Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 649: Tip-off leads to major failure, Yang Siling enters the Golden Elixir realm (3200 words,

Less than half a month has passed.

Deep in the "Golden Horn Grassland", a gathering place for monsters and beasts immediately adjacent to the boundary of Jiaobo Lake, on a small plain rich in aura, an astonishing battle was taking place.

Four golden elixir monks and four beast puppets in the early stage of the golden elixir soared into the sky thousands of feet high. They were working together to use magic weapons and other attack methods to besiege a golden third-level high-grade formation, holding up the formation. The light curtain was shaking.

If you are sharp-eyed, you can also see that there is an early-stage golden elixir, a middle-stage golden-horned mad bull in the formation, and there are tens of thousands of golden-horned mad bulls in the foundation building and Qi training levels.

However, although this group of monsters was large in number and even had a third-level high-grade formation to help them, they still had no advantage in this battle. They were defeated by the four golden elixir monks and the four golden elixir beast puppets. Press down and hit.

At this time, among the monks who were besieging the formation, a young man with an immortal spirit saw that the situation had stabilized. The magic weapons fired by the three golden elixir realm golden horn mad bulls in the formation were all blocked, and they were not seen for the time being. They had other means of attack, so he immediately said hello to a middle-aged monk dressed as a scholar.

"Fellow Spirit Talisman, it's time to use the formation breaking talisman."


The scholar-dressed spirit talisman responded, and with an excited look on his face, he took out dozens of third-level low-grade formation-breaking talismans that he had managed to save in recent years from his storage bag, and typed them all directly.

Although the golden-horned mad bulls within the formation sensed something was wrong, they had no means to intercept the dozens of broken formation talismans and could only let the treasure talismans fall on the large formation.

I saw the dozens of formation-breaking talismans frantically absorbing the spiritual energy of the formation, and immediately exploded outward with a huge force, blasting a huge wave directly above the formation, and the flashing aura of the formation also suddenly It became dimmer, and the power of this array was also weakened by 20 to 30%.

The golden horned mad bull, who has the highest level of cultivation in the middle stage of the golden elixir, felt a chill behind him when he saw this. If the clan protection formation was broken, the strength of the golden horned mad bull alone would be difficult to resist those human golden elixirs from the outside world. .

It roared angrily, spit out a formation disk from its mouth, and poured spiritual power into it crazily.

"Human race, you forced me!"

The next moment, the array disk flashed with spiritual light.

The third-level high-grade formation around him trembled, and the power of countless formations suddenly gathered into nine hundred-foot-sized golden giant swords, killing the most powerful among the four golden elixir monks from the outside, Xianfeng Dao. Bone young man.

"not good!"

Upon seeing this, Ling Pengyun, who had a strong sense of immortality, frowned and immediately let out a loud shout.

Immediately, regardless of the consumption of his spiritual power, he frantically entered the superior third-level magic weapon "Xuan Yang Bao Lan" in front of him.

This treasure has been refined by him, and now he can fully exert its power.

Suddenly, the surrounding sky was filled with fire, and countless Xuanyang treasure fires suddenly burst out from it, turning into a Xuanyang treasure dragon with a height of more than 120 feet and the perfect aura of drowning golden elixir.

The dragon roared angrily and faced his beloved nine giant swords.

The two parties soon met in the air, and huge roaring sounds suddenly sounded.

Although the Xuanyang Dragon is said to be powerful, this dragon is weak after all, and the power of the nine giant swords is comparable to a full blow from an eighth-level golden elixir monk.

In just a few breaths, Xuanyang Baolong disappeared from this world with a miserable dragon roar.

The nine golden giant swords were also consumed a lot, and only three of them still retained the power of victory, while the other six golden giant swords had long since dissipated into smoke.

The remaining three giant swords also drove straight in and quickly struck Ling Pengyun.

But by this time, the remaining three giant swords could no longer pose a threat to Ling Pengyun, and they were all blocked by him with the third-level high-grade Xuanyang Shield and other attack methods.

"That big formation has no means of attack. Follow me and use all my strength to capture that big formation as soon as possible."

