The morning sun shone brightly, and the sun shone brightly.

Early morning

"Good morning...

Sasuke, Kakashi-sensei, Dazna-san, Inari..."

Sakura rubbed her hazy eyes and walked into the living room to greet them, looking tired.

In order to become a strong girl that Sasuke likes as soon as possible, she went out to secretly practice until her chakra was exhausted after the protection mission was completed yesterday. Naturally, she was not in good spirits at this time...

"Well, let's eat..."

Kakashi glanced at Sakura and nodded warmly, and he quite agreed with Sakura's night training...

As an elite jonin, how could he not know Sakura's behavior!

Which teacher would reject such a self-conscious student...

"By the way, didn't Naruto come back last night?

This guy seems to have been working very hard these past two days..."

Dazna looked at the empty seat next to him, sighing while eating.

That kid, you can't judge a person by his appearance!

"Hmph, what's the point of practicing hard...

No matter how hard they try, they are no match for Cardo, and they will die in the end!"

Next to him, Dazna's grandson Inari snorted gloomily.

He sneered at the efforts of the three...


Hearing her son's dejected words, Tsunami stepped forward and scolded him.

Avoid unnecessary trouble...

"Kid, do you want to die?

It's okay if you don't want to work hard, but you have to deny us.

If we die, what do you think will happen to your family!!

Teacher, I'll go call Naruto back for dinner..."

Sasuke didn't tolerate this guy, and he got up and left after scolding him rudely.

Today seems to be the day when Naruto and Haku meet!

Since they are destined to be rivals, it is better not to meet...

"Hmph, what big talk...

Anyway, you can never defeat Kado..."

Inari looked at Sasuke's back and shouted loudly, venting his panic.

Of course he knew the consequences of failure...

But he just didn't have the courage to break that fear! !


How can you say that about Sasuke-kun..."

Sakura couldn't stand it when she saw this, and immediately spoke up to defend Sasuke.

"What do you guys who have never experienced pain know...

Kado, Kado's existence is impossible to resist.

Your understanding of this country, us, and Kado is too naive!"

Inari roared again, making Sakura furious and ready to teach this ignorant kid a lesson.

"Inari, right...

I admit that Sasuke's words were a bit harsh, but what he said was the reality.

As for the pain?

Sorry, Sasuke and Naruto have had more painful experiences than you!

But they are still strong and brave to live, and break their own pain..."

Kakashi took over the conversation and started to talk back, which made Dazna and his daughter secretly relieved...

On the other side

"Stupid, it's time to eat..."

Sasuke rushed all the way and finally found the sleeping Naruto and gave him a slap.

"Ah, it hurts...

Sasuke, don't hit him so hard!"

Naruto woke up instantly and covered his head and screamed, looking at Sasuke with a face full of grievance.

"Hurry back to eat, we still have to go to the bridge..."

Sasuke looked around and urged, secretly thinking that he was ahead of Bai!

Otherwise, Naruto would not be in a state of sleep.


Sasuke, I have completed the training of the wind escape ninjutsu!

Speaking of this, I have to thank you for your trick..."

Naruto, in a good mood, put his hand on Sasuke's shoulder and smiled proudly, and stepped forward with Sasuke.

"Really? I hope you don't let us down at that time...

If the prediction is correct, Zabuza may attack us tomorrow or the day after tomorrow."

Sasuke glanced at Naruto's arm and smiled lightly, asking him to be mentally prepared.

"Ah? Tomorrow or the day after tomorrow?"

Instantly, Naruto, who was full of pride, looked down.

He said that the training he completed was not 100% successful and could be used proficiently.

But there was a one-third failure rate...

If he launched an attack tomorrow, he would be embarrassed...

I was originally planning to pretend, and practice and integrate it in the next two days!

"Is there a problem?"

Hearing this, Sasuke narrowed his eyes and questioned, and was secretly shocked by the power of the shadow clone cheat! !

"No, of course not..."

Naruto couldn't let Sasuke see that he was bragging, so he immediately patted his chest and stuttered.

In fact, he was very panicked...

"Huh? There is a

A beautiful young lady..."

In a panic, Naruto turned his eyes and pointed at the person coming from the opposite side to divert Sasuke's attention.

"Who is that..."

Sasuke came back to his senses and looked at a beautiful girl in a pink floral kimono walking towards him.

It was the popular character of unknown gender, Bai.

At the same time

Bai on the opposite side also saw Sasuke and Naruto and recognized them.

However, Bai's ninja qualities were acquired through rigorous training.

Naturally, he was calm and walked past the two calmly...

"Huh? Sasuke...


You're exposed, you..."

Seeing Sasuke's eyes secretly glancing at Bai, Naruto showed a lewd expression and teased.

He secretly decided in his heart that he would take Sasuke to a certain place to see when he returned to the village...

It can be regarded as a reward for the shadow clone training method!


Sasuke immediately retracted his gaze and said coldly, quickening his pace and leaving.

Bai is a popular character, but so what?

With different positions, how could he gamble his life for a feeling...

The real ninja world is obviously more cruel and realistic than the plot!

What's more, who knows whether Bai is a man or a woman...

"Don't be shy, Sasuke!

Wait for me..."

Naruto immediately shouted and chased, causing Sasuke to speed up again.

"Sasuke, Naruto.

Although I am a little reluctant, I can't refuse the order of Lord Zabuza.

Tomorrow may be the day you die!

Enjoy this last bond..."

Looking at the backs of the two people leaving together, Bai murmured with determination in his eyes.

Bond, he also has it!

And he can sacrifice his life for it!!

The next day

"Didn't Naruto say that he had completed his training?

Why did he go out to train so late last night? ? "

After breakfast, Dazna looked at Naruto who was sleeping soundly and complained.

This guy still seems unreliable...

"Well, let him have a good rest.

Let's go to the bridge first...

According to my estimation, Zabuza's injuries should recover in the next two days!

Be careful..."

Kakashi said with a solemn determination in his eyes, and turned to look at Dazna and Sasuke beside him.


Sasuke nodded in agreement, followed Kakashi and Dazna out of the room.

After meeting up with Sakura, the four of them headed for the bridge...

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