Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 740 Master Jiamu and Yan Qing's plan (3000 words, please subscribe)

Several months passed.

It was the day of the large auction held once every three hundred years in Meteorite Market.

Ling Pengyun and Yan Siyi were still thinking that there were many good things among the low-priced spiritual objects in this auction, which could be used by the Ling family. They also put on black clothes and veils to cover their bodies. On the first day of the auction, they left their residence and went to the auction house in the center of the market to participate in this auction.

However, before the two took two steps in the auction house, a voice with a bit of surprise suddenly appeared in Yan Siyi's mind.

"It's you, Madam Ling. I sensed your aura from afar just now. Now I'm closer and I can confirm it."

"By the way, Madam Ling, why are you here too?"

"Is that Brother Ling beside you? It's hard for me to detect his aura. You're covered in black clothes, so it's hard for me to see through you."

When Yan Siyi heard the call, she immediately stopped and turned her head to look. She immediately saw her good friend "Jia Mu Zhenren" who had been in the Transmission Hall of Muyuan Market for many years, with a kind face, and "Friend Yan Dao" who had been selling lava turtle eggs before, without any decoration to cover their bodies, and walked through the door of the auction house together.

"I didn't expect to meet you here, Brother Mu!"

"The one next to me is indeed my husband."

"The spiritual objects my husband and I need to buy this time are quite expensive. To avoid causing trouble, I hope Brother Mu can help cover it up."

Although Yan Siyi felt a little uncomfortable because her breath-concealing technique was seen through, the Jiamu Zhenren was Ling Pengyun's good friend, and she was also familiar with the Jiamu Zhenren, so she replied politely.

At the same time, she also told her husband Ling Pengyun about this.

Ling Pengyun was happy about this. Jiamu Zhenren was one of his few good friends. It was a happy thing to meet a good friend in a strange place.

Then he greeted Jiamu Zhenren.

And Jiamu Zhenren naturally agreed to help them conceal their identities.

At this time, Ling Pengyun looked at the Jindan Sanxiu "Yan Daoyou" next to Jiamu Zhenren who had sold lava turtle eggs in the stall area, and asked Jiamu Zhenren directly.

"Brother Mu, do you know this Daoist Fellow Yan?"

Hearing this, Daoist Fellow Yan immediately recalled the identities of Ling Pengyun and Yan Siyi who were hiding their figures. At the same time, he also saw that Ling Pengyun and his wife seemed to be familiar with Master Jiamu, so he also looked over.

Before, Ling Pengyun and his wife communicated with Master Jiamu using the sound transmission technique, and Daoist Fellow Yan beside them had never noticed it.

"Brother Ling, from what you said, do you also know Brother Yan?"

Master Jiamu said with a little surprise.

Ling Pengyun nodded lightly, and then told Master Jiamu about the purchase of lava turtle eggs from Daoist Fellow Yan.

"So it was you who bought the lava turtle egg in Brother Yan's hand!"

"Before, Brother Yan also asked me if I wanted to buy the turtle egg, but my main cultivation method is wood, which conflicts with the attribute of the turtle egg, so I didn't buy the turtle egg. I didn't expect that the turtle egg would fall into the hands of Brother Ling and you."

After a few words of laughter, Master Jiamu introduced in detail the experience of getting acquainted with Fellow Daoist Yan.

It turned out that he had known Fellow Daoist Yan a hundred years ago, earlier than he knew Ling Pengyun and his wife.

A hundred years ago, Master Jiamu's cultivation was still in the early stage of Jindan, and he had been stuck in the bottleneck of the third level of Jindan for decades. It has been difficult to break through the cultivation. The better breakthrough pills in the Muyuan Immortal Sect are rare, and even he can't get them.

In desperation, he had to release the news of purchasing the miasma-breaking pills such as the Creation Purple Cloud Pill.

The Jindan Zhenren "Daoyou Yan", who was a casual cultivator, happened to get a third-grade inferior purple cloud flower from the monster sea area. After hearing the news that Jiamu Zhenren had spent a lot of money to search for the Poxia Baodan, he also went to find Jiamu Zhenren.

After the two of them discussed it, Jiamu Zhenren also agreed to take out Yimu crystal, another spiritual material for refining the purple cloud pill, the Jindan middle-stage spiritual grass, and find a high-level alchemist from Muyuan Xianzong to help refine the purple cloud pill.

This matter went very smoothly. Afterwards, the two of them also got a fortune purple cloud pill each, and their cultivation improved with the help of the pill.

Afterwards, Yan Daoyou, who was a casual cultivator, often went deep into the monster sea area to kill monsters and get spiritual medicines. He would find Jiamu Zhenren to help refine it into pills to maximize the benefits.

After a while, the two gradually became familiar with each other and became good friends.

Ling Pengyun's expression changed slightly when he heard this, and he also asked the Taoist friend Yan if he still had purple cloud flowers.

"You are joking, Taoist friend, purple cloud flowers are rare in the world, and I have only seen them once in my life. If you want to search for purple cloud flowers, you can think of a way when the trade fair comes."

