Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 690 Three portions of Dan-forming liquid (3200 words, please subscribe)

at the same time.

Deep in Huoyang Island.

There is a spiritual volcano with billowing fire, a volcano-like shape, and an aura as high as three levels.

At the bottom of this spiritual volcano, the Huoyang Yang family has opened many underground fire chambers that can be used for elixir refining or weapon refining.

Among them, an underground fire chamber with the strongest fire energy and the ability to summon the third level of underground fire was currently covered by fire.

Countless heat waves also spread out from within.

The source of the heat wave is caused by the third-level underground fire that continues to pour out of the fire vent in the underground fire room here.

However, there is an alchemy furnace suspended above the earth fire mouth, and countless earth fires are burning at the bottom of the alchemy furnace.

Beside the fire, there was a strange young man with white hair sitting cross-legged, but he looked younger and had a hint of old age.

The earth fire and the alchemy furnace here are controlled by this person. Obviously, this person is using the earth fire here to refine elixirs.

I don't know how much time passed, but there was a flash of light in the third-level alchemy furnace, and the breath of five third-level low-grade elixirs suddenly emitted from it.

As the strange young man raised his hand and fired a burst of spiritual power, the lid of the alchemy furnace flew off. Five green elixirs with flowing spiritual light, accompanied by a pleasant smell of elixir, immediately flew out of the alchemy furnace and landed on it. into the hands of that strange young man.


"You can earn two more Spirit Gathering Pills from it!"

The strange young man had a happy face and muttered to himself.

At this moment, a communication talisman suddenly floated in from the outside world and landed next to this strange young man.

The young man opened the communication talisman with doubts. After seeing the contents, his expression suddenly changed. He also cleaned up the remnants of the alchemy here and left the earth fire room.

When he reappeared, he was already on a deserted island tens of thousands of miles away from Huoyang Island.

A young man with an immortal spirit also fell from a high mountain on the island, came up to him, and said with a smile.

"I haven't seen Senior Huoyang for a long time. The fragrance of elixirs on Senior's body is getting stronger and stronger!"

When the strange white-haired young man "Huoyang Zhenren" heard this, he looked at the aura of the immortal young man, his eyes trembled, a smile appeared on his face, and he said.

"Young friend Ling is joking, the fragrance of elixirs on my body is nothing more than the result of refining a lot of elixirs in recent days."

"My friend, I didn't expect that the last time we said goodbye, my friend would improve his cultivation to the fifth level of the Golden Core so quickly! My fellow Taoist is indeed a person with extraordinary talent!"

Ling Pengyun, who has an immortal spirit, said with a smile. "Senior, please don't try to defeat me. My breakthrough in cultivation is just a matter of luck."

Speaking of this, Ling Pengyun looked in the direction of Huoyang Island behind Master Huoyang, and his eyes condensed.

From within the Huoyang Island, he felt the gazes of two golden elixir monks.

"Come to think of it, those two golden elixirs are the descendants of Senior Huoyang's breakthrough golden elixir!"

Seeing that the other two Yang family golden elixirs on Huoyang Island did not make any other moves, Ling Pengyun also turned his head and said to Master Huoyang.

"Senior, can the pill-forming liquid that my elder entrusted you to help refine be ready?"

Upon hearing this, Master Huoyang patted the storage bag on his waist, took out three glass bottles, and handed them to Ling Pengyundao.

"Of course it's done. I had good luck refining the pot of pill-forming liquid a few years ago. I made four portions of the pill-forming liquid in total. I took away one portion, and only three portions were left."

"My little friend, please take a look at the efficacy of these three bottles of elixir-forming liquid!"

Ling Pengyun was a little surprised when he saw this.

Refining the elixir liquid is extremely difficult, and even Master Huoyang has a low success rate in refining it.

Ling Pengyun did not expect that Master Huoyang would not only succeed in refining the elixir-forming liquid this time, but also turn it into so much liquid.

Originally, the bottom line in Ling Pengyun's mind was that Huoyang Zhenren could make it and the quantity of the liquid should be kept at two parts. If he could get one part of the elixir-forming liquid, he would be satisfied.

After all, even if there are more, they still need to be divided between the Ten Thousand Medicine Valley and Qingxin Taoist Temple.

After receiving the three bottles of pill-forming liquid, Ling Pengyun also looked at the three bottles of pill-forming liquid carefully. When he saw that everything was normal, he put himself into the storage bag, and he also thanked Master Huoyang.

"Senior is worthy of being the second person in the alchemy path of Mu Yuan Xian Sect. He can even refine this precious liquid into four parts!"

"Junior would like to thank my senior here."

Master Huoyang did not take credit, but said with a bit of a wry smile.

"Young friend Ling, you don't need to do this. You pay the benefits and I will make the elixir. This is a matter of course and there is no need for thanks."

"As for the large amount of liquid, it's a bit of a fluke. When I got the spiritual material for refining the elixir given by your elders, I happened to have finished refining a batch of elixir for a friend of mine and failed. It feels a bit like it has become so liquid.”

Ling Pengyun said with a smile. "In this way, I am lucky!"

Afterwards, the two also chatted about the current situation of Mu Yuanxian Sect, and then Ling Pengyun said goodbye.

"Senior, I have other things to do, so I won't stay here any longer."

Huoyang Zhenren said.

"Okay, I won't keep you friends any longer."

"By the way, if you still find the spiritual materials needed to refine pill-forming things in the future, but you don't find a suitable alchemist, please remember me!"

When Ling Pengyun heard this, his expression moved slightly.