Ling Pengyun looked happy and greeted everyone.

In just half a month, with the combined power of Ling Pengyun, Yan Siyi, Wu Yan, Lingfu Ancestor, and the four early-stage golden elixir beast puppets, a total of eight golden elixirs, the formation was covered with There were countless cracks.

I'm afraid that the formation will be broken in less than a day or two.

But at this time.

However, five blue escaping lights flying from the direction of Purple Scorpion Ridge exuded the pressure of the dew golden elixir.

Ling Pengyun, whose consciousness was comparable to that of a seventh-level golden elixir monk, immediately noticed the incident. He turned around and used his pupil technique to take a look.

He immediately realized that the five paths were transformed into five huge lions that were at least dozens of feet in size, with ice-blue hair and a strong cold air spreading around their bodies.

"That group of ice lions occupying the boundary of Purple Scorpion Ridge?"

"Why are they here?"

With surprise, Ling Pengyun glanced down below at the third-order high-grade formation where the Golden Horn Mad Bull Clan was stationed. The eighteen third-order low-grade isolation talismans suspended around it were not damaged. This also meant that the formation within The monster did not successfully transmit the message through any means of communication.

The Purple Scorpion Ridge occupied by the Ice and Snow Lion Clan is millions of miles away from this place.

I am afraid that the five golden elixir realm ice and snow lions that arrived had already started their journey a few days or even ten days ago.

At that time, the battle had not yet started, or it had only started for a few days.

Under such circumstances, it becomes doubtful that the Golden Core Demon King of the Ice and Snow Lion Clan can come to support them.

The doubts in his heart also became a bit more.

"That doesn't make sense!"

After thinking about it carefully, his expression changed and he thought of a possibility.

"If there are other golden elixir demon kings around, I can't possibly not notice them. And if they are high-level demon kings that I can't detect, I'm afraid they have already taken action to help the golden-horned mad bull clan."

"Under such circumstances, the only possibility left is that we, the human race's forces... can tip off the information to the Ice and Snow Lion clan."

His eyes suddenly lit up with anger, he looked at the Lingfu Ancestor and Master Wu Yan, and asked.

"Did the two of you reveal your whereabouts when you left Jiaomang Lake and Xuanyuan Mountain where you were stationed?"

Ancestor Ling Fu and Wu Yan are both human spirits. They also witnessed the attack of the Golden Core Demon King of the Ice and Snow Lion Clan. Now that they heard Ling Pengyun's questions, they suddenly understood everything.

Anger suddenly appeared on their faces.

Without thinking too much, they all knew who tipped off the ice lion clan.

Although they were extremely secretive when they left their respective stations, there was a third-level formation arranged by Bailing Gate in the place where they were stationed.

If an interested person passes through those formations, he can easily know whether the two of them have left the place where they were stationed.

And under such circumstances, the only ones who can know their whereabouts are the Bailingmen family.

"I didn't expect that the sect leader would be so unwilling to let my lineage get the metallic demon king's golden elixir to help Si Ling enter the realm of fake elixirs."

The ancestor of Lingfu sighed helplessly in his heart.

Ling Pengyun saw that Ling Fu Ancestor and Wu Yan's brother-in-law were silent and had not answered what he had just asked. His brows suddenly darkened, and he was even more certain that Bai Lingmen was responsible for the tip-off.

"The Bailing Sect mistook me for destroying the One-Horned Mad Bull Clan. I really deserve to die. If I hadn't signed a contract with this sect in my early years, I would not have touched this sect in the slightest while I was still alive. Otherwise, I would have to find my way back this time and kill me." It could have been compensated by the interests of the Golden Horned Bull Clan."

Ling Pengyun looked coldly at Wu Yan and Lingfu Ancestor, the two people who had leaked the news, and then took out the "Xuanyang", a third-level medium-grade small flying boat that was scraped from the Xuanyang Gate from the storage bag. Feizhou," he greeted his wife Yan Siyi.

