."

Ling Chengxia frowned and hesitated when he heard that there were four foundation-building monsters in the mountain, and one in the middle stage of foundation-building.

This place is close to the inner area of ​​the Golden Horn Grassland, and there are many other Qi-training monsters and even foundation-building monsters around.

If they are delayed by the monsters in the mountain for a long time, they will also be besieged.

However, he saw that the four golden dragons at the peak of the first level of foundation building beside him were looking at him pitifully and expectantly, so he softened his heart and nodded lightly.

"Okay, but we need to fight quickly and decisively."

The four golden dragons beside him heard their master's words, their eyes suddenly lit up, and they responded. "Okay"

Immediately, Ling Chengxia jumped on Jin Da's back and rushed to the second-level lower-grade spiritual mountain hundreds of feet away.

The three golden dragons Jin Er, Jin San, and Jin Si followed closely behind.

The four of them approached the spiritual mountain within a hundred feet.

The monsters in the spiritual mountain also discovered the invasion of foreign enemies. Suddenly, a series of footsteps like the sky falling down sounded from the mountain.

The ground around them also shook.

But in a moment, thousands of bodies at least ten feet in size, with golden hair, appeared in their eyes like pure golden tigers under the moonlight.

Ling Chengxia frowned when he saw this.

"Golden-haired tiger!"

Immediately, he called out to Jin Da and the others.

"Golden-haired tigers are best at physical fitness and contain great strength. They are especially good at charging and colliding. Now that group of golden-haired tigers have formed a formation. If we let them rush over, we will definitely not be able to resist them."

"You can directly activate the fusion spell to break through the formation of the group of bull monsters with a point."

After saying that, he jumped off the back of Jin Da, which was six feet long.

At this moment, the four golden dragons, Jin Da, Jin Er, Jin San, and Jin Si, also spit out a seal with golden dragon patterns in the air.

The four dragon seals quickly merged, shining a dazzling golden light.

The next moment, a majestic dragon roar suddenly appeared.

A golden dragon phantom, eight feet long, covered with golden scales like fish scales, with a seven-inch golden horn on its head, ferocious appearance, several dragon whiskers on its mouth, and exuding the pressure of the fifth level of foundation building, suddenly rushed out from the light.

Jin Da and the other four golden dragons followed the eight-foot-long golden dragon phantom, not afraid of the thousand tigers rushing in front of them, and turned into golden lightning on the ground, and quickly rushed towards the tigers.

During this period, the thousand tigers launched a series of golden attacks, which hit the bodies of Jin Da and other dragons, but they were easily blocked by the solid dragon scales on their bodies.

In just a few breaths, Jin Da and the others crossed hundreds of feet and met the thousand golden tigers.

The five of them exerted their strength and directly knocked away dozens of golden tigers in the Qi training realm, and killed into the formation of the thousand golden tigers.

The four golden tigers at the foundation building stage would not just stand by and watch their fellows die tragically. The golden tiger at the middle stage of the foundation building stage, along with two golden tigers at the early stage of the foundation building stage and a thousand golden tigers at the Qi training stage, attacked the rebellious golden dragon phantom at the fifth stage of the foundation building stage and Jin Da and the others.

Another golden tiger at the third stage of the foundation building stage attacked Ling Chengxia, who was only at the first stage of the foundation building stage, alone.

However, before the tiger arrived, two second-level inferior treasure mirrors, one red and one blue, flew out from Ling Chengxia's dantian in the abdomen and floated around him.

He pinched his fingers and muttered a sentence.

"Yin Yang Transforms into Mysterious Mirror!"


The two treasure mirrors immediately merged together and turned into a normal-sized mirror in the shape of Tai Chi formed by two small fishes, one red and one blue.

Then, a beam of light, entwined with blue and red, shot out from it.

The golden tiger at the third level of foundation building reacted in time and cast the golden armor technique, putting it on his body, gathering a set of spiritual armor on his body.

However, the light column was extremely powerful and directly knocked it away several feet.

A mirror-sized wound appeared on its chest, and a lot of blood continued to flow out of it.

The golden tiger at the third level of foundation building looked at Ling Chengxia with a little more fear.

However, Ling Chengxia was not satisfied.

"It can withstand the attack of my life magic weapon and still survive. This tiger is indeed a kind of monster that is good at physical strength."

"It seems that I have to be more serious."

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