Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 847 Ling Penglin's immovable formation shows its power (2400 words, please subscribe)

In addition, this huge formation also transformed into sixteen light curtains that were as powerful as the third-grade lower-grade formation, which fell into the mortal cities around the clan and protected them.

Originally, the city defense formations of these sixteen cities merged with the light curtains and disappeared at this moment.

The reason why such a strange phenomenon occurred in the sixteen mortal cities was that the city defense formations of the sixteen mortal cities were originally part of the third-grade middle-grade formation opened by Ling Xiaoshun.

Only when the city defense formations of the sixteen cities are united can the power of the third-grade middle-grade formation be fully exerted.

As for this third-grade middle-grade formation, it was the "Mountless Mountain Formation" created by Ling Penglin through the enlightenment when he entered the Golden Core.

After years of meditation on the formation, this formation was deduced to the third-grade middle-grade realm by Ling Penglin several years ago.

Before the monster rebellion, Ling Penglin spent a lot of time thinking hard in order to arrange this formation based on the sixteen mortal cities. Relying on the fact that he was the one who created this formation and was very familiar with it, he refined it into sixteen quasi-third-level formations and arranged them in the sixteen mortal cities.

Once this formation is opened through the core formation plate, the quasi-third-level spiritual vein in the Ling family's land will also continuously pass into the spiritual power formation through the ground veins, becoming the core spiritual vein of the formation, and connecting the second-level spiritual veins under the surrounding sixteen mortal cities, as the energy source for the opening of the third-level intermediate-grade Immovable Mountain Formation.

The big movement of the Immovable Mountain Formation naturally attracted the attention of the thousands of other demon cultivators who broke into this area, and they were all shocked.

The three Jindan early stage demon cultivators who attacked the Ling family's land, and the five Jindan demon corpses they brought with them, attacked the main formation of the Immovable Mountain Formation that covered the surrounding 50,000 miles of land, but it was difficult to break the formation and escape.

However, there was a Jindan magic cultivator who also practiced formations, and the grade of his formations had entered the third level. This magic formation master carefully observed the Immovable Mountain Formation and saw that the activation of this formation had a very high dependence on the ground veins, which was greater than the dependence of the formations of the same level on the ground veins.

As long as the ground veins deep underground where this formation was located could be destroyed, the Immovable Mountain Formation would lose the spiritual energy supply of the quasi-third-level spiritual vein in the Ling family and the sixteen second-level spiritual veins in the sixteen mortal cities, and this formation would dissipate directly.

Although ordinary formations also rely on ground veins, even if the ground veins where those formations are located are destroyed, at most they will lose about 30% of their power, and they still have the power to fight.

Under such circumstances, the third-level magic formation master immediately took out a third-level medium-grade earth-swallowing vein magic formation that he had prepared long ago, and drove it deep underground to attack the intricate ground veins deep underground.

What surprised the magic formation master was that the earth veins in this area were not only protected by the third-level middle-grade formation, the Immovable Mountain Formation, but also protected by the power of three third-level middle-grade formations among the five third-level formations in the Ling family. Together, they formed four formations to protect it, making it difficult for his earth-swallowing vein-devouring magic formation to harm the earth veins in this area.

The earth-swallowing vein-devouring magic formation has the same effect as the righteous earth-shaking vein-covering formation, both of which target invisible earth veins.

The two are used in different ways. The magic formation is more domineering, swallowing the earth veins directly, while the earth-shaking vein-covering formation only bombards the earth veins.

"How can the power of these formations protect these earth veins at the same time?"

The magic formation master looked at the depths of the ground with an incredible look on his face.

No matter how the formation is arranged based on the spiritual veins, when it is arranged, it will be more or less connected to the earth veins deep underground.

However, the earth veins connected between formations are generally not the same.

This is why, in a spiritual vein, there is usually only one formation, and it is rare to have multiple formations. Of course, this is only one of the reasons. There are also other reasons, such as the spiritual energy produced by the spiritual vein is difficult to supply multiple formations.

Under such circumstances, it is rare to see many formations protecting the underground veins of the 50,000-li territory around the Ling clan at the same time.

Only a few, relatively rare large formations, after being activated, can have a formation power like a panacea, with extremely strong compatibility and even integration, which can allow one or more formations to operate normally on the same vein and connect to the same vein, and use the power of the vein to enhance the power of the formation.

