Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 630: The Power of the Quasi-Fourth-Level Spirit Talisman, the Blood Demon Sect’s Huge Harves

When Master Bailing heard this, he was even more angry, but when he realized that the spiritual talisman Ling Pengyun took out was of almost fourth level, he suddenly felt a chill in his back.

The power of the quasi-fourth-level spiritual talisman is extremely powerful. In terms of power alone, this talisman is equivalent to 30% of the power of a full-strength strike by the True Lord of the first level of Nascent Soul. With one blow, even the Golden Core Perfection monks with weaker defense methods will hate the northwest.

If the black flame fire phoenix weapon spirit in his hand is still completely victorious, and with the help of the defensive methods in his hand, he may still have a few chances to block the quasi-fourth-level spiritual talisman, but now the fire phoenix vitality He was seriously injured, and his cultivation level had already dropped to the seventh level of the Golden Core.

Under such circumstances, once Ling Pengyun used that spiritual talisman, there was no chance of him surviving.

Master Bailing quickly retreated thousands of feet, and he felt relieved.

"I didn't expect that this person could actually obtain such a grade of spiritual talisman."

Seeing Ling Pengyun in full swing again, he looked shocked as he recalled the breath of the pill that Ling Pengyun had just swallowed.

"Could it be that the elixir that this person took just now is the superior third-level high-grade healing elixir Yimuhuahuadan?"

After thinking about it like this, Master Bailing was immediately convinced.

Only elixirs of this level can eliminate the weak period of Ling Pengyun's secret technique in a short period of time.

Generally, third-level high-quality healing elixirs do not have such effects.

"The Ling family has not been around for long. The Yimu injury pill that Ling Pengyun swallowed and the quasi-fourth-level spiritual talisman that appeared in the world are extremely rare in the world of immortality. I am afraid that these two things are not the same as those of the Ling family that have appeared in the world before. The same as the superior third-level spiritual talismans, they all come from the power of the boundless sea behind them."

"The power behind this person is truly terrifying."

"There is both an experienced third-level high-grade Talisman Maker or a fourth-level Talisman Maker, and an experienced third-level alchemist who can refine the Yimu Huachun Pill..."

Master Bailing was speechless for a while.

Then he thought that Ling Pengyun had returned to full victory. Even if Ling Pengyun didn't use the quasi-fourth-level talisman, it would be difficult for him to defeat Ling Pengyun, and it would be even more impossible to kill him.

As a result, he felt fear in his heart. Coupled with the powerful force behind Ling Pengyun, the pressure in his heart increased greatly.

After hesitating for a while, he had no choice but to withdraw the Black Flame True Fire directed at Ling Pengyun and bargain with it.

"I can give you the corpse of the vampire, but you have to promise me that you will never touch the Bailing Gate while you are alive!"

It is a foregone conclusion that the Ling family will become stronger, and it is impossible for Master Bai Ling to stop him.

Now, he just wants to preserve the sect's orthodoxy.

"A mere corpse of a vampire with perfect golden elixir level is not enough!"

When Ling Pengyun heard this, he looked at the vampire in front of him who was riddled with holes by the black flames and had no good place. His face was full of pity, and he also looked at it with a hint of anger. Master Bailing said coldly.

"Seventy percent of the Blood Evil Sect's wealth also belongs to the Qin clan." Master Bai Ling had already responded and said.

"I, the Ling clan, already have half of the benefits of the Blood Fiend Sect, but I only want to give my clan an extra 20% just to ensure the peace of your sect in the future. Is it because you, my fellow Taoist, have underestimated the wealth of your sect, or is it that you, my fellow Taoist, don't know how to be a deity?" "

"My clan wants all the interests of this sect, plus you and others to help our clan break through the sect's protective formation, and leave this Eastern Demonic Territory with our clan."

"In addition, my clan wants 50% of the Xuanyang Sect's wealth. Our clan also wants to own the first-, second-, and third-level spiritual veins of this sect in the Baiyun Mountains and the Poison Dragon Pond. Your sect is here My clan also wants the Tayun Ridge territory in the Baiyun Mountains.”

"The Xuanyang Mountains of the Xuanyang Gate stretch for two to three hundred thousand miles and have a third-order low-grade and a third-order mid-grade spiritual vein. I, the Ling family, will not interfere."