"Senior Huoyang said this. It seems that he is still not satisfied with the amount of his own golden elixir. He plans to help others refine the elixir-forming spiritual objects to earn some elixir-forming spiritual objects and keep them in his family."

After thinking clearly, he agreed to what Master Huoyang proposed.

"Senior Huoyang is highly skilled in alchemy refining. As long as senior doesn't mind the trouble, junior will naturally be happy to ask senior to make elixirs."

Master Huoyang's practice of refining elixirs for others has a very high reputation in the entire Mu Yuanxian Sect.

Moreover, since Huoyang Zhenren came from the Muyuan Immortal Sect, he had a deep relationship with the Muyuan Xianzong. This sect also came forward early to help Huoyang Zhenren help others refine elixirs.

Moreover, this sect has also issued a statement to the outside world. If after the monks seek out Huoyang Zhenren to refine the elixir, Huoyang Zhenren crosses the river and demolishes the bridge, or the success rate of Huoyang Zhenren refining the elixir does not reach a certain level, the Muyuan Immortal Sect will We will come forward to solve it.

The reputation of this sect is well-known in the entire boundless sea realm of immortality, and it deserves to be trusted. At least this sect will not ruin its reputation for some third-order things.

"You're welcome, little friend."

Seeing Ling Pengyun's response, Master Huoyang's face became even more joyful.

"Senior, I will leave now and meet again later."

After Ling Pengyun finished speaking, he turned into a ray of light and left the desert island, flying towards the nearby Nujingfang City.

At this moment, two rays of light flew out from Huoyang Island not far away, and quickly landed on the deserted island where Huoyang Zhenren was. A middle-aged rough man, and a man appeared. The figure of a young woman with a cold face.

The middle-aged rough man looked up at Ling Pengyun's leaving figure, with a look of pain in his eyes.

He then asked Old Taoist Huoyang.

"Dad, just let that person take the three pill-forming liquids and leave? The family has recently gained two more golden elixir seedlings, which is exactly when they are short of golden elixir spiritual objects."

When Old Taoist Huoyang heard this, he frowned, looked at the rugged middle-aged man beside him, and said.

"Chang Yuan, I know that you want to find the golden elixir for that child Yonghai and help him break through the golden elixir, but robbing it is not an honest matter."

"It would be a shame if we snatched the three pill-forming liquids this time and the matter was not leaked."

"But once we do this and the matter is exposed, the family's reputation will be ruined. I'm afraid no one will come to me to refine third-level elixirs in the future."

"It is not a wise move to exchange such a huge loss for those three pill-forming liquids worth only about 450,000 spiritual stones."

The middle-aged rough man named "Yang Changyuan" was also the one who listened to the advice and gave up the idea of ​​intercepting and killing Ling Pengyun.

However, he couldn't help but sigh as he watched Ling Pengyun's figure flying further and further away.

Over the years, although his father Huoyang Zhenren has relied on his extraordinary alchemy skills and extensive connections, several of his father's friends like Ling Pengyun have sought help from Huoyang Zhenren in refining various second-class golden elixirs. Spiritual things.

But regardless of the probability of failure in refining the golden elixir, his father Huoyang Zhenren could only get three copies of the second-class golden elixir.

Moreover, these three first-class spiritual objects, as well as several other golden elixir spiritual objects searched by the Yang family, have been tried by the Yang family's female Jindan next to him, and another golden elixir seedling in the family in recent years. The golden elixir time has run out.

However, among the two, only the daughter of the Yang family succeeded in breaking through the golden elixir. The other one failed and became a fake elixir.

This means that his only son "Yang Yonghai", who is the family's golden elixir seedling, has been in the Foundation Establishment Consummation for four or five years, but there has never been a golden elixir spiritual object to help him, and his child has never been able to help him. He didn't dare to try to break through the golden elixir and fell into trouble.

After all, if you fail to break through the golden elixir alone, the probability of your body disappearing is extremely high.

As for Yang Changyuan, he had been promoted to the realm of Jindan with the help of Master Huoyang decades ago. At that time, the Yang family had not yet been established, and Master Huoyang had not yet left the Muyuan Immortal Sect.

Today, Yang Changyuan has reached the fourth level of Jindan and is the second master of the Yang family. At the same time, he has inherited the mantle of Master Huoyang and is a third-level alchemist.

However, his talent in alchemy is not particularly strong. Now his alchemy is only in the third-level low-grade realm. According to the speculation of Master Huoyang in the early years, the probability that Yang Changyuan can upgrade the alchemy to the third-level high-grade is extremely low.

Master Huoyang on the side saw his son Yang Changyuan's expression and guessed what Yang Changyuan was thinking, so he comforted him.

"Chang Yuan, I will get the golden elixir spiritual objects that Yonghai needs to break through the golden elixir. Just practice hard!"

"Apart from me, the only one in the family who has condensed the golden elixir is of average quality, and has the chance to break through to the late stage of the golden elixir, or even to the perfection of the golden elixir."

"I don't have much life left. I only have a few decades left to sit in the family and frighten Xiao Xiao."

"You only have these few decades left!... If you fail to advance to the late Golden Core stage during this period, the Jin family and the Liu family in the Raging Whale Sea, who are much stronger than our family, will definitely meet Do evil things to our clan."

"Although these two clans may be concerned about the face of the Mu Yuan Immortal Sect and will not destroy our clan, these two clans will definitely slowly erode the spiritual veins of our clan, hinder our clan's business in the outside world, and affect our clan's development. ”

"By then, our clan will surely decline, and within a thousand years... we may disappear in this world of immortality."

Yang Changyuan's expression became solemn and he nodded in response.

"Understood dad!"

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