"Could it be that the combined third-grade medium-grade formation that Ling's family has opened now is the kind of formation that is like a panacea?"

"If so, the value of this formation may be enough to be comparable to some third-grade high-grade formations."

"I don't know where Ling's family got such a rare formation. In this case, with my formation skills, I want to rely on the earth-swallowing vein formation to swallow all the veins deep underground here to break the third-grade medium-grade formation that is like a trap here. It will probably take at least several months."

"Such a long time, I'm afraid there will be a lot of variables."

"I can only ask for help from my fellow brothers who are attacking other forces in Yan State."

The magic formation master felt annoyed, and he also crushed a mother-child token.

This time, the Xuanshi Sect's magic cultivators who invaded Yan State were not the only ones, and Gangsha Old Demon in the Baiyun Mountains.

The other three major Jindan forces in the entire Yan State, "Bailing Sect", Yaowang Valley, Qingxin Taoist Temple, and even the two pseudo-Jindan forces Pingyun Yang Clan and Poyun Liang Clan that did not have third-level spiritual veins but had Jindan cultivators in charge, were all targeted by the demon cultivators of Xuanshi Sect.

On the other side.

The Jiaomang Island, the core of the Jiaomang Lake branch of Bailingmen, was found by the Lingzhen Patriarch, Mo Qianqiu, and the earth dragon again just half a day after Ling Chengyuan, Hanshuang Lingshu, Yang Siqi of the Pingyun Yang Clan, and Liang Mingtu, the fake Dan of the Liang Clan, left.

But this time, they came with a thousand Xuanshi Sect demon cultivators to help.

Among them, there was one less Jindan-level demon cultivator than the Jindan demon cultivator who invaded the Ling Clan, and there were only two Jindan-level demon cultivators here.

Each of them also had a demon corpse, making a total of four Jindan combat forces.

In this way, together with the Lingzhen Patriarch and others, the number of Jindans attacking Jiaomang Island was as many as seven.

The other thousand Xuanshi Sect Qi training and foundation-building demon cultivators also summoned a large number of demon corpses to attack Jiaomang Island.

For a while, even though Jiaomang Island had the Jindan puppet of Qin Shi, the perfect foundation cultivator of Bailing Sect, the blue jade water dragon of the third-level Jindan of Bailing Zhenren's spirit beast, and the black-armored turtle of Ling family with the peak cultivation of the early Jindan, they could not help but fall into the disadvantage.

However, during the half day when the spirit formation ancestor retreated, Qin Shi summoned the five thousand cultivators stationed in Jiaomang Island to collect a sum of spirit stones. With the power of countless spirit stones, he reopened the third-level upper-grade lake protection formation here.

With the help of this formation, there is no danger here in the short term.


The mountain gate of Bailing Sect was also attacked by demon cultivators at this moment.

However, the number of demon cultivators attacking this place was very small, only 300 demon cultivators, and there was only one Jindan demon cultivator.

Now, the Jindan early stage demon cultivator is fighting with the "Black Flame Fire Phoenix Demon Spirit" of the Jindan peak state of the Bailing Sect with a Jindan early stage demon corpse in his hand.

This demon spirit was born from the third-level Black Mountain Volcano of Bailing Sect, and its strength is extremely powerful.

Now, even if this phoenix is ​​attacked by the Jindan demon cultivator and two Jindan demon corpses, it still does not lose the upper hand, but instead has a slight advantage with the help of the powerful black flame true fire.

The Xuanshi Sect demon cultivator who invaded the Bailing Sect this time was also concerned about the strength of the fire phoenix, so he did not send the main force to attack the Bailing Sect mountain gate here to avoid unnecessary casualties, and instead sent the main force to attack the Jiaomang Lake, which has a large number of cultivators.

The Jindan demon cultivator here used the two demon corpses in his hands to resist the cultivators of Bailing Sect and support Jiaomang Lake.

At the same time, it was also to block the monks left behind by Bailingmen at the mountain gate, so that the demon cultivators under his command could slaughter the mortals in Bailingmen's territory.

If the flesh and souls of mortals were in large quantities, they would be good cultivation resources for the demon cultivators.

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