The water was blown away, and the water was blown away.

‘Transformation Technique…’

With the help of the bushes, Sasuke dived directly into the river to perform the ninjutsu.

With a bang, he turned into Naruto…

At the same time

Naruto, who fell into the water, also activated the Multiple Shadow Clone Technique…

The moment the white smoke appeared under the river, the transformed Sasuke merged into it.

The careless Naruto didn't even notice the extra clone, and started to assign tasks directly.

One clone came ashore from the side to attack, while the other clones lured the enemy head-on...

After a while

"No matter what, I must grab the bell and become a ninja...

I will never, ever fail here!"

With Naruto's loud shout, seven Narutos suddenly jumped out of the calm river surface.

Sakura and Kakashi were both shocked!

"'ve been fooled...

This is my best Multiple Shadow Clone Technique..."

Naruto said proudly, and together with the seven clones, he formed eight people and rushed towards Kakashi from the front.

[Multiple Shadow Clone Technique? Is it the forbidden technique that Mizuki wanted to steal that night...]

Kakashi looked at the eight Narutos with a clear look in his eyes, and took back the little red book at the same time.

Facing eight Narutos, he had to be a little more serious!

"Now, go..."

Looking at the wide open door behind Kakashi, Naruto raised his arm and gave a signal to the sneak attacking clones.


Kakashi, who was looking ahead, was suddenly attacked and hugged by Naruto's clone and cried out in surprise.


Ninjas cannot leave their backs to the enemy..."

Seeing this, Naruto immediately shouted proudly and was about to start explaining.

In the crowd, Sasuke, who had transformed into Naruto, immediately formed a seal with the help of his clone.

'Fire Style: Great Fireball Technique...'

Completing the seal quickly, Sasuke launched the ninjutsu without hesitation.

He opened his mouth and sprayed a stream of fire that condensed into a ball in the air and blasted forward...


"Great Fireball Technique!!"

"How is it possible..."

At the same time

Whether it was Naruto, Kakashi, or the hidden Sakura, they were all full of surprise.

Naruto was even more confused. How could the clone use the fire ninjutsu that he didn't know...

"No way..."

Kakashi, who was hugged by Naruto's clone, saw the fireball coming and shook it off with force to break free from Naruto's clone...

Chakra burst under his feet, and he jumped up and flashed away from the spot.

"Don't try to escape..."

Sasuke was naturally not surprised by this, and the shuriken that had been prepared long ago burst out at a high speed...

Three shurikens quickly turned into an arc and rushed straight to the bell rope on Kakashi's waist.

"Good reaction..."

Kakashi praised and casually grabbed the three shurikens and put them between his fingers.

The figures disappeared at the same time...

The next second

"If I'm not wrong, you are Sasuke, right!"

Put a kunai on Sasuke's neck, and Kakashi's voice appeared at the same time.

"What if I guessed it..."

Sasuke's eyes flashed, and a white smoke floated past to reveal his true identity.


Damn, how could that clone use fire escape and such exquisite shurikenjutsu...

It turned out to be you..."

Seeing Sasuke's real body, Naruto immediately pointed at him and shouted angrily.

Kakashi subconsciously looked at Naruto...


At this moment, Sasuke's body suddenly turned into Naruto's clone with a bang.

"Substitution technique? When!!"

Kakashi's pupils shrank when he saw Naruto appear, and he shouted subconsciously.


At this moment, Sasuke's eyes and hands were quick and he grabbed the two bells directly.

"Got it..."

"Sasuke is great..."

Seeing this, Naruto and Sakura screamed and couldn't believe their eyes.


At this critical moment, Kakashi instantly replaced Naruto's clone with a bang.


Seeing this, Sasuke's face changed and he left the place immediately.

The next moment

A hand stretched out from the ground where he was standing before, grabbing a lonely...

"What an amazing fighting sense...

Both the grasp of the fighter and the strength have reached the level of Genin.

As expected of this year's top student, Uchiha Sasuke..."

Seeing that the earth escape failed, Kakashi immediately broke out of the ground and admired Sasuke who was a few meters away.

"Unfortunately, I still missed..."

Sasuke pretended to be unhappy, his eyes fixed and ready to act.

As a time traveler, he certainly knew the core of the test, and everything just now was just a disguise that matched his personality.

Avoid doing something out of the ordinary

What trouble...

"Naruto, Sakura.

You have seen that even if I am the top student, I can't get the bell by a surprise attack.

It is even more impossible for you...

If you want to get the bell, it is impossible to fight alone!

So, you haven't forgotten the cooperation last night..."

Flashing back to Naruto's side, Sasuke began to persuade him.

"But, but there are only two bells that pass the exam...

Even if we work together to get the bells, how should we distribute them?"

Sakura saw Sasuke speak, and swooshed out of the bushes and trembled.

If it weren't for this, why would they fight alone...

"That's right, that's right...

Two bells, one person must quit.

I finally got the forehead protector, so I don't want to go back to the ninja school."

Naruto clenched his fist and shouted, worried that Sasuke would kick him out after the cooperation.

Sakura supported Sasuke, and Sasuke was the top student.

At that time, he will definitely be the one who will be kicked out by the two of them...


You haven't even got the bell yet, and you're already thinking about the next problem!

So, what if...

I give up!!"

Sasuke raised his lips and began to really perform.

Aren't you going to see teamwork? Then let Kakashi see enough...

"Give up? No...

How can you give up, Sasuke-kun!

You're the top student...

If that's the case, then I'll give up too...

I must stand by Sasuke-kun!!"

Sakura immediately expressed her opinion when she saw this. She had finally been assigned to a group with Sasuke-kun.

I don't want to leave Sasuke-kun and team up with Naruto!

"Naruto, if Sakura gives up too, you'll have two bells.

By then, you'll definitely be able to become a ninja.

Can we work together like this?"

Sasuke turned his eyes and stared at the trembling Naruto and began to force him to leave.

"How could it be...

How could it be, how could you give up like this!!

Sasuke, didn't you keep saying that you wanted to compete with me for the position of Hokage?

How could you just give up on becoming a ninja like this...

You took the initiative to withdraw so that I could become a ninja, then what's the point of the current cooperation?"

Naruto asked excitedly with trembling eyes, unable to understand Sasuke's intention.

"Meaning? Stupid Naruto...

This may be Sasuke's plan.

If I were him, I would definitely go back on my word after getting the bell.

Then you will be passive, Naruto...

So, what's your answer?


Kakashi deliberately provoked, looking forward to Sasuke's answer.

[Kakashi's malicious suggestion is detected, triggering a 10x D-level reward.

Mission: Gain Naruto's trust; Reward: Awaken Sharingan...]

Hearing the system prompt, Sasuke paused and his eyes shone...

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