The first time, the second time, the second time.

"How could it be...

He actually has the speed of Xiao Li opening three gates!!

Although it is not as exaggerated as Xiao Li's four gates, he can still reproduce the previous attack with the help of the Sharingan's insight and timely reaction.

Sasuke, really brought Taijutsu, Ninjutsu and Sharingan to the extreme!"

Looking at the same scene as the preliminaries, Might Guy was shocked...

"However, Taijutsu alone can't beat him...

What's more, Sasuke can't use Li Lianhua at all.

Why does Sasuke still try such a physically exhausting attack..."

Hearing the teacher's praise, Xiao Li was shocked and questioned.

"Maybe, it's for the last blow!"

Kakashi said with a gleam in his eyes, which made Kai and Lee change color at the same time...

The last blow? ?

"Sasuke is so handsome..."

"So cool, Sasuke..."

Sakura Ino next to him didn't care about that, and shouted loudly with golden eyes.

Although Lee's physical skills were amazing before, how could the four-door Lee be as cool as Sasuke...

Especially today, Sasuke was wearing a black short-sleeved shirt and shorts, and his coolness was off the charts! !

So not only them, but other audiences or ninjas in the audience were also surprised...

Just this wonderful battle was worth the price of the ticket...

However, some were happy and some were worried!

At the same time

Naruto in the waiting area was dumbfounded...

"Damn it...

Sasuke actually, actually learned the moves of the thick-browed guy...

That guy, that guy...

How could that guy be so powerful!!"

Looking at Sasuke, who seemed to be a replica of Lee, Naruto grabbed the fence and shouted unwillingly.

The sense of superiority of obtaining the summoning technique disappeared in an instant, and there was only the loss, unwillingness and jealousy of being left behind by Sasuke in his heart...


Who is this guy who was worried about Sasuke not winning just now!

He was worried about Sasuke's safety, but he was unwilling to be surpassed by Sasuke.

What a trouble..."

Beside him, Shikamaru glanced at the excited Naruto and grumbled.

There was a trace of empathy in his eyes...

As a partner of the same period, he seemed to be too far behind Sasuke! !


While everyone was watching and shouting, Sasuke kicked Gaara into the air again.

With a whoosh, he appeared behind him...

[This, could it be...]

Gaara, who was in tatters, had his pupils shrink and his face was twisted and hideous...

'Lotus of Thunder'

Sasuke didn't care about Gaara's shock, and the lightning snake that he had completed in advance instantly turned into a lightning rope to wrap around his body.

The next moment

He was paralyzed by the lightning restraint and was pulled down at a high speed...


Accompanied by a sound of shaking the earth, a big pit was instantly blasted out of the peaceful venue.

And Sasuke himself, in an emergency, retreated dozens of meters away before touching the ground...

"Hu... Hu...

This should be OK..."

Looking at the center of the dusty pit, Sasuke panted slightly and said calmly.

Close the door at the same time to reduce the burden on the body!

Now, it is no longer needed for the time being...



Sasuke, Uchiha Sasuke...

Interesting, too interesting!!

I feel this feeling again.

Kill you, your blood must be delicious..."

The next moment, the smoke and dust dissipated and Gaara's crazy roar was heard.

Sasuke looked closely and saw that the cracked sand armor on his body was broken into sand one after another...

"Face your fear, Uchiha Sasuke..."

Gaara's bloodthirsty eyes burst into murderous intent and roared again. He made hand seals and the sand around him quickly flowed back to wrap him up.

At the same time

A sand eye quickly materialized, staring at Sasuke fiercely.

"Is it coming..."

Sasuke was not panicked at all when he saw this, but the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

If he wanted to stop it, it was not impossible to explode again...

But he couldn't do that!

If Gaara is forced to explode Shukaku here, then Sakura, Ino and the others will be in danger...

So this time, we still have to injure Gaara and move to another place!!

‘Such a perfect target...

It would be a shame to not shoot at your cooperation, Gaara...’

Looking at the big sand ball firmly on the ground, Sasuke's eyes flashed with playfulness and he retreated to the wall.

Under the strange eyes of the crowd, Sasuke's face became serious and he made seals with his hands...

The next second

Sasuke's right hand flashed with lightning as he completed the hand seal, and countless arcs gathered and intertwined in his palm...


Almost at the moment when the ninjutsu was formed, it seemed that the cry of a thousand birds resounded throughout the venue...

This cool scene immediately made everyone dumbfounded and silent!

Ordinary people were only surprised by the cool ninjutsu effect, but the real ninjas looked at the chidori in disbelief...

"Too, too cool...

It actually bloomed chakra to a degree visible to the naked eye, what kind of ninjutsu is this?"

Ino looked at the handsome and cool Sasuke with peach blossoms in her eyes, and for the first time she felt really moved...


But what are those chirping sounds?"

Sakura, who had seen Sasuke's Rasengan, asked again after being amazed.

"That is the unique rhythmic sound of lightning chakra colliding with each other when it explodes, as if a thousand birds are chirping!

So, the name of this ninjutsu is: Chidori.

Also known as Raikiri...

It is the only ninjutsu created by the copy ninja Kakashi..."

Might Guy looked at the familiar Chidori and answered first, which surprised Sakura and Ino at the same time.


Why does a ninjutsu have two names?"

Ino was puzzled again when she heard this, and tilted her head to ask.

"Because, Kakashi once used Chidori to cut off lightning...

So it is also called Raikiri.


Raikiri is Chidori, but Chidori is not necessarily Raikiri.

Only when Chidori is used to cut off lightning can it be considered Raikiri.

Chidori is an A-level ninjutsu, and Raikiri is an S-level ninjutsu..."

Might Guy answered again, which surprised Sakura and Ino at the same time.

Cut off lightning? ?

How is this possible...

"That kind of ninjutsu...

Damn it, Kakashi-sensei, you're going too far!

You actually taught Sasuke such a powerful ninjutsu!!


I'll definitely go find him and settle the score later, definitely..."

In the waiting area, Naruto was furious when he saw this...

Such two cool ninjutsu were actually taught to Sasuke, unforgivable!!

If he didn't want to miss this crucial scene, he would not be able to sit still now...


Temari, who was not far from Naruto, swallowed her saliva secretly, and her expression became highly nervous.

Of course, this was not because of Sasuke, but because of Gaara.

In this state, Gaara was obviously going to release the one-tailed Shukaku...

Whether it was due to a change of plan or fear of Shukaku, she couldn't keep calm.

Of course, the same was true for Kankuro beside her...

Off the field

Sasuke didn't care what others thought, and his feet exploded the moment the Chidori was formed...

Chidori was originally a cutting ninjutsu that was completed with the help of stabbing.

Sasuke, whose cells were activated by the lightning attribute, arrived in the blink of an eye...

Under the insight of the Sharingan, Gaara's defense was useless.

Under everyone's tense attention, the sharp Chidori burst out with a piercing eagle cry and pierced into the sand ball fiercely...

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