Literary Master 1978

Chapter 26: Ordinary Lin Chaoyang

At nine o'clock in the morning, the May Fourth Literature Society of Yenching University was officially held in the Yantu Conference Room. A banner was hung on the south window of the conference room - the May Fourth Literature Society of Yenching University was restored and established.

When the leaders and guests who came to attend the conference took their seats, Lin Chaoyang suddenly saw a familiar face inside.

Isn't this the old Deng who made fun of him in the library that day?

Lin Chaoyang saw Old Deng walking to his seat with a cane and sitting down, and then looked at the nameplate in front of him - Zhu Guangqian.

He couldn't help but swear in his heart.

You old...comrade, you made fun of me, and you didn't let yourself go, killing 800 enemies and injuring 1,000 yourself?

"History of Western Aesthetics" is written in general - Zhu Guangqian.

Lin Chaoyang's accident did not have any impact on the conference, and the guests took their seats one by one.

The small Yantu conference room was full of elites in the Chinese cultural circle, including many important figures.

Ma Shijiang, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of Yenching University, Ji Xianlin, vice president, Wang Yao, professor of the Chinese Department of Yenching University, Kawashima, a close friend of Mr. Lu Xun, Xie Mian, a poet critic, Zhang Zhimin, a poet, Liu Xinwu, a writer, Zhou Yanru, the head of the novel group of Yenching Literature and Art, and Zhu Guangqian, who made fun of Lin Chaoyang.

Chen Jiangong and Zou Shifang, who had been busy for the May Fourth Literary Society before, did not attend and could only stand opposite this group of leaders and guests as spectators.

After the establishment of the May Fourth Literary Society, the two were only vice presidents. Today, the only person sitting with the above people in the Literary Society was Zhang Youhua, the confirmed president, who is the head of the Cultural Department of the University Youth League Committee.

The conference first showed Mr. Mao Dun's reply to Yenching University and the title for the magazine "Weiming Lake", which won warm applause from everyone present.

Then Ma Shijiang announced the members of the leadership team of the May Fourth Literary Society, followed by several heavyweight guests attending the conference to express congratulations.

Lin Chaoyang saw several reporters from the People's Daily and China Youth Daily who were attending the conference writing furiously. He thought that the news of the restoration of the May Fourth Literary Society would appear on the pages of these two authoritative newspapers tomorrow.

It is a top university after all!

He couldn't help but sigh in his heart that even the restoration of a student club could be published in such a newspaper.

In less than an hour, the May Fourth Literary Society's restoration conference was declared over. After the meeting, the literary society organized the participants to take a group photo outside the library.

While everyone was busy restoring the venue, Lin Chaoyang ran outside the library.

There is a lawn outside the Yanda Library, which is called the Triangle by Yanda people. The guests took photos here.

When Lin Chaoyang came over, the group photo had just ended. He ran to Zhou Yanru, "Teacher Zhou!"

"Why call me Teacher Zhou? Call me Old Zhou." Zhou Yanru said casually.

"Old Zhou." Lin Chaoyang readily agreed, "Do you have time now?"

Zhou Yanru knew Lin Chaoyang's purpose, nodded, and followed him to the direction of Weiming Lake.

Ji Xianlin looked at Lin Chaoyang's back and asked Zhu Guangqian: "Is that the son-in-law of the Tao family?"

Recently, there is a hot topic in the professor circle of Yanda University.

The daughter of Tao Jingfa from the History Department not only married a rural son-in-law, but also brought him to the city and arranged for him to work in the Yanda Library.

Being able to become a professor at Yanda University, naturally few people with shallow vision would respond to Lin Chaoyang's identity as a farmer with tinted glasses. What everyone finds interesting is that this matter breaks the routine.

These days, every family with urban household registration has educated youth, whether it is their own family or relatives and friends around them, there are many educated youth who marry local people.

After the rise of the tide of returning to the city, these educated youth who marry local people face a difficult problem.

Everyone wants to return to the city, but what about the other half around them?

Thinking about it, there are only three choices.

Either they don't go back to the city and die in the countryside; or they abandon their wives and children and go back to the city alone; or they go back to the city with their families formed in the countryside.

Human nature is fragile in the face of such a cruel choice. The majority of educated youth choose the second option. In the past two years, there have been countless scandals caused by the issue of going back to the city.

