Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 882: Beidou Searching for the Pulse (2000 words, please subscribe)

Until the night fell and countless stars appeared, Beishan Zhenren took action.

He raised his hand and pinched his fingers, casting several special spells on the pulse-finding disk in front of him. The pulse-finding disk trembled and projected a piece of spiritual light, which was extremely gorgeous.

Beishan Zhenren's expression condensed, and he actually spit out a mouthful of blood on the pulse-finding disk.

"Beidou pulse-finding technique!"


The spiritual light trembled, and then scattered everywhere in a disorderly manner, and also emitted countless suction forces, absorbing the starlight shot down by countless stars in the sky into the body, and gradually emitting starlight, as if it had turned into a sea of ​​stars.

Among them, there were seven stars that were extremely dazzling.

Ling Pengyun watched this scene and his eyes condensed.

"Big Dipper?"

At this moment, Beidou Zhenren pinched his fingers again, and the long needle on the pulse-finding disk suddenly began to rotate at a very fast speed, turning into a phantom.

The sea of ​​stars projected by the pulse-finding disk was constantly flashing with starlight.

After waiting for a while, Master Beidou saw that the pulse-finding needle had not stopped yet, and his face became more solemn.

He then spit out two mouthfuls of blood on the pulse-finding disk, and took out a glass bottle from the storage bag and poured blood continuously, throwing it on the pulse-finding disk, until the glass bottle was empty, the projected stars began to move, turning into a starlight containing countless array patterns and merging into the pulse-finding needle, and the pulse-finding needle gradually stabilized.

The long needle swayed and finally stopped, pointing to the north.

Master Beishan saw this and secretly breathed a sigh of relief. His face was also full of joy, and he exclaimed.

"We have located the ownerless spirit pond in the north."

"Fellow Daoist Ling, Madam Ling, please follow me. The location I found with the secret method can only last for half a day. Once this time period has passed, if we have not arrived there, I will find it difficult to find it even if I spend my whole life."

After saying that, he hurriedly followed the pulse-finding disk to the north.

His wife, Madam Beiyan, was not happy. Instead, she sighed with great sorrow and followed him.

Ling Pengyun noticed this scene subtly, and looked at the back of Master Beishan, who suddenly became a little hunched, and the many white hairs that suddenly grew on his head, and his eyes condensed.

"I am afraid that this fellow Daoist Beishan has paid a heavy price for using the pulse-finding technique just now."

Yan Siyi, who was standing aside, also sent a message to Ling Pengyun at this moment.

"My husband, did you notice the large amount of blood that Fellow Daoist Beishan poured from the glass bottle onto the pulse-finding array just now?"

"That blood contains the blood of our human race, but no spiritual energy. It should be the blood of a mortal."

"And using mortal blood as the source to locate the location of the ownerless spirit pond here, I'm afraid there is something wrong. Maybe the two are related?"

Ling Pengyun nodded.

"Your guess is possible. Fellow Daoist Beishan, as a casual cultivator, not only has the talent of searching for spirits, but can also find the inheritance of searching for spirits and upgrade this path to the third level. The opportunity must be great. The quality of the cultivation method practiced by Madam Beiyan is also not low. The two couples must be extraordinary. Regardless of whether the matter of the ownerless spirit pond is true or false, be careful."

Yan Siyi said. "Understood, my husband."

Then, the two of them stopped talking and chased after Beishan and Beiyan.

Because the direction indicated by the pulse-finding array was far away from the depths of the Xuankui Mountains, the four people did not encounter any elephant monsters from the Dragon Mane Elephant Clan along the way. Even if they did, they would have used Madam Beiyan's special magic weapon to hide. The four people would have stayed away from the sacred mountains that were set up with detection arrays, and did not approach them easily.

Ling Pengyun and the other four were also very convenient. In the half day when Master Beishan used the secret method to activate the pulse-finding array, they arrived at the place indicated by the pulse-finding array.

This is a desolate valley, which is not large, only about a few dozen feet.

It is also full of trees, and there are several wolf monsters in the early stage of Qi training and dozens of wild wolves that have not entered the grade.

"Fellow Daoist Beishan, are you sure this is the place?"

Ling Pengyun looked at the desolate valley in front of him, and asked Master Beishan with a little doubt.

"Of course, as long as my pulse-finding array plate provides guidance, there has never been a mistake."

"The ownerless spirit pond must be in this valley, but it is protected by a high-level array or the power of heaven and earth, otherwise the dragon mane elephant clan would have discovered the ownerless spirit pond hidden in the dark here."

"My pulse-finding method can only accurately locate the area of ​​the spirit pond in this desolate valley. As for where it is, we still need to find it ourselves."

"Dig three feet into the ground, fellow Daoist Ling."

Master Beishan said with great confidence, then put away the pulse-finding array plate in his hand and set up a third-level middle-grade breath-retaining array around the desolate valley.

Seeing this scene, Ling Pengyun scanned the desolate valley with his spiritual sense, and saw that he did not notice anything unusual. He then took Yan Siyi and Master Beishan and his wife into the desolate valley together and began to use magic weapons to dig.

With the effect of the breath-retaining array, the noise of their digging three feet into the ground did not spread out.

As long as the Golden Core Demon King of the Dragonless Mane Elephant Clan came here with a magic weapon for exploration, no one would notice it.

The magic weapon for exploration in the hands of this clan was extremely sensitive to formations, so when they were deep in the Xuankui Mountains, Master Beishan did not dare to use formations to avoid them.

As for the wolf pack in the desolate valley, they were killed by everyone and put into storage bags to prevent the blood from leaking out.

Soon, when the four dug a thousand feet deep in the valley, they touched some soil containing the power of heaven and earth.

These soils are not spiritual objects like ordinary soils. Once they leave their original place, they will become ordinary objects.

However, as long as these special soils containing the power of heaven and earth are the companions of many mineral veins and spiritual veins, with the help of the connection with those mineral veins and spiritual veins, and the blessing of the power of heaven and earth, these special soils can have a special shielding effect as long as they are still in the original place. Even if there are cultivators in the outside world who use their spiritual sense to scan them, it is difficult to find the mineral veins and spiritual veins under those special soils.

The higher the grade of the mineral veins and spiritual veins, the stronger the effect of the soil containing the power of heaven and earth.

And everyone also showed some joy when they saw the soil containing the power of heaven and earth.

At this time, Beishan Zhenren, who presided over the search for the spirit pond, also greeted.

"Don't destroy this soil that contains the power of heaven and earth on a large scale. I will dig it down."

After saying that, he used a flying sword magic weapon to dig a two-foot wide circular pit.

However, this pit only extended downwards for a few feet before it touched a huge cave.

A strong water spirit also immediately spread out from the deep pit leading to the cave.

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