Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 679 Auction (3200 words, please subscribe)

Although this was the first time he had seen this earth soul soil, he had also heard of its reputation, and it was extremely rare.

In the past five hundred years, there has been no such spiritual object in the Northern Wilderness Immortal Cultivation World.

Only powerful sects like the Mountain Immortal Sect, which control two fourth-level earth spirit veins, are willing to circulate this spiritual flow to the outside world to increase the reputation of their own shops.

And this object is also of great use to the Ling family.

At present, the Ling family has as many as five spiritual trees that have entered the third-level realm, namely the third-level lower-grade "Topaz Spiritual Fruit Tree" and "Frost Spiritual Tree", as well as the "Golden Flame Fruit Tree" and "Spiritual Apricot Tree" obtained from the Liang Family and Qiu Family of Yuanguo.

There is also a Xuanyang Fruit Tree with a grade as high as the third-level middle-grade realm obtained from the Xuanyang Sect.

In addition, the Ling family also obtained a third-level lower-grade Jinyuan Shatan from the Wanshou Sect, but this object is not a spiritual tree.

Among them, the topaz spiritual fruit tree, the golden flame fruit tree, and the Xuanyang spiritual fruit tree can all produce golden elixir spiritual objects, but they need a long time to breed golden elixir spiritual objects, which can take three hundred years. The third-level middle-grade Xuanyang spiritual fruit tree is faster, but it also takes two hundred years to breed.

In this case, if there is the help of earth soul soil, they can condense spiritual fruits faster, which will be of great help to the family's future.

At the same time, this thing is also somewhat helpful to the family's "retreat plan".

However, when Ling Pengyun recalled the record in the spiritual plant inheritance that at least thirty kilograms of spiritual soil are needed to cultivate a spiritual tree, a trace of regret appeared between his eyebrows.

Then, he asked.

"Manager, I'll tell you the truth. I prefer Earth Soul Soil, but I don't want it for refining tools, but for cultivating spiritual plants."

"Your ten kilograms of spiritual soil can only support the growth of a small spiritual medicine plant at most, and it is difficult to support the growth of those larger spiritual trees alone."

"Is this the only ten kilograms of Earth Soul Soil in your store? Can you get me twenty kilograms of third-level low-grade Earth Soul Soil?"

The fat manager couldn't restrain his joy when he heard this, and his face was even more smiling.

He was trained, and unless he encountered a special situation, his facial expression would never reveal his emotions.

It was just helpless, this time it was really a great thing.

As long as this business can be successful, the transaction price will be as high as 150,000 spiritual stones, and he can take 1,500 spiritual stones from it. This amount of spiritual stones is not a small amount for a foundation-building cultivator like him.

This fat manager smiled and responded excitedly immediately because of this.

"Senior, I only have ten kilograms of Earth Soul Soil in my shop, but I think there is still some Earth Soul Soil in stock in my Mountain Immortal Sect."

"If you really need this, can you wait for me for a while? I will communicate with the sect to see if I can get more Earth Soul Soil from the sect."

Ling Pengyun nodded and replied. "Of course."

The fat steward followed and took out a third-level communication mirror with joy to communicate with a certain cultivator.

After a while, the fat steward, who was originally happy, raised a helpless look on his face and put away the communication mirror, and said to Ling Pengyun with a bit of regret and apology.

"Senior, according to an elder from the General Affairs Hall of our sect, all the Earth Soul Soil that has been stored in our sect will be put on the auction in two months, and now there is no more of this thing."

"I don't know if you are still willing to buy this ten-jin Earth Soul Soil in this situation?"

Ling Pengyun frowned slightly when he heard this.

If a spiritual object like Earth Soul Soil, which has powerful effects and extremely high grades, is put on the auction, it is inevitable that the price will rise.

At that time, it will be difficult to buy the third-grade lower-grade Earth Soul Soil at the normal price.

But the Earth Soul Soil will help him with his plan, and he must collect thirty kilograms of Earth Soul Soil.

"It's going to be a big loss again."

"Fortunately, in addition to the more than 700,000 spiritual stones and the two third-level low-grade magic weapons that I plan to sell, I also brought an extra third-level middle-grade flying sword magic weapon that I don't need."

"You can also sell this third-level middle-grade spiritual object to supplement the spiritual stones."

"But I'm afraid that it will attract the attention of many thieves, and the probability of being targeted will probably be very high."

Ling Pengyun thought about it carefully, and his already frowned brows frowned even more.

But when he thought of Wang Ying's help, he felt a lot more at ease.

Although Wang Ying's cultivation is only the second level of Jindan now, and her strength does not seem to be very strong, she is a disciple of Bishui Zhenren, and she is also Bishui Zhenren's direct disciple. It would be strange if Wang Ying didn't have a few high-level spiritual talismans refined by Bishui Zhenren.

Ling Pengyun also made up his mind and spoke.

"Okay, I'll take the ten kilograms of earth soul soil in your shop."

After saying that, he took out exactly 50,000 spirit stones from his storage bag and piled them on the ground.

The fat steward smiled brightly when he saw Ling Pengyun was so generous.

