Literary Master 1978

Chapter 3: Outlaw Madame Tao

"Hey, Tao Yushu hasn't come back yet, has she?"

"It's already this late, why is she coming back? I heard that she hasn't even written a letter in half a year. I told you, she's an educated youth from the city, she's as pretty as a flower, and she got into a prestigious school in Beijing, how can she be with Chaoyang?"

"Erchun loves to scheme! He's been scheming all his life, and now he's scheming his own son?"

"Tao Yushu's family is a family of scholars, and I heard that there's something big at home. Professor of the School of Agriculture. Erchun was hoping to improve the varieties for the old Lin family, but this time, he lost both the wife and the army! "

"Hehe! This person, what kind of person is what kind of fate. Don't be stubborn, it's useless to be stubborn!"


The big locust tree commonly seen in rural areas in the north looks like an octogenarian among trees. In midsummer, it is lush and leafy, casting a large area of ​​shade under the sunshine. Under the tree are several middle-aged women in simple clothes who are working and talking about the family affairs of the team.

Today, the focus of their topic is on Lin Erchun, the leader of the Xiaoyangtun Production Brigade, and his son Lin Chaoyang. Not only today, but in the past six months, this has always been a hot topic for women in the team to chat.

At this time, a woman who looks to be in her fifties passed by, with rough skin and wrinkles on her face left by the hard work of the past years. Her lips are thinner than those of ordinary people, and she looks like a woman who is good at speaking.

Seeing the women, the voices under the locust tree suddenly became lower, and everyone's eyes were fixed on her, as if waiting for her to pass.

Zhang Guiqin's steps did not hesitate, she knew very well what these old women had just said, it was nothing more than her family's affairs.

In the past, if she knew that others were talking about her family's affairs behind her back, she would block the door and curse for a long time.

Married to Lin Erchun for more than 20 years, she has always been the best in the team, but now, she doesn't have that heart.

Zhang Guiqin passed by the locust tree without talking to the women, and walked by with her head held high.

But although the back figure was arrogant, in the eyes of the women, it looked more like fleeing in panic.

"What are you so proud of?"

"She is not proud at all, she is clearly guilty."

The women under the locust tree burst into unbridled laughter.

The young man who was passing by hurriedly was not happy to listen to the gossip of these women, "Look at you guys chattering all day long, and when you do some work, your mouth is like a belt, can't you stay idle?"

The round-faced and big-butted woman retorted: "Er Maitai, you are a disrespectful dog, dare to talk to me like this, believe it or not, I will let your father beat your belt later?"

"Fourth Aunt, don't look for my father, go see where my fourth uncle is first?"

The round-faced woman was stunned, and didn't bother to entangle with Er Maitai anymore, and asked: "Didn't he go to the field?"

"Anyway, I didn't see him!"

The round-faced woman got anxious all of a sudden, and stood up cursing, "This bastard must have gone to the commune to find Sheng Laoliu again!"

The round-faced woman hurried to find her husband who was playing with money. Without a capable person, the atmosphere of the symposium under the tree was a little deserted.

Er Maitai sent the round-faced woman away with a word, and his expression was hard to hide his pride. He turned around and left to look for someone.

He caught up with Zhang Guiqin, "Auntie, is your Chaoyang at home?"

"No. He left in the morning. Go to the school to check."

"I just checked the school. No one is there."

"Then I don't know." Zhang Guiqin was in a bad mood. She didn't talk much with Ermaitai and walked towards home.

"I understand!"

"I understand!"

Ermaitai's hoarse voice was loud in the team, but it didn't alarm the young man lying on the firewood pile to dry seedlings in the sun.

The firewood pile made of corn stalks was more than two meters high, neatly stacked like tofu blocks stacked by soldiers in the army.

Lin Chaoyang rested his head on his hands, holding a dogtail grass in his mouth, and occasionally drew a circle in the air. He crossed his legs and looked at the half-bright and half-dark clouds in the sky. He felt so relaxed that he had never been as relaxed as he was now.

Traveled through time!

This was probably the biggest lottery he had ever won in his two lives.

He was already thirty years old before the time travel, and he returned to the time before liberation overnight, but he had no regrets or regrets in his heart. No matter how powerful and rich he was, who could resist the temptation of another life?

Traveling to the body of a young man with the same name, he felt the seemingly endless energy and desire in his body. The blue sky in front of him was boundless, just like his future life, this was the golden age of his life.

Is there anything better than this?