"Madam, the five golden elixir demon kings that the ice and snow lion clan came to support this time are very powerful. There is even an ice and snow lion in the late golden elixir. If this battle continues, our side will definitely suffer heavy damage. Golden Horn It will be difficult for us to destroy the Mad Bull Clan this time.”

"Fortunately, we successfully attacked a Golden Core Realm Golden Horned Bull that was out of the Golden Horned Bull tribe before. This time it is not without gain. Madam, please leave with me."

"You two will also follow me on the flying boat."

Yan Siyi, Wu Yan, and Lingfu Ancestor did not hesitate and immediately jumped on the Xuanyang flying boat.

Ling Pengyun followed suit and directly activated the flying boat to escape.

The speed of this Xuanyang flying boat is not slow, and it is faster than the ordinary demon king in the middle stage of the golden elixir using his escape technique.

This also made it possible that among the five Golden Core-level ice and snow lions who came to support the Golden Horn Mad Bull clan, only the late-Gold Core ice and snow lion could catch up with Ling Pengyun and others.

However, a single ice and snow lion in the late Golden Core stage cannot pose a threat to Ling Pengyun, who possesses two third-level high-grade magic weapons, the Xuanyang Treasure Lamp and the Xuanyang Treasure Shield. On the contrary, this ice and snow lion in the late Golden Core stage is still under siege by everyone. , suffered a big loss.

In the end, the lion could only watch as Ling Pengyun and others fled further and further away in their flying boats.

A few days later.

Deep in the boundary of Jiao Python Lake, the Jiao Python Island in the center of the Jiao Python Lake, which covers an area of ​​tens of thousands of feet, is currently being shrouded in a calamity cloud surging with thunder and lightning.

As the calamity cloud brewed for less than half a time, a calamity thunder with destructive power suddenly struck down.

But at this moment, a huge blue light curtain suddenly rose up, covering the entire Python Island, easily blocking the first tribulation thunder.

Then, eight more thunder tribulations fell.

The calamity cloud in the sky also turned into a piece of nectar and fell on the top of Jiao Python Mountain on Jiao Python Island.

next moment.

A pretty figure fell from the python mountain to the foot of the mountain. Beside the four people Ling Pengyun, Yan Siyi, Wu Yan, and Lingfu Ancestor who had been waiting here, the face of the pretty figure also appeared. This person was wearing A middle-aged lady who is luxurious and full of joy.

This person was Ling Pengyun's cousin Yang Siling. As soon as she arrived at the foot of the mountain, she immediately expressed her gratitude to Ling Pengyun and his wife.

"Cousin Pengyun, sister-in-law Siyi, you helped my husband and father-in-law kill a golden elixir and golden horn mad bull, and obtained its metallic elixir to help me enter the golden elixir. I will never forget it in my life. I will definitely repay this favor to you.”

Ling Pengyun said with a smile.

"Cousin, you are serious. It is not difficult to kill the golden-horned mad bull in the early stage of the golden elixir. You can refine the golden elixir of the golden-horned mad bull. It is also your own ability to enter the realm of fake elixir. You are the same as us. It doesn’t matter much.”

"Furthermore, our two families are relatives. As relatives, you help me and I help you."

Hearing this, Yang Siling's face became even more joyful.

The Spirit Talisman Patriarch on the side laughed even more.

"Hahaha, that's well said."

"Fellow Daoist Ling, if the nobles need to refine spiritual talismans in the future, they must come to me. If there is anything that needs help, I will definitely help."

Ling Pengyun smiled and nodded. "sure."

at the same time.

Outside Jiaomang Lake.

On a barren mountain, there was a breathless middle-aged monk wearing linen robes standing here, looking at what was happening in Jiaomang Lake, the corners of his mouth raised slightly and muttering to himself.

"The foreshadowing of the future conflict between Wu Yan and Ling Fu Zhenren, as well as the Ling family and the Bailingmen Sect Master's lineage has been laid. It depends on how these three forces will fight this drama."

If Ling Pengyun were here, he would definitely recognize that this person is the Tianxing Sect elder "Liu Haochan" who came to the Ling family to collect rent in the early years.

The next moment, he disappeared from this place without a trace.

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