The monster came out...

These two guys are dead!!"

Kanjuro, who was knocked away, staggered to his feet and trembled, and turned to find Temari without hesitation.

Whether Temari is alive or dead, he must take her away from here as soon as possible...


Interesting, too interesting...

Uchiha Sasuke, you really surprised me...

Seeing me like this, I didn't feel any fear.

You are really a monster..."

Seeing Sasuke so calm, Gaara roared again crazy and excitedly.

Because he was too excited, a lot of saliva flowed from his mouth, and his face was hideous and ferocious...

Such a terrifying scene made Shino's back cold and his face pale...

"Monster? I'm not..."

Sasuke sneered at the words, and his palms were again intertwined with arcs and lightning flashed with one hand...

"This is the lightning ninjutsu just now..."

Seeing Chidori up close, Shino couldn't help but exclaimed.

The fear of Gaara also dissipated at the same time...

"Shino, you use insects to cover his sight...

I'll be responsible for the main attack!!"

Sasuke said with his back to Shino, and the Chidori in his hand became more dazzling...

"I see..."

Shino's body trembled, and he instantly understood Sasuke's idea and regrouped.

Sasuke can fight so hard, so as a partner, he can't just tremble beside him...

"Want to join us??


Then I'll kill you all!!"

Seeing the Chidori reappear, Gaara thought of the pain before and shouted wildly.

'Sand Shuriken...'

Shukaku used his claws to swing, and dozens of shurikens formed by sand rushed towards the two people at a high speed...

Just when Sasuke was about to use Chidori to attack instead of defend, countless insects suddenly flew out of Shino's body and blocked them.

Instantly rotating at high speed to form an insect wall to bounce dozens of shurikens one by one...

"Although I'm not good at defense, don't think about hurting your partners in front of me...

Sasuke, come on..."

Shino raised his hands and shouted coldly, while speaking, controlling the flying insects to rush up and pounce on Gaara's eyes.

Faced with this physical visual barrier, even Gaara couldn't get rid of the flying insects in time...

Sasuke looked sideways slightly...

No wonder it is said that the most reliable of the ten strong men besides Neji is Shino, he is indeed reliable!!


Sasuke made a prompt decision and used the instant body technique to burst out and rushed towards Gaara at high speed...

Gaara only heard a sharp scream and felt a sharp pain in his arm that made him crazy.

Although he couldn't see, he clearly felt that Shukaku's claws were violently cut off by Chidori...


Gaara, who had never felt such humiliation, raised his head and roared, and his chakra burst out strongly to blow away all the insects.

"Actually, actually cut off my arm...

Uchiha Sasuke, how much fun are you going to bring me..."

Gaara, who regained his sight, roared in a muffled voice, and the sand in the gourd extended again to cover both arms and head...

The whole person turned into the appearance of a little Shukaku in an instant, entering the half-tailed beast state.


Faced with Gaara's roar, Sasuke spat lightly, with a strange color flashing in his eyes.

What are you yelling about? He hasn't tried Chidori·Thousand Years of Death yet...

But now is the time to be crazy about the promotion to Chunin!

"Shino, I'll lead this guy away...

You go and send the information quickly, saying that the Sand Village's One-Tail Jinchuriki has appeared.

Let the village evacuate the crowd as soon as possible to avoid more casualties...

Don't hesitate, go!!"

Do it if you want to, Sasuke immediately whispered to Shino next to him.

He didn't believe it. With such performance and the need for manpower after the war, he couldn't be promoted to Chunin?


Shino's pupils trembled and just about to say something, Sasuke left in an instant and appeared dozens of meters away.

"Don't even think about leaving..."

Seeing Sasuke was about to run, Gaara roared and roared, his claws attached to the tree trunk like a slingshot and chased him.

As for Shino?

Sorry, Gaara doesn't take this kind of small fry seriously at all...

"Wait for me to bring back reinforcements, Sasuke..."

Looking at the two chasing and fleeing quickly, Shino gritted his teeth and retreated quickly.

At this moment, he had a deeper understanding of ninjas and bonds...

At the same time

"Wait... there are pursuers..."

The hurriedly marching Parker sniffed hard, stopped and spoke in a serious tone.

"Pursuers? How many people..."


His face changed and he asked nervously. What he was worried about finally came...

"Two teams, eight people...

No, nine people.

Eight people in front, one in the back..."

Parker sniffed again and spoke, which made the few people feel a little relieved.

There are five of them. Although five against nine is stressful, it is not so despairing!

"I advise you not to be too happy too early...

The other party is at least all Chunin, or maybe Jonin.

What should we do now?"

Parker saw that the few people were not too nervous and broke the fantasy, making the scene quiet!

"Needless to say...

Of course, we have to stop the other party at the cost of our lives.

I will stop them..."

Within a breath, Xiao Li spoke first.

"Xiao Li, you..."

Seeing Xiao Li stand up again, Xiao Ying couldn't help but feel touched.

This is the second time Xiao Li has done this!

With Xiao Li's current strength, if he stayed, he would surely die. How could she remain indifferent to such spirit!

Of course, this is just the friendship of comrades...

"Miss Sakura, don't worry...

In order to protect his companions, Konoha's blue beast will bloom again today..."

Seemingly seeing Sakura's worry, Xiao Li was immediately encouraged and shouted passionately again.



Although I'm not too familiar with you, we are all partners, how can I let you stay alone.

Besides, with your strength, you can't delay them for a few minutes!

But if I and Choji are added, we should be able to create a perfect ambush."

Shikamaru looked at Choji and Xiao Li and said resolutely, he already had an ambush plan.

"Shikamaru, I can also participate in the ambush..."

Naruto shouted hurriedly when he saw this, he was not a coward.

"No need, you and Sakura go to support Sasuke first...

If the plan goes well, we will catch up with you soon.

Remember to leave us a mark to guide us."

Shikamaru refused without hesitation. Who should Naruto leave to support Sasuke?

Rely on Sakura and the ninja dog? ?

"Let's go, Naruto, Sakura...

With this kid's intelligence, they shouldn't have any problems.

Sasuke's side has a new situation, we must speed up!"

Seeing that Naruto and Sakura wanted to say something, Parker immediately urged and shouted, exerting force on his feet to lead the way quickly.

That strange huge chakra made it feel a little uneasy...

"Please, Shikamaru, Choji, Xiao Li..."

Sakura's pretty face tightened when she heard that Sasuke was in trouble, and she quickly followed.

"I'll wait for you in front..."

Naruto nodded heavily to the three of them, gritted his teeth and followed.

Sasuke, please don't get into trouble...

"We don't know if there are other enemies ahead, we can't stay here for too long.

Choji, Lee, you two listen to me..."

Looking at the backs of Naruto and the others, Shikamaru immediately called on the two to start an ambush.

It's just nine enemies...

With Choji and Lee here, he is not afraid of nine jonin at all!

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