He quickly counted the spirit stones Ling Pengyun gave him, and when he saw that the number was correct, he handed the ten kilograms of earth soul soil to Ling Pengyun and flattered Ling Pengyun.

Afterwards, he asked another big employer, Wang Ying, if she had taken a fancy to the other two third-level spirit objects.

Wang Ying was decisive and directly said that she had not.

After all, she was also a direct descendant of Canglan Bihai Sect.

Although the Canglan Bihai Sect has declined, for her, the remaining demon beast's golden elixir and the spiritual wood here are not very precious, and they can be exchanged in the sect's general affairs hall.

She was also somewhat tempted by the rare earth soul soil, but due to the high price of this item, she gave up on it.

Then, she left the department store with Ling Pengyun and went to other shops in the market.

After visiting hundreds of famous shops in the inner area of ​​the mountain market and the huge stall area of ​​the market, Ling Pengyun and Wang Ying also gained a lot and bought a lot of rare first- and second-level spiritual objects.

They also saw third-level spiritual objects in the other shops opened by the Mountain Immortal Sect and the shops opened by other major forces.

However, the quality of those third-level spiritual objects was not very good, and there was no rare spiritual object such as earth soul soil, and the quality was also at the lower level of the third level, so the two did not buy them.

The two of them then went to the Shanyue Auction House in Shanyue Market and found the manager of the auction house. Ling Pengyun took out the two third-level low-grade flying swords and a third-level medium-grade flying sword magic weapon that he brought this time, which were not useful for himself and his family's golden elixir, and put them in the auction house.

After doing this, the two began to look for a place to live in the market.


Two months passed quickly.

On this day, the medium-sized auction held in Shanyue Market every thirty years officially began.

Nearly 100,000 cultivators who had been waiting for this day for a long time also flocked to the auction house in the market in the early morning.

The same was true for Ling Pengyun and Wang Ying.

Although the auction house had already noted that the first and second-level spiritual objects would be auctioned in the first nine days, and the final spiritual objects that were in demand by golden elixir cultivators would be auctioned on the last day, the two of them had needs for some rare first-level and second-level spiritual objects, so they participated in the auction early.

This mountain auction house is very large, covering hundreds of feet, and is circular, like a bird's nest.

Moreover, this auction house has more than ten or twenty doors, so even if there are many visitors, the more than 100,000 visitors still did not spend much time to enter the auction house.

And the auction house has four floors.

The first floor is the hall, with 100,000 ordinary backrest chairs.

The second, third and fourth floors are private rooms, corresponding to the foundation building, golden elixir and primordial infant forces respectively.

Although Ling Pengyun and Wang Ying did not reveal the forces behind them to the auction house manager, they still received the attention of the auction house with their golden elixir cultivation.

The auction house manager also sent a maid in the foundation building period to take them to a luxurious private room on the third floor, and prepared a lot of delicious pseudo-spiritual fruits for Ling Pengyun and Wang Ying.

Ling Pengyun loves delicious food. He also ate the spiritual fruit with interest. He looked down at the situation in the first floor hall through the transparent light curtain formed by the formation in front of the private room.

What surprised him was that after a while, nearly half of the 100,000 seats in the first floor hall were occupied.

After waiting for half an hour, when the sun was hanging high in the sky, the 100,000 backrest chairs were full.

But even so, there were still many visitors who stood in some empty positions in the auction house in an orderly manner under the arrangement of the monks of the Mountain Immortal Sect.

After a rough count, Ling Pengyun estimated that this huge auction house could accommodate at least 110,000 or 120,000 monks at the moment.

"The monks here are probably more than all the monks in my Yan State."

"The appeal of a sect like the Mountain Immortal Sect is really terrifying!"

"I don't know what a grand event the once-in-a-century auction held by the Mountain Immortal Sect will be in forty years."

Ling Pengyun secretly looked forward to it.

When the sun was high in the sky, the bronze bell hanging on the top of the auction house was struck by a spiritual force, and nine bronze bells were heard in succession.

At this time, an old monk wearing a Taoist robe of the Mountain Immortal Sect slowly walked from an entrance of the auction house to the auction table in the center of the first floor hall.

He also took out one item after another and auctioned them.

After nine consecutive days, the auction of more than 50,000 ordinary spiritual objects in this auction house was finally completed.

During this period, Ling Pengyun saw many attractive objects and spent tens of thousands of spiritual stones to buy hundreds of them.

Among them, there were even a few monster cubs that the beastmaster Wang Ying thought had good qualifications and had the opportunity to improve their cultivation to the middle stage of foundation building or above.

Soon, it was time for the finale auction.

There were indeed many good things in the finale auction, and the quality of the spiritual objects that appeared was getting better and better.

Several second-grade high-quality spiritual trees also appeared. Ling Pengyun also spent spiritual stones to buy two of them. The prices of the other few were too high, not worth it, so Ling Pengyun gave up.

The third-grade low-quality earth soul soil mentioned by the manager of the market department store did appear.

However, the amount of this soil was not much, only 30 kilograms, and it was auctioned at one time.

It just so happened that the amount of this spiritual soil could barely supply the growth of a third-grade spiritual tree and speed up the growth of that spiritual tree.

This item was therefore snatched by some Jindan cultivators with strong foundations present.

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