The snake was in a state of panic, and the enemy was in a state of panic.

"You bastards..." Seeing that he was attacked from the front, middle and back, Wanshe roared and urgently activated the snake sloughing technique.

The next moment, Wen Tai's sword, the slug's concentrated acid, and Xin Ya's petrifying liquid hit Wanshe's body at the same time.

In a flash, Wanshe's huge mouth expanded its body and quickly shed its skin to escape the scene, leaving behind a huge white snake skin to resist the three attacks.

Under the effect of the petrifying liquid, the huge snake skin turned into a hollow Wanshe stone statue in an instant!

"It's petrified!"

Tsunade Slug, who saw Xin Ya's skills for the first time, was stunned for a moment. She didn't expect Xin Ya to have such an ability.

"This big snake can use magic!" Orochimaru and Kabuto Yakushi on the opposite side were also very scared at this time! !

They didn't expect that Xinya's ability was petrification. It would be troublesome if they were touched by it...

"Orochimaru, this time you must prepare two hundred, no, five hundred living sacrifices for me..." Wanshe stared at the three summoned beasts on the opposite side and threatened. This time it was an unprecedented tough battle.

With Xinya joining, its pressure directly soared more than ten times!

"Lord Wanshe..." Seeing this, Kabuto Yakushi broke out in a cold sweat. Five hundred living sacrifices are not a small number.

"Okay..." Knowing the nature of Wanshe, Orochimaru interrupted Kabuto's plea with a cold voice, and his eyes exuded a strange murderous intent!

"Lord Orochimaru..." Seeing this, Kabuto Yakushi hurriedly tried to persuade him, but was quickly repelled by Orochimaru's eyes.

Only then did Manza nodded in satisfaction, planning to save some face for Orochimaru before running away...

One against three, it's not stupid to fight to the death even though it knows it can't win...

"Bunta, use oil..." On the other side, Jiraiya took the opportunity to shout to Bunta that he was making seals with both hands.

"Fire escape technique? Orochimaru, use earth escape technique to stop it..."

Manza roared at the sight, and immediately turned into a shadow and pounced on the nearby Xinya slug.

As long as it was in close contact with the Xinya slug, Bunta would not be able to use fire escape technique to attack indiscriminately!

However, it didn't know that Orochimaru had lost the ability to make seals at this time...

"You keep going..."

Almost at the same time Manza spoke, Orochimaru gave Kabuto Yakushi a look to signal him to make seals instead.

Kabuto, who understood the deep meaning of Orochimaru, was stunned at first, and then reacted and made seals quickly.

"Xinya live slugs, watch me tear you to pieces this time..."

The unaware Manshe roared as fast as the wind, ready to fight hard and then wait for an opportunity to escape...

Even if there are not 500 living sacrifices afterwards, there are still 200 or 300, no matter how you count it, it's not a loss!

'Fire Style: Toad Oil Flame Bomb...'

Seeing Manshe rushing, Jiraiya immediately cooperated with Bunta to burst out Super Fire Style, and the overwhelming hot sea of ​​fire directly covered a large area of ​​wasteland from the side.

At the same time, Sasuke also stood above Xinya's head, with lightning flashing in his hand and bursting out Raikiri for the first time, ready to seize Orochimaru's Kusanagi sword.

Tsunade and the slug were also on the side, ready to rush up and stop Manshe and Orochimaru as soon as Orochimaru stopped the fire style.

And Manshe, of course, turned a deaf ear to the sea of ​​fire and ignored it directly!

Orochimaru's earth escape technique is enough to ensure its safety...

Just when everyone thought that Orochimaru was going to stop the fire escape technique, Orochimaru and Kabuto Yakushi above Manza suddenly disappeared into white smoke with two bangs!

Sasuke? ?

Tsunade? ?

Jiraiya? ?

Shinga, Slug? ?


"Instantaneous body-flickering technique? Orochimaru, you bastard, dared to leave me and run away..."

Instantly, Manza, swallowed by the huge sea of ​​fire, roared and rolled in the sea of ​​fire...

Although its relationship with Orochimaru was to use each other, Manza was still furious to be abandoned like this...

"Hahaha... Manza, you are really ridiculous..." Seeing this, Bunta couldn't help but laugh loudly. He hated Manza's rebelliousness before.

"It's only a matter of time. After all, the relationship between Orochimaru and it is quite delicate..." The slug also followed closely and agreed, not surprised by this.

"Many snakes..."

Xinya's pupils shrank, as if he saw another self.

It was betrayed by the contractor that made it what it is now, but I didn't expect that Many snakes would suffer the same treatment...

"You guys wait, one day I will swallow you..."

Suddenly, Many snakes rushed out of the sea of ​​fire quickly and stared at everyone viciously.

The large area of ​​burns on its body showed that it was in such a miserable state now...

"Many snakes..."

Just as Manshe finished his harsh words and was about to leave, Sasuke's voice suddenly exploded, causing it to look over subconsciously.


In just a moment, the two pairs of eyes looked at each other and Sasuke's three-magatama pupil power burst out violently...

Under the astonished eyes of everyone, Manshe stood there with his eyes reflecting the three-magatama Sharingan.

"Manshe, if you don't want to die, then agree to surrender to me and become Xinya's younger brother..."

With a whoosh, Sasuke instantly appeared in front of Manshe and threatened with Raikiri.

If Kusanagi Sword can't be used, then it's not bad to accept Manshe!!

"You, you little brat..."

Hearing Sasuke's threat, Manshe showed his ferocious snake fangs and was about to bite, but it was controlled by the Sharingan and could not move at all for the time being.

"Do you want to refuse?"

Seeing Manshe's attitude, Sasuke's eyes turned cold and the lightning in his hand was raging and ready to go...

Although it was a pity to kill Manshe, he didn't want this guy to become an enemy in the future! !

"Sasuke, it's a waste to kill it...

Let me eat it and become the new King of Ten Thousand Snakes. Maybe I can also comprehend its snake shedding technique." Just as the Ten Thousand Snakes hesitated, Xin Ya suddenly swam over with fiery eyes.

In Longdi Cave, snakes eat snakes, which is the survival of the fittest!

Although he sympathized with the Ten Thousand Snakes' experience, Xin Ya was more looking forward to eating the Ten Thousand Snakes.

[Detected Xin Ya's suggestion, triggering C-level rewards.

Mission: New Ten Thousand Snakes; Reward: Snake Affinity +1...]

"Damn Xin Ya! I am the King of Ten Thousand Snakes..." The Ten Thousand Snakes roared in anger and grief...

If there was no Xin Ya, even if Sasuke threatened it, it could temporarily settle the score later.

But with Xin Ya, it would be hard to escape Xin Ya's pursuit even if it ran back to Longdi Cave...

What's more, Sasuke has the ability to summon it!

If the other party really wanted to kill it, it would be powerless to resist in front of those eyes, just like now...

"Little ghost, I can agree to your request, but I will never become Xinya's younger brother..."

Seeing that Sasuke seemed to be moved, Wanshe gritted his teeth and hurriedly shouted to fight for the last bit of self-esteem.

It is better to live than to die. As long as Sasuke is killed, it will still be the king of Wanshe!

How could it not understand this truth! !

[Wanshe's suggestion is detected, triggering C-level rewards.

Mission: Equal; Reward: Wanshe's heart is back...]

Listening to the two prompts that sounded in succession, Sasuke's eyes sank and he made a decision...

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