It has been a year since he traveled to the 1970s. Time flies!

It is August now, and universities and primary and secondary schools are on summer vacation. He, the team teacher, has no business. He has to go to the fields to farm.

There is not much work in the team today. The loudspeaker of the team just announced in the morning that a movie would be shown in the evening. The members had no intention of working at all, and they were all looking forward to the movie in the evening.

In recent years, the production team has been demoralized, and the labor intensity and discipline are not as good as they used to be. Lin Chaoyang took a break from his busy schedule and ran to a hidden firewood pile to think about life.

There are still four months to go before the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee in December. When Lin Chaoyang thought about the times rolling in and rushing towards him, he felt full of ambition and was ready to burst out.

However, the warm sun soon wore away his ambition.

Intermittent ambition and continuous idleness were the norm for many people in the era before time travel.

Lin Chaoyang was a worker before he traveled through time. In his previous life, he worked hard for twelve years and finally got into a 211 university. When he left school, he found that there were graduate students everywhere and undergraduates were worse than dogs. It was as difficult as climbing to the sky to get rich by working.

He worked hard for ten years and finally got to the middle level of the company. For the sake of performance, he came early and left late every day, humbled himself in front of customers, and had to flatter his leaders. He didn't even have time to date or fall in love.

But in the end, he sadly found that those who can do are not as good as those who can talk, and those who can talk are not as good as those who can use the back door. His career has been destined to have a ceiling from the beginning, and no matter how hard you try, it will be useless.

When he reached middle age, he saw it clearly. He wanted to learn from those old-fashioned people who lived a life of eating and waiting for death, but he didn't expect that the country was prosperous and the industry was thriving, but he was going to be laid off.

When he was in college, he was also a literary youth surrounded by girls!

But after entering society, he was forced step by step by society to become what he once hated the most.

Lin Chaoyang spit out the dogtail grass in his mouth, and his eyes seemed to see the "startup godfather" and "tech giant" talking endlessly in front of the camera through the void, and he hated evil.

"Working? Tui! I won't even beat a dog!"

After traveling through time this year, Lin Chaoyang had already figured it out. After the opening, he would use the foresight advantage of traveling through time to get the first pot of gold, and then support a few younger brothers to work for him, and then lie down and be a salted fish.

In his previous life, he was a worker all his life. He was tired like a dog in the company. He had to endure the difficulties from customers and superiors at every turn, and had to clean up the asses of heartless subordinates born in the 1990s and 2000s from time to time. He returned home alone, and had to endure the urging of relatives to get married during the holidays.

God finally gave him a lottery ticket, so he shouldn't enjoy it?

If he doesn't lie down and be a salted fish in this life, he will be sorry to God!

This is just a young man from the countryside. If he had traveled to the body of a high-ranking official's son, why would he bother with these things? He could just get some approval slips and find a white glove and he would have been lying flat long ago.

The chaotic thoughts in his mind jumped, and occasionally a bright and beautiful face would jump out in front of him.

I don't know how my educated youth wife is doing now?

The thought flashed through his mind, and Lin Chaoyang smiled.

The educated youth who were admitted to the university are like a husky that has been let go. Do you still expect them to come back?

He laughed at his own naivety in his heart, and heard a shout in his ears.

"I understand!"

The rough shout caught Lin Chaoyang's attention, and he looked up with his hands.

After a moment, the sound became closer and louder, awakening Lin Chaoyang's closeness and bond with this era.

I saw a black whirlwind in the dust, and the figure appeared in front of me in an instant.

The man was over 1.8 meters tall, as strong as a bull, with a square face and a crew cut that accentuated his sturdy temperament. Unfortunately, his sharp eyes were a bit cross-eyed, which greatly reduced his temperament.

"What are you arguing about?" Lin Chaoyang scolded.

Er Maitai ran up to him, raised his head and said to Lin Chaoyang anxiously, "You know, guess who I was watching in the commune?"

Lin Chaoyang put down his arms and lay back down, saying in a slow voice, "Why keep me in suspense? If you want to say it, just say it. If you don't want to say it, forget it."

Er Maitai was no longer anxious when he saw him like this, "You really don't want to know?"

"I don't want to know." Lin Chaoyang replied with half-closed eyes, and suddenly remembered something, so he stood up and asked, "Where is my newspaper?"

Er Maitai went to the commune today, and Lin Chaoyang asked him to go to the post office to bring two newspapers. Er Maitai came back without newspapers in his hands, and Lin Chaoyang was immediately unhappy.