The story of Lin Chaoyang and Tao Yushu is strange in that Tao Yushu, who is both talented and beautiful, married a rural boy with nothing. It is also strange that she not only brought her partner back to the city, but also spared no effort to arrange a job for him.

Who would not praise such a girl as "loyal and righteous" when hearing about her?

This also made the professors of Yanda University full of curiosity about Lin Chaoyang, the son-in-law of the Tao family. Many of them had seen Tao Yushu, the daughter of the Tao family. What kind of young man could make such an excellent girl willing to marry and spare no effort to bring him back to the city?

Zhu Guangqian showed a mischievous smile, "It's him, and it's just as ordinary as the rumors."

If Lin Chaoyang heard this, he would have to say to him: With this aesthetic, China's aesthetic education is delayed by you!

After waiting 20 or 30 meters away from the crowd, Zhou Yanru took the initiative to speak, "You want to ask about the manuscript, right?"


Before, Chen Jiangong took Lin Chaoyang to the editorial department of "Yanjing Literature and Art" to submit the manuscript. Zhang Dening, the editor-in-charge of the first review, and Zhou Yanru, the head of the second review of the novel group, both praised the novel, proving that the quality of the manuscript is not bad.

In theory, it should be handed over to the person in charge for the first review, and it should be confirmed that there are no directional problems. After some revisions, it can be published in line, but it has been half a month, and there is no movement.

Zhou Yanru also said at the time that after the editorial committee has read it, she will notify Lin Chaoyang to revise it.

"Your manuscript has a very good foundation, and I intend to publish it. But there will be personnel changes in the editorial department recently, so it may take some time."

Lin Chaoyang is a senior social animal who has been through many years of social abuse. If it is just a personnel change, how could his manuscript be suppressed?

"You can't fool me!"

Lin Chaoyang's directness did not make Zhou Yanru angry, but she laughed, "I didn't realize that you are more clever than a monkey when it comes to hair."

The atmosphere of the conversation was relaxed and pleasant. Seeing that he was experienced, Zhou Yanru stopped hiding it.

"It is indeed necessary to change the person in charge. Your manuscript was discussed by the editorial committee, and the main leaders were concerned about some of the contents of the manuscript. You should also understand that you are leaving soon, and you are most afraid of mistakes."

Lin Chaoyang complained: "This leader is not kind!"

Zhou Yanru smiled and said nothing. How could she not be angry in her heart? But she still had to work.

"What if the new leader also takes a conservative approach?"

"Comrade Chaoyang, why do you think the publication needs to change the main person in charge?"

Zhou Yanru's question made Lin Chaoyang nod, and she assured: "Don't worry, the manuscript will definitely be used. If it really can't be published in the end, I will recommend a publication for you to publish."

Zhou Yanru said so, and Lin Chaoyang couldn't pester her anymore.

"Besides, publishing later may not be a bad thing!"

Hearing this, Lin Chaoyang looked thoughtful, and after a moment he figured out what Zhou Yanru meant by "good thing".

At present, the discussion of "Scars" continues to be heated across the country. Although there are many praises, there are also many criticisms.

But everyone can see that this situation will not last long. "Scars" echoes the voice of the whole society, and its victory in the public opinion field is inevitable.

Lin Chaoyang also knows that "Scars" will eventually be praised as the pioneering work of "Scar Literature" like Liu Xinwu's "Class Teacher".

After this wave of opposing public opinion passes, the public opinion treatment of "The Horse Herder" which is similar to "Scar" should be improved a lot.

Lin Chaoyang thought to himself, if that's the case, he should thank "Scar" for being the pioneer.

At this time, Zhou Yanru asked: "Have you had any new works recently?"

Hearing this, Lin Chaoyang immediately became alert.

The old manuscripts haven't been published yet, and you still want new manuscripts?

Not to mention that the manuscripts in his hand have not been finished, even if they are finished, he doesn't plan to give them to "Yanjing Literature and Art".

The more manuscripts accumulate in "Yanjing Literature and Art", the greater his sunk cost.


Zhou Yanru's expression was a little regretful, "You are very good, and you are so young, you should write more, don't waste such a good talent and age."

"I will write more when I have time."

Even without Zhou Yanru's reminder, the few Mao bills in his pocket also made him feel full of urgency.

The small treasury is in urgent need!

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