The last Uchiha will betray Konoha again?" Utane Koharu took a deep breath and asked Sasuke with a blank face. "The situation is obvious, isn't it? Although I was optimistic about this kid before, he still went astray..." Mitomon sighed, secretly regretting his rash advance. "Betray Konoha? Haha... Konoha was jointly established by Uchiha and Senju, and you who are taking advantage of it are still as high-sounding as ever." Sasuke sneered disdainfully, and then his pupils flashed scarlet and his eyes showed murderous intent. "Then, for the future of Konoha, please die here!"

"What?" "How dare you..."

Seeing Sasuke burst into murderous intent, Koharu and Yan could not help but shout loudly even though they were mentally prepared.

How could they be denied their existence by a young boy!

"Didn't you say that before? For Konoha, the Hokage can be sacrificed, so what's the point of sacrificing the Hokage's advisor now..." Sasuke snorted again and turned to look at Orochimaru. "How long are you going to delay!!"

He was too lazy to waste words on these two worthless old guys. He didn't want to cause any unexpected situation that would be difficult to end...

"Tsk tsk, you found out! So, now that everyone is here, we can start..." Koharu and Yan were about to speak when they were interrupted by Orochimaru's voice.

"Start? Start what?" Danzo's face suddenly changed and he was stunned on the spot, looking around vigilantly to prevent any accidents.

"Danzo-sama..." Aburame Togen flashed in front of Danzo with a whoosh, and the highly toxic nano-sized phosphorus bugs turned around and covered his body.

"Woo-woo~ woo~~" Just as the four were on high alert, Tayuya's flute sounded faintly.

"Illusion? Quickly interrupt the flow of chakra..." Almost the moment when Tayuya's flute sounded, Danzo instantly realized it and put his hand on Koharu's shoulder and shouted.

Koharu and Enya reacted at the same time, and immediately reached out to each other to disrupt the flow of chakra. Only Aburame Togen, who was full of poison, stood there alone to endure the illusion attack...

"You've been fooled, now is the time for the four of us to show our strength!" Almost the moment when Danzo and the other two took action, Kidomaru in a corner of the Four Purple Flame Formation suddenly laughed wildly.

"Hahaha, this time we are not just as simple as creating a barrier!" Jirobo shouted at the same time, with excitement in his eyes.

"Stop talking nonsense, start quickly..." The leader of the four, Sakon, shouted coldly, and the burst instant body technique appeared in front of Danzo.

At the same time, Tayuya, Kidomaru, and Jirobo also appeared beside Koharu, Yan, and Aburame Tone.

"What are you doing?" Danzo, who had just lifted the illusion, asked in a startled voice, and was about to retreat with chakra bursting under his feet.

Koharu and Yan were in a similar situation...

But at this moment, the four people looked crazy at the same time and shouted: "Time and space technique·Yellow Spring Turning Technique..."

In an instant, four golden summoning techniques appeared under the feet of the four people, and the sky-high beams of light covered Danzo and the other four in the blink of an eye.

"What is this?" Seeing this, Danzo's face changed drastically, and he immediately formed a seal to launch the final Izanami.

But at this critical moment, Kimimaro, whose body was bound by the curse seal, exploded, and several small bone spikes suddenly emerged from his chest...

Danzo, who was already covered by the golden light and was slow to seal, was hit by Bones Senbon and his seal was interrupted before he could react.

Needless to say, Koharu and Yan, who were weaker, were also covered by the golden light and could not move.

The next moment.

Under the unwilling gaze of Danzo and the other four, four golden lights rose up and pulled their souls and chakras out of their bodies.

At the same time, Danzo and the other four who lost their souls fell to the ground. The bodies of the four people of the Impure World also collapsed at the same time...

Then, several soul chakras intertwined with each other to form a thick golden light that flew a hundred meters away, and in a blink of an eye, it turned into a brown fortress barrier and appeared in the dilapidated temple.

"Where is this place?" Looking at the suddenly changed environment, Danzo saw that the expressions of the four people opposite him were uncertain.

Their attacks were definitely not aimless, but they did not feel any damage. What was going on? ?

"It looks like this should be a barrier, similar to Tobirama's Flying Thunder God Technique? Orochimaru actually developed such a powerful space-time barrier technique!" Utatane Koharu looked around and analyzed solemnly.

Mitomon En beside him nodded in agreement.

"Gagaga... Excuse me, this is the underworld! You have already entered death!!" Hearing Koharu's analysis, Sakon couldn't help but shout proudly.

Their technique was finally completed...

"Death!!" "Underworld??"

Instantly, Sakon's arrogant words made Danzo and Koharu change color at the same time. Especially Koharu and En, how come they have reached the underworld before they have even fought? ?

Outside world.

"Is this the underworld barrier? The forbidden technique of pulling the enemy's soul into the barrier to fight!" Looking at the huge barrier that has been unfolded, Kabuto Yakushi pushed his glasses and couldn't help but sigh at the greatness of Orochimaru, who could actually develop such a powerful forbidden technique.

The four people who turned into the underworld are already dead. If they lose their bodies, they can only be summoned again next time! But the enemy, without the control of the soul, is a lamb to be slaughtered...

"Sasuke-kun, are you satisfied with this gift now? The souls of Danzo and his companions have been transferred to the Yellow Springs barrier, and they will not resist at all. You can kill them at any time to avenge Uchiha!" Seeing the completion of the technique, Orochimaru turned to Sasuke and smiled confidently.

This is the horror of the Yellow Springs Turning Technique!

As long as the teammates destroy the body when the target soul leaves the body, even if they defeat the souls of the four people, they cannot be resurrected!

They only face the result of death! !

"Revenge? I am not interested in such boring things! They are just stumbling blocks on my road to growth..." Sasuke is still as calm as the wind, and his calm attitude makes Orochimaru admire him.

Sasuke is worthy of being the source of his expectations! !

"Puchi..." Without hesitation, Sasuke's eyes were fierce and his hand fell with a knife. The Kusanagi sword once again slashed across Danzo's head and beheaded him.

[Task completed, reward: Tongue Eradication Seal...]

[Task completed, reward: Wind Style: Vacuum Jade, Wind Style: Vacuum Large Jade, Wind Style: Vacuum Wave, Wind Style: Vacuum Continuous Wave...]

When Sasuke beheaded Danzo, the system reward arrived as expected without any surprise.

In an instant, Danzo's wind style ninjutsu and tongue radiation seal emerged in Sasuke's brain, allowing him to master these techniques in an instant.

"Puff puff puff..."

Almost at the same time when Sasuke accepted the reward, Danzo's severed neck suddenly burst into black blood like ink and scattered in all directions...

"Inner Four Symbols Sealing Technique!!"

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