Er Maitai was furious when he heard this and said, "It's already this hour, and you're still thinking about your newspaper?"

"You know shit!" Lin Chaoyang cursed.

It's true that Lin Chaoyang traveled through time, but he didn't experience the early days of reform and opening up in his previous life. The past he knew through text and video materials before traveling through time was superficial.

So for more than half a year, he has been insisting on reading books and newspapers, and he has been listening to the loudspeaker broadcasts in the team, fully absorbing the nutrients of reality, which will become the stepping stone for his future success.

With a prophet and a full understanding of the current policies, he will surely be successful when he comes out.

Lin Chaoyang wanted to give Ermaitai some moral lessons, but before he could open his mouth, Ermaitai blurted out: "I saw Tao Yushu!"

It was like a patient with prostatitis standing in front of a urinal, and the words on his lips were blocked and he could only utter a few words: "She... why did she... come back...?"

Lin Chaoyang has always felt that he is a time traveler with a bright future. Others have their own future to pursue, and he will not beg for mercy and delay their future.

What's more, since they have let go, they should be more free and easy.

But when he heard the name "Tao Yushu" again, he still couldn't help the throbbing in his heart.

Ermaitai looked at Lin Chaoyang's reaction, a little proud, and a few words were written on his face: You are pretending with me again!

"Do I need to ask this? I came back to find you. You two are married couples." Ermaitai replied.

It is a certificate, but my spear has never been used once, Lin Chaoyang added in his heart.

Tao Yushu came to the Xiaoyangtun Youth League Center in 1972. As soon as she appeared, she stunned the entire Youth League Center and the commune with her beautiful and bright appearance.

In less than a month, her beauty spread to several surrounding communes and counties. Young men came to the educated youth site to admire her beauty, and even several jealous lawsuits arose.

In the special era of the 1970s, the words "single", "beautiful" and "female educated youth" seemed to be destined for Tao Yushu's educated youth life to be a difficult and hard one.

But to everyone's surprise, except for a few farces caused by young men who occasionally admired her, Tao Yushu's life in the Xiaoyangtun educated youth site was unexpectedly peaceful.

The reason for this is inseparable from Tao Yushu's own duties. She was born in a scholarly family, but she was not a spoiled lady. She was always active and never lagged behind in work.

In the face of the overt or covert goodwill and pursuit of various young men in the educated youth site, commune, and county, she never showed any color. She was a woman with great determination and self-respect.

Lin Chaoyang is the only son of Lin Erchun, the leader of the Xiaoyangtun production brigade. He had an older brother in his early years, but unfortunately he died in infancy.

Therefore, in the upbringing of Lin Chaoyang, Lin Erchun and his wife seemed to be overly doting on him. Of course, under the conditions of this era, material doting is not the case, but more spiritual.

The doting of his parents is reflected in the growth environment of Lin Chaoyang, which made him suffer less. After graduating from junior high school, Lin Erchun arranged Lin Chaoyang to teach in the team primary school.

In rural areas of this era, the team primary school teacher is the employment choice for rural youth after taking exams, recruiting workers, and joining the army.

Lin Chaoyang can become this team primary teacher, which is not considered as his father Lin Erchun's abuse of public property for personal gain. After all, his junior high school education is the education ceiling of Xiaoyangtun.

Junior high school education is not high, but it is rare in rural areas of this era.

As a team primary teacher, Lin Chaoyang only needs to teach every day to get a full ten work points, which is too easy for the members.

However, during the winter and summer vacations, he had to participate in labor like the other members. Because of this opportunity, he became familiar with the educated youths who worked with him.

Lin Chaoyang was young, and Tao Yushu, a beautiful female educated youth, was born in a scholarly family and had an outstanding temperament. Naturally, she became his ideal lover, but he had always been unrequited love.

Until his father Lin Erchun noticed his son's thoughts.

His son liked Tao Yushu. If the two could really get married, they would be able to borrow strength sooner or later in the future. At that time, they might be able to jump out of the farm and bring honor to the old Lin family.

Moreover, Tao Yushu went to the countryside to work in the production team in 1972, and was three years older than Lin Chaoyang. As the saying goes, a woman three years older than you will have a golden hand. Female comrades are precocious. When they are older, they will definitely know how to love people after they get married.

In addition, Tao Yushu has never had any scandals in the four years at the educated youth point.

In terms of appearance, character, temperament, and family background, there is nothing wrong with her.