Taoist friend Yan's personality was a little cold, but he still spoke politely.

Ling Pengyun nodded helplessly, and talked to Master Jiamu for a few words. He also learned that the full name of the Taoist friend Yan was "Yan Qing". Then he told Master Jiamu and Yan Qing that they would meet again in the future. Then he and Yan Siyi, led by a maid, went up to a private room on the third floor of the auction house.

"Brother Mu has the support of the Muyuan Immortal Sect, so it should not be difficult to find those low-level spiritual objects at the auction."

"I don't know why Brother Mu and the Taoist friend Yan participated in this auction so early?"

Ling Pengyun looked at the hall of the auction house where most of the monks were sitting through the transparent light curtain created by the auction house formation in front of the private room. He recalled the scene of seeing Master Jiamu and Fellow Daoist Yan just now, and had some doubts. Then he said it out and told his wife Yan Siyi about it.

The auction house had already indicated on the spiritual objects promotion map circulated in the outside world that this grand auction held once every three hundred years would last for fifteen days.

The first thirteen days were for the auction of more than 100,000 first-level and second-level spiritual objects.

The last three days were for the auction of the last thousand finale items.

"Maybe Brother Mu and Fellow Daoist Yan have nothing to do and plan to come and see the lively scene of the auction."

"Or maybe Brother Mu was invited by Fellow Daoist Yan!"

Yan Siyi was also a little puzzled, but she still said it.

Ling Pengyun nodded lightly and said no more.

Then he watched the situation of this auction.

In order to cope with this grand auction held once every three hundred years, the Meteorite Auction House had expanded the auction house long before.

At present, there are 300,000 chairs in the auction hall.

There are also 10,000 and 1,000 seats in the private rooms on the second and third floors.

According to Ling Pengyun's perception, there are at least hundreds of thousands of cultivators present, and the flow of people is increasing.

However, most of them are Qi training cultivators, and even foundation building cultivators are rare, and Jindan cultivators are even fewer.

After all, only some first-level spiritual objects will be auctioned today, and the recipients of these spiritual objects are only Qi training cultivators.

"According to this flow of people, there must be a lot of Jindan cultivators attracted."

"By then, the trade fair after the auction is expected to be extremely grand, and the probability of exchanging good things is estimated to be high."

Ling Pengyun secretly looked forward to it.

At the same time.

In another private room.

"Brother Mu, are the Ling couple trustworthy people?"

The Jindan cultivator "Yan Qing" hesitated for a while, but still asked Jiamu Zhenren who closed his eyes and rested beside him.

Upon hearing this, Jiamu Zhenren, who had closed his eyes, opened his eyes. His expression slightly moved, and he probably guessed what his friend was thinking.

"Of course, I had many large transactions with Brother Ling and his wife in my early years, and nothing went wrong."

After saying that, he added another sentence.

"Brother Ling and his wife are also very powerful, and their identities are also extraordinary. It is estimated that they were trained by some Yuanying sect."

"But... Brother Yan, the spiritual land you liked before can be easily taken over by the two of us. If you invite Brother Ling and his wife again, it would be a bit of a waste. You also need to provide more resources, which is a bit wasteful."

At this point, Jiamu Zhenren's eyes trembled and he said in surprise.

"Brother Yan, are you planning to find a spiritual land of a higher grade?"

Yan Qing nodded lightly and said with a smile. "That's right!"

"I also trust your character. Since you said that Brother Ling and his wife are trustworthy, I will have to trouble Brother Mu to invite Brother Ling and his wife."

Jiamu Zhenren said with a little worry.

"Brother Ling and his wife are wealthy. The price required to invite them will probably be very high, but Brother Ling and his wife are both very strong, especially Brother Ling, whose strength is not lower than mine."

"If they help, it will be no problem to get a better spiritual land, but how can you defend that high-level spiritual land with your own strength afterwards?"

"In this case, the high-level spiritual land is not a blessed land, but a disaster land."

Yan Qing saw Jiamu Zhenren's description of Ling Pengyun and his wife's strength, and his face was immediately happy.

"It's a good thing that Fellow Daoist Ling and his wife are powerful. As for the high price, it's not a problem. As long as we can plan a good spiritual place, we can make up for it."

"As for the matter that Brother Mu is worried about, as long as my white-feathered eagle can enter the golden elixir realm, everything can be solved."

Jiamu Zhenren has known Yan Qing for a hundred years, and also knows that this casual cultivator golden elixir friend is a steady person. It's not good to say anything more, so he asked.

"Since Brother Yan said so, I will persuade you again."

"Brother Yan, have you chosen any high-level spiritual place?"

Yan Qing nodded lightly, and took out a huge map from the storage bag and analyzed it carefully with Jiamu Zhenren.


While the two were chatting, the auction began, and one by one, the first-level spiritual objects of excellent quality were put on the auction table.

The huge auction house also rang with the sound of bidding, and it became noisy.

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