Listen to advice: I, Sasuke, why should I defect to Konoha?

Chapter 37 An angry Sasuke passed the written examination

"Use the rules I set?

In a specific scenario, use specific rules to achieve your own goals. ♦☜

At the same time, is it guaranteed that all companions will be promoted...

What a troublesome kid! "

Looking at the serious faces of Sasuke and the other three, Ibiki smiled bitterly with helpless expressions on his face...

Originally, he was the one who assigned the questions to the candidates, but he didn't expect that the candidates would turn the tables on him.

If he does not agree with his own rules, he is personally denying the authority of the examination!

But if Sasuke's approach is approved, other candidates will follow suit...

This intelligence gathering test has lost its meaning!

It's really a dilemma...

However, how could he be led by the little devil...

"You're lucky, sit down..."

Looking at Sasuke meaningfully, Ibiki nodded in approval of Sasuke's behavior under the excited expressions of all the candidates.

"Okay, long live Sasuke..."


Naruto and Sakura shouted excitedly at the same time, their worries finally coming to an end.

Especially Naruto, now he is very confident about passing the written examination!

And Yibixi's move also made many candidates who didn't answer the questions look ecstatic...

In this way, wouldn't they be able to...


Everyone be quiet, now I want to announce the tenth question of today’s exam..."

Just when other candidates were eager to take the test, Yibixi returned to the podium and shouted with a grin.

This made everyone's expressions change, and they all calmed down and looked at Ibixi.

“First, I want you to make a choice.

That is, before the tenth question is released, you can choose to take the test or not..."

Ibiki looked around with cold eyes, and finally landed on Sasuke and announced in a deep voice.


How do you choose? Little devil...

“To take the test or not to take the test??

Do you still need to think about this? Of course I will continue with the exam..."

Sakura immediately questioned and shouted, which was also the voice of all the candidates.

Now that it's time, how can they give up...

"Because I'm going to announce a desperate rule!

That is, candidates who fail the tenth question will be deprived of the qualification to take the Chunin Exam for life..."

Ibiki turned to look at Sakura and smiled solemnly, but his answer surprised everyone!

"How come, how come there is such an outrageous rule??"

"That is to say, why should we be deprived of our lifelong examination qualifications?"

In an instant, some candidates shouted dissatisfiedly, making the atmosphere tense...

“No, we can follow what that Konoha brat did.

There is no such thing as failing the test! "

At this moment, a wise man stood up and shouted.

Let the nervousness of those around you disappear instantly...

That’s right, no matter what the tenth question is!

As long as you follow Sasuke's method and break the game, you will be a stable group...

“Excuse me, now I have to add a rule.

That is, any candidate who takes advantage of the cheating rules will be directly eliminated..."

Looking at the crowd of powerful people, Ibixi raised the corner of his mouth and made another ruthless declaration.

Suddenly, one stone stirred up thousands of waves...

"I protest..."

"That's right, why can they do it but we can't?"

"Is this showing favoritism to Konoha ninjas?"

"Yes, you Konoha must be formulating beneficial rules for your own people..."

Suddenly, rumors spread again in the examination room, and people with the same hatred began to bombard the examiners.

Once this rule changes, how can they still take the tenth question with peace of mind? ?

"Shut up, you trash..."

Facing the candidates' doubts, Yibixi was not used to directly bursting into murderous rage and shouting.

The atmosphere at the scene was instantly solemn...


It's my fault that you didn't think of that loophole immediately!

Here, I am the rule...

The rule announced before was to represent Konoha, and it is still the same now...

Let’s get started, choose to continue or give up…”


Ibixi looked at those clamoring candidates with a look of disdain, making everyone nervous again...

Now comes the real big decision!

"Sorry Haranai, I give up..."

"I give up too..."

"Damn it, I don't want to spend the rest of my life..."

In less than three minutes, many candidates could not bear this rule and chose to abstain.

The appearance of these people makes other candidates even more mentally tortured...

Even Naruto couldn't help but be shaken at this moment!

Even if he had Sasuke's test paper now, he might fail on question ten.

Then it affects Sasuke and Sakura, and makes her unable to take the Chunin Exam again...


Just when Naruto was hesitant, Sasuke behind him suddenly shot up.

This made everyone's attention turn to Sasuke again...

"The so-called ninja...

It is a dangerous profession that is precarious and always faces unknown risks.

In this cruel world, ninjas will die every moment!

No matter he is a genin, chunin, jounin, or a shadow of a village...

So, looking forward and looking back is not my style at all!

If my destiny is to become a genin for the rest of my life, even if I fail the tenth question, I will accept it...

However, this is definitely not a reason for me to back down!

I still have a dream that I must realize, and I will never fail here.

Finally, my teacher once said:

Ninjas are those who break the rules.

If this exam rule is your rule as the examiner, then I can also break your rule.

Anyway, I will not be denied my existence by your rules...

Even if I have to be a useless genin for the rest of my life, I don't want to be an even more useless deserter! "

Under everyone's surprised eyes, Sasuke looked at Ibi and said happily.

Sasuke didn't just say this, he said it from the bottom of his heart.

Knowing the plot, he knows better than anyone else the terrorist threats he will face in the future...

Therefore, this is also his way of ninja!

And Sasuke's words made many people cast strange and exciting looks at him...

"That is to say...

Sasuke is right, we are men who dream of becoming Hokage.

Why are you shrinking here...

If you risk it all, the worst case scenario is that you will be a genin for the rest of your life..."

Naruto, who was already hesitant, immediately stood up and shouted, while looking at Sasuke with admiration and disbelief.

How could he lose to this guy Sasuke...

He stole the spotlight again, damn it! !

"Sasuke-kun is so handsome, I support you..."

"That's right..."

Sakura Ino immediately echoed sweetly, looking at Sasuke with starry eyes.

"If you fight hard, the worst possible outcome is that you will be a genin for the rest of your life..."

"That's right, if I can't even pass this level, I'd better be a ninja..."

"If my existence is a genin level, what's the difference between taking the test and not taking the test?

I took the gamble, anyway, I don’t want to regret it in the future..."

The other candidates were all enthusiastic young people who immediately strengthened their beliefs and made up their minds.

Under the stern looks of all the examiners, the tense atmosphere created by Ibixi collapsed instantly...

"Hey, it's this Uchiha brat again...

It actually led everyone to strengthen their beliefs and change their attitudes in an instant.

What a headache! ! "

Ibiki turned his eyes and stared at Sasuke and complained slightly, but the smile at the corner of his mouth showed that he was satisfied.

This brat might actually be promoted to Chunin!

“No one quits anymore??”

Looking at the vigorous candidates, Ibixi asked again.

After seeing everyone nodding heavily, Yibixi couldn't help but let out a soft breath...

There is no point in continuing!

"Well, congratulations to you...

All the candidates here are qualified! ! "

next second

Under everyone's nervous and anxious gazes, Yi Bixi's expression changed and she announced loudly.

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