Lin Erchun wanted to develop such an outstanding female educated youth into his daughter-in-law. If he told others, he would probably be laughed at, and laughed at him for being a toad wanting to eat swan meat.

But he deeply practiced the words of the great man: Whatever you do in the world, you are afraid of the word "serious".

In order to create more opportunities for his son Lin Chaoyang to get along with Tao Yushu, he did not hesitate to transfer his son from the position of team teacher to the fields, and always inadvertently assigned Lin Chaoyang and Tao Yushu together when assigning labor tasks.

After half a year, Lin Erchun felt that the time was almost up and planned to create some more opportunities for his son.

But before Lin Erchun could take action, Lin Chaoyang broke his wishful thinking with a heroic rescue.

During a collective labor, in order to save Tao Yushu who accidentally rolled down a steep slope, Lin Chaoyang was injured and lost too much blood.

It was also because of this injury that the original Lin Chaoyang died, and was replaced by the soul of a social animal from decades later.

The new Lin Chaoyang woke up from a serious injury, and when he opened his eyes, he saw Tao Yushu crying and pitiful.

Before crossing, Lin Chaoyang only had a relationship that ended in college. After working, he fell into endless work and overtime. When had he ever enjoyed such treatment? He accepted the original body's inheritance almost without any disobedience.

Lin Chaoyang was seriously injured in order to save Tao Yushu. Tao Yushu was full of gratitude. She took care of him without taking off her clothes during his bedridden days, and the relationship between the two quickly warmed up.

When Lin Chaoyang recovered from a serious illness, his father Lin Erchun couldn't wait to propose to Tao Yushu on his behalf.

After hesitating, Tao Yushu told Lin Chaoyang that she had just received a letter from her father recently.

Tao Yushu's family had a miserable life in the past few years because of their origin. Their parents and brothers were separated from each other. Only one younger sister was placed in a relative's home in Yanjing under the policy.

After F4 was crushed, Tao Yushu knew that her family should have a good life soon, but she didn't expect the good news to come so soon.

According to her father's description in the letter, her parents have been given ordinary (not a typo) and will be arranged to work in their original unit soon. The salary of the previous years will also be compensated after returning to Beijing.

Such great news made Tao Yushu cry with joy, but she was even happier.

In the letter, her father told Tao Yushu implicitly that the higher authorities were studying the restoration of the college entrance examination, and the policy might be released soon, so Tao Yushu must take this opportunity to return to Yanjing.

When Tao Yushu and her group of educated youth went to the countryside to work in the production team, they all cancelled their urban household registration and ran to settle down in the frontier for the rest of their lives, but several years of hard rural life had already worn away their passion.

In the past two years, many educated youths who were tired of the life of joining the team wanted to return to the city. The children of the army used their connections to join the army. Those who were smart secretly studied by themselves and carefully managed their interpersonal relationships to get a recommendation quota for the Workers, Peasants and Soldiers University...

When others were busy digging holes to return to the city, Tao Yushu was indifferent, because she knew that it was difficult to return to the city with her family background. Her father's letter gave Tao Yushu hope of returning to the city and going to university.

Although he did not have rich emotional experience, Lin Chaoyang had seen many breakups and reunions in his previous life.

If someone wanted to pursue a career, he would naturally not stop them. Instead, he appreciated Tao Yushu's character of speaking frankly. There were too many scandals in recent years for returning to the city.

On October 21, 1977, the brigade's loudspeaker sounded on time, playing the news and newspaper summary programs of the Central People's Broadcasting Station. An exciting news came:

The country has resumed the college entrance examination!

Lin Chaoyang specially found a set of math, physics and chemistry books for Tao Yushu, as well as various review materials that would help her prepare for the college entrance examination. His actions touched Tao Yushu's heart, and also made his parents quite dissatisfied.

Tao Yushu's college entrance examination almost meant that his son's marriage would fail, but his own stupid son actually rushed to help her, fearing that his wife would not run fast enough!

Two months passed in a flash, and Tao Yushu entered the examination room in December.

In early February of the following year, before the Lantern Festival, the commune postman delivered Tao Yushu's admission notice.

She was admitted to Yenching Normal University!

The news quickly spread throughout the county. Only four people in the county were admitted to university this year, and Tao Yushu was the only one who was admitted to a famous school in Yenching.

Being admitted to university also meant that Tao Yushu was about to fly away.

But I don't know what she was thinking, but she wanted