Listen to advice: I, Sasuke, why should I defect to Konoha?

Chapter 142 The battle that shakes Konoha, Momoshiki will appear

"Then, that is??"

"H-what a huge giant..."

"No way, this, is this God??"

"Yes, I seemed to have heard that rumor when I was very young! But isn't he already dead??"

In Konoha, as soon as the giant Susan, who was as big as a tailed beast, appeared on the scene, he attracted the shocked attention of most of the Konoha ninja. ♦♡

"No, it's impossible! Susanoo, this is Uchiha's Susanoo!!" Koharu, the Hokage consultant, turned to bed and looked at the tall figure and couldn't help but take a breath, and her childhood fears appeared in her mind. .

Uchiha Madara...

"This level of Susanoo seems to be only achieved by the dead Uchiha Madara. What on earth is going on??" Mito Kadoen exclaimed tremblingly beside him, the first Hokage and Uchiha Madara Although they had not participated in witnessing the battle, they had heard about it...

"Is that you? Uchiha Madara!!" On the Hokage Rock, Danzo looked at the complete Susanoo with a shocked face and his heart was splitting. He had been afraid of this man hiding behind Itachi for a long time.

Today, I finally saw some clues...

"Danzo-sama, do you want to organize manpower to support the Hokage and the others??" Although the mountain wind behind him also felt sad, his duty as a ninja still allowed him to overcome his fear.

"No, order all root members to be on alert! At the same time, order all ninjas and jonin and chuunin to protect the villagers and preserve their strength. The rest will be left to the Hokage..." Danzo said coldly with a gleam in his eyes.

Although he doesn’t know what the situation is, this may be his chance!

While Tsunade's position is not stable, as long as she and Jiraiya die there, no one can stop him from becoming Hokage.

For this reason, he would not hesitate to let Konoha be destroyed even once!

This side of the battlefield.

"Damn bug..." Seeing Susana taking shape, Urashiki shouted and his repulsive force exploded, and the huge repulsive force rushed towards Sasuke with lightning speed.

"Just in time!!" Sasuke was not surprised but overjoyed when he saw this, and his wings immediately gathered in front of him to act as a defense. The next moment, Sasuke's body turned into an afterimage and flew out...

Ura Shi's eyes were like daggers, staring at Duan Zuo's body as he rose rapidly.

"Your nonsense ends here! Urashiki..." Dansa, who had recovered most of his chakra, shouted confidently, and the huge Susana sword was instantly unsheathed and ready to go.

"What nonsense?? You are such a despicable creature, you really have a bad mouth and it's disgusting..." Urashiki was still very angry after hearing this, and didn't take the complete Susanoo seriously at all.

With one move with one hand, Ura Shiki quickly condensed a four-pointed star-shaped purple chakra ball in his palm, and then transformed into a black and purple giant hairtail fish behind him in less than half a second.

The seemingly illusory hairtail fish is actually several times larger than Ten Thousand Snakes Xin Ya, standing opposite the complete Susanu, he is not at a disadvantage at all!

"Cut..." Duanzuo didn't say much when he saw this, and directly controlled Susana to slash with his sword. The majestic sword contained the ultimate destructive power...

"Tensuha Ryusei Mikoto Ryugu..." Urashiki grinned and refused to be outdone. The black and purple hairtail fish opened its mouth and condensed a ball of black and purple chakra that looked like a tailed beast jade and roared out.

Between the lightning and flint, the two attacks collided instantly like an overwhelming force...

In an instant, the aftermath of the super powerful attack triggered endless air currents, sweeping the entire place with devastating force! !

"Okay, so strong! Fortunately, this place is still two kilometers away from the village, otherwise it would be dangerous..." Kakashi, who had just been healed by Tsunade, shrank his pupils, chakra erupted from the soles of his feet, and he couldn't help but feel scared as he gripped the ground tightly.


At the same time, it also aroused strong uneasiness. Such a powerful Sasuke actually had an arm broken. How terrifying will the future enemy be! !

"No, this place is still too close to the village. We must take him away from here, and keep at least ten kilometers away from the village..." Tsunade was more solemn and worried than ever before, and quickly re-evaluated the strength of Otsutsuki and Sosa.

"Then let me wait for an opportunity to lure him away..." Jiraiya, who had also recovered, volunteered, biting his fingers and forming seals on his hands.

at the same time.

"Fire Release: Added Earth Life..." Seeing that the chakra sword was in a stalemate with the opponent's chakra mass, Duan Zuo's pupils trembled and his pupil technique exploded.

The jet-black Amaterasu black flames instantly blessed the Susana sword, and the attack power doubled instantly, breaking a hole in the chakra ball, and it was as powerful as breaking a bamboo...

"Is this the only level? Hahaha...Then you can die!" Ura Shiki laughed wildly without panic when he saw this, and waved several black sticks with both hands at high speeds under the blessing of repulsion.

"This kind of attack can't break through my Susano's defense at all..." Duanzuo looked dismissive upon seeing this, even though a mere black stick could break through his Susana.

But just when he thought he was infallible, several black rods broke through the Susano Crystal like piercing window paper.

"Nani??" The unprepared Duan Zuo's pupils shrank, but at this moment he had no time to respond...

"Kamiui..." At this critical moment, Kakashi's voice suddenly sounded from below.

Duanzuo saw a distortion in the space very close to him, and the several black chakra rods pulled and changed their direction. Passing by him and Naruto...

"Hmm... It's still too strenuous! I originally wanted to pull those sticks into the magical space! But fortunately, they were not injured..." Kakashi covered his left eye and panted, obviously it was very strenuous.

"Asshole!!" Urashiki was furious after the failed sneak attack, but he had no time to take care of Kakashi now.

Dansa's Susano sword had already cut through the chakra mass, and he came towards the black and purple hairtail fish with great force...

Urashiki looked at Kakashi violently and was about to explode with repulsive force, but when he saw Boruto beside Kakashi, his eyes suddenly lit up.

The next moment, the chakra mass chopped by Duan Zuo split into two halves, instantly triggering a big explosion that raised a large amount of smoke and dust...

"The art of psychic..." Almost at the same time, Jiraiya shouted, and Gamabunta made a brilliant appearance.

The moment Bunta appeared, he jumped up and went to Sasuke's complete body, Susan.

"This place is too close to Konoha, we have to find a way to lure him away..." Jiraiya quickly reminded Zanzuo, causing Zanzuo to move when he was about to explode again.

"Ah..." While the two were talking, Boruto's scream suddenly came from below.

Before a few people could react, Boruto was captured by Ura Shiki and jumped through the smoke at high speed into the sky...

"Boruto!!" Duanzuo's expression changed when he saw this. He didn't expect that Urashiki would take advantage of the chaos to find Boruto.

But shouldn't his target be Naruto? ?

"Jie Jie Jie, you are not the only ones who have help. I admit that your joining forces did put a little pressure on me, so don't blame me for inviting foreign aid..." Looking at the confused Duan Zuo and Jiraiya, Urashiki gave a grim smile. Choking Boruto's neck.

"This is bad..." Sasuke, who had just rushed out of the smoke, changed his face when he saw this. Is this the butterfly effect...

"Xiao Tao, come out here!!" Under the surprised looks of Duan Zuo and others, Urashiki slapped Boruto hard on the face.

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