"If you agree to this proposal, I can reluctantly agree to what you said before."

"If not, I will kill you here today to vent my anger."

Ling Pengyun said with a sarcastic expression.

When Master Bailing saw Ling Pengyun speaking so loudly and threatening himself, countless anger suddenly surged in his heart.

But he was under the obscene power of that quasi-fourth-level spiritual talisman, and he could only endure it.

In addition, there are many spiritual veins in the Xuanyang Mountains in Xuanyang Gate, including two third-level spiritual veins. He can also gain something, but the harvest is not as big as before.

He also said helplessly.


"But...afterwards...fellow Taoist must sign a soul contract with our sect."

Ling Pengyun nodded with a hint of joy.


As soon as these words came out, the other four Golden Elixir Talisman Patriarchs, Wu Yan, Baoyuan Zhenren, and Baiyuan Zhenren who had been watching from the side suddenly breathed a secret sigh of relief.

They were afraid of a fight between Ling Pengyun and Master Bailing.

Once Master Bailing is beheaded, they will all be in danger.

Even Lingfu Patriarch and Wu Yan, who had a lot of friendship with Ling Pengyun, thought the same way.

They have all signed a soul contract with the sect. When the sect is in crisis, they have to step in. Until then, even if Ling Pengyun is willing to let them go out of love, they still have to take action against Ling Pengyun.

In this situation, how could Ling Pengyun let them go?

Distracted thoughts were withdrawn, and Ling Pengyun and his party also began to activate their attack methods to bombard the Blood Evil Sect's sect-protecting formation.

During this period, in order to avoid procrastinating for too long and attracting the rest of the demonic golden elixirs from the Bai Kingdom, which would put him in danger, Master Bailing also asked the Spirit Talisman Ancestor to take out a dozen of them that were intended to be used against the Xuanyang Gate guard. The formation-breaking talisman of the sect's formation hit the Blood Evil Sect's sect-protecting formation, severely damaging the formation and reducing its power by 40 to 50%.

After a few days, Ling Pengyun and others easily broke the formation.

Bailing Zhenren, Wu Yan and others from Bailing Sect had no share of the Blood Evil Sect's property, so they waited outside the Blood Evil Sect.

Ling Pengyun, Ling Yunhong and Yan Siyi entered the Blood Evil Valley and directly killed the only surviving demon cultivator "Xueyuan Laodao" in the valley.

The three also found that many mortals were imprisoned in the attics where ordinary disciples lived in the Blood Evil Valley.

After a rough calculation, everyone found that there were thousands of mortals here.

There were even some dried mortal bodies without a trace of blood in some attics.

It was not difficult for Ling Pengyun and the other two who saw this scene to guess that these mortals were blood food captured by the disciples of the Blood Evil Sect.

"Demon cultivators are demon cultivators. They only care about immediate benefits and don't consider the long-term. They actually captured so many mortals as blood food."

"No wonder, when the major forces were developing the Northern Wilderness Immortal Cultivation World, the strength of the demon forces and our righteous forces was not much different. But now, only a few thousand years have passed, and the demon forces have declined to only three Yuanying forces, which makes them no match for our righteous cultivators. They can only form an alliance with the monsters in the boundless marshes, which is why they can survive until now."

Ling Pengyun secretly despised.

Although mortals are just ants, there are a large number of mortals, and there are many people who have spiritual roots. Therefore, mortals are the roots of major forces.

The prosperity of a force is also related to the number of mortals under its command.

Just like the demon sect that slaughters mortals, the number of mortals under its command has decreased, and the probability of giving birth to spiritual roots is naturally lower than the previous generation, and decline in the future is inevitable.

After Ling Pengyun put away his distracting thoughts and settled the thousands of mortals in the valley on a flat ground, he went to various places of the Blood Evil Sect with Ling Yunhong and Yan Siyi to collect the Blood Evil Sect's property.

Within a few hours, the entire Blood Evil Sect was plundered by them.

The Blood Evil Sect has lasted for thousands of years and has a very strong foundation. The first-level foundation-building cultivator of the old Taoist Xueyuan could not enter the major places of the Blood Evil Sect at all, and it was difficult for him to destroy the foundation of this sect. Ling Pengyun and the other two also gained a lot.

