The sky is clear and the target is moving.


Under the clear blue sky and white clouds

"Sasuke, arrive at location B."

In the woods, Sasuke stared at the target and whispered into the headset.

"Sakura, arrive at location C."

"Naruto, arrive at location A."

In the headset, the location information of Sakura and Naruto soon came.

"Naruto, you are too slow...

The best time has been missed, the target has moved!

All action, chase quickly..."

Following Kakashi's order in the headset, Sasuke's chakra burst under his feet and rushed towards the target at a high speed.


Accompanied by a miserable scream, Sasuke grabbed the cat's neck and clamped it tightly.

"Sasuke-kun is so handsome..."

Sakura followed and shouted in a sweet voice, showing the strength of the atmosphere team again.

"Finally caught you, little cat..."

Naruto came to Sasuke with a whoosh, grabbed the cat and laughed.

"Then I'll leave it to you, Naruto..."

Sasuke was also happy to see this, and let go of the cat and handed it to Naruto.

At the same time, he pressed the earphone beside his ear and began to report:

"Brown hair, black lines with the word king on the forehead, and a red bow on the right ear.

Confirmed to be the target cat, Tiger."

That's right, Sasuke and his team are now carrying out the famous Konoha Genin copy - the lost tiger capture task.

At this time

It has been almost a month since Sasuke and his team had a dinner together last time...

The last dinner, as expected by Sasuke, did not trigger any rewards.

And his target Hinata, Sasuke temporarily gave up after a simple contact!

The current Hinata is more introverted and inferior than Hinata after the Chunin Exam.

Even if she could find some effective suggestions, she couldn't say them out loud with her current personality...

So, Sasuke has already shifted his target to Neji.

This month

Except for another 20,000 taels of money and 0.1 card of chakra, Sasuke has not received any rewards.

However, in terms of ninjutsu, he has already learned Lightning Style: Thunder Snake and Fire Style: Great Dragon Fire...

In addition, he has carried out 6 D-level missions intermittently.

Hokage Building


Ahahaha, my cute Xiaohu is finally back...

I was really worried to death, my Xiaohu~~"

Under the stunned expressions of Sasuke and the other two, the lady of the lords hugged the cat Xiaohu and ravaged it.

This made the three shudder...

Even Sasuke, who knew the plot, felt the same way!

Knowing and live broadcasting are not the same feeling...

"Well, the D-level mission of the missing cat is completed.

Then, the next mission of Kakashi's team is..."

After the lady of the lord left, Sarutobi Hiruzen puffed out smoke rings and began to look for the next mission.

Mumbling those boring and dull D-level mission names, Naruto clenched his fists and prepared to go...


I don't want to do these boring and unchallenging missions anymore!

Are there no other missions?

I want to perform more difficult and exciting advanced missions..."

Under Sasuke's expectation, Naruto finally couldn't help but burst out and shouted.

The faces of the third generation, Kakashi, and Iruka changed at the same time...

[It's about to begin...

The long-awaited mission of the Land of Waves, the first battle of the transformation of Team 7! ! 】

Looking at the passionate Naruto who was arguing with Iruka, Sasuke couldn't help but sigh slightly.

For this mission to face the elite jonin, Sasuke did not change his mind about the plot!

Become Sasuke, know the plot...

If he doesn't even dare to face a guy like Zabuza, how can he covet the power of Otsutsuki!

"I see...

Naruto, you are no longer the little kid who likes to play pranks..."

At Naruto's insistence, the Third Hokage lowered his hat and said in a complicated tone.

It is a dangerous move for the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki to leave the village.

But since Naruto graduated and became a ninja, he has been mentally prepared for this day!

During this period, he also witnessed the rapid growth of Sasuke and Naruto...

Especially Sasuke, who has the strength of an elite Chunin.

It's almost time...

"Then please come out!

Mr. Dazna..."

Under the expectant eyes of Naruto and Sasuke, the Third Hokage turned around and shouted with a serious expression.

With a swish, the door next to him was pushed open.

A strong smell of alcohol instantly hit me...

"Yeah? Who is this drunk old man?"

Seeing Dazna appear, Naruto fanned the strong smell of alcohol and asked excitedly.

"He is your

The client of the mission, Mr. Dazna...

Naruto, this is a C-level protection mission.

Next, it's up to you, Kakashi..."

After a brief introduction, the Third Hokage gave Kakashi a special look without making any noise.

Kakashi naturally knew it was because of the Nine-Tails, and nodded silently to show that he understood!

"What? Let them accept the mission to protect me?

Why are they all little ninjas...

Especially that short and stupid little ninja, can he become a ninja?"

Dazna, who was drunk, heard this and looked at Sasuke and the other two and started to speak venomously.

Family members know their own affairs, and he knows his own situation.

He was afraid that Sasuke and the others would be unreliable and pit him...

As soon as these words came out,

Naruto yelled in anger again, but was ruthlessly suppressed by Kakashi...

"I am Dazna, a super famous bridge builder in the Land of Waves.

Then my safety will be in your hands!

Before I build the bridge, please bet your lives to protect my safety. "

After a while, Dazna took a big gulp of wine and said desperately.

Anyway, he didn't have the money to upgrade the mission level, so he could only try his best...

"Don't worry, Mr. Dazna.

Although they are young, they are all elite ninjas of Konoha...

Besides, there is a jonin like me, so it's okay!"

Kakashi was as lazy and comforting as always, and didn't think there was any danger.

This made Dazna react and secretly surprised!

Spending the money for a C-level mission to hire a jonin for protection, it's a big profit...

"Sasuke, Naruto, Sakura.

Now go back and prepare weapons and daily necessities, and gather at the village entrance in half an hour.

Mr. Dazna is also here, go..."

Kakashi turned around and said to everyone after walking out of the Hokage building.

The figure flashed and disappeared in an instant...

"Next, it's time for me to show my skills..."

After Kakashi left, Naruto shouted passionately and ran home quickly without looking back.

"Let's go, Sakura..."

Sasuke smiled helplessly, said hello and turned to walk towards home.


Sasuke did not go home directly, but turned around and went to a weapon store.

In order to be on the safe side, he must prepare some trump cards to be safe...

Half Hours later

The Kakashi team, ready to go, gathered again and met with the client Dazna at the entrance of the village.

"Let's go, everyone..."

The excited Naruto pointed his finger and shouted excitedly after everyone was present.

This was the first time he had left the village since he was a child...

"Let's go..."

Sasuke had a similar expression, and he was also looking forward to the outside world.

However, he was looking forward to the upcoming battle...

[Who of these two guys is the leading jonin...]

Kakashi looked at Sasuke and Naruto who were giving orders, and a row of crows flew over his forehead and he was speechless again.

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