The most noteworthy thing is that Ling Pengyun and the other two found the Blood Evil Sect's sect-protecting technique "Blood Evil Transformation Technique".

Although this technique is a magic technique, it is extremely profound and can directly reach the early stage of the Nascent Soul. It also records many methods of refining blood demons.

Ling Pengyun is quite interested in those methods of refining blood demons.

This technique is also the second Nascent Soul technique that Ling family has obtained, the first one is "Fire Cloud Treasure Book".

In addition, Ling Pengyun and the other two also searched for three Golden Core Magic Techniques and a large number of Magic Classics.

The gains in wealth are not small. Ling family has obtained at least 20 million spiritual stones of magic spiritual objects.

Even the righteous spiritual objects of the Blood Evil Sect have a lot of them, and that batch of righteous spiritual objects is worth at least one million spiritual stones.

The most valuable of these spiritual objects is naturally the third-grade upper-grade "Blood Abyss Array" of the Blood Evil Sect. This array has a top-grade third-grade upper-grade defense array device, and the overall value is as high as five or six million.

The value of the other magic spiritual objects is relatively ordinary compared to that array.

However, there are many first- and second-grade magic spiritual objects that are useful for refining magic corpses.

Even the spiritual materials needed to refine the third-grade magic corpse are also available, which makes Ling Pengyun very happy.

"The first- and second-level magic spiritual objects needed for the family's corpse refining in the next few decades are not lacking."

"The only shortcoming is that there are not many third-level corpse refining materials."

"I have to look for opportunities in the future to see if I can destroy a Jindan sect that mainly refines corpses. Perhaps there will be more third-level corpse refining materials in those sects."

Ling Pengyun looked fierce and planned secretly.

Then, he, Ling Yunhong, and Yan Siyi drove the family's medium-sized third-level lower-grade Lingxiao flying boat together, and took the thousands of mortals in this valley away from this valley.

The area around the Blood Evil Valley is desolate, and there are no mortal villages.

If these mortals stay here, they will be waiting to be killed by the demon sects that occupy this place later.

Ling Pengyun and the other two thought that there were not a small number of these mortals. Every few years, one of them might be born with spiritual roots, which would also be of some help to the family. So they extended a helping hand and took these mortals away from this area.

Not long after Ling Pengyun and his companions left the Blood Evil Valley, three demon cultivators wearing the attire of the Fire Demon Sect, one of the three major Jindan Demon Sects in the Bai Kingdom, and with auras as high as the Jindan realm, quietly appeared thousands of miles away from the Blood Evil Valley.

The Fire Demon Sect's "master", who had a cultivation level of up to the eighth level of the Jindan realm and a strong demonic aura, looked at the direction where Ling Pengyun and his companions left, his face full of lingering fear.

"That should be the people from the famous Ling family and Bailing Sect in Yan State. The people from these two forces are really powerful. They can even kill the blood ghost of this sect who has reached the perfect golden elixir."

"And the people from the Ling family also have the quasi-fourth-level spiritual talisman, which is really terrifying."

"Now that the Blood Evil Sect has been destroyed, the five old ghosts of the Blood Evil Sect have never appeared. I'm afraid that the five old ghosts of this sect have all died at the hands of the Ling family and Bailing Sect. Otherwise, these two righteous forces would not have crossed several demonic countries and came to my Bai State to destroy the Blood Evil Sect."

"Now that these two forces have left and the Blood Evil Sect has been destroyed, this piece of Blood Evil Sect territory has no owner..."

"Can! Can!"

The old fire demon laughed strangely.

Then, he led the other two Jindan demon cultivators behind him and sneaked into the Blood Evil Sect, intending to set up a formation in it and occupy the third-level middle-grade blood spirit vein in the Blood Evil Valley.

Although this blood spirit vein is not a demon vein, it can be regarded as the same source, and it does not take much effort to convert it.

But not long after they entered the Blood Evil Valley, three Jindan demon cultivators from the Xuanming Sect, one of the three major Jindan demon sects in the Bai Kingdom, also rushed over.

Neither of the two Jindans was willing to give up the third-level blood spirit vein in the Blood Evil Valley, so the two Jindan cultivators fought each other.

Various magic methods emerged one after another, and the buildings in the Blood Evil Valley without the protection of the formation were all destroyed by the aftermath.

However, in just a few breaths, the Blood Evil Valley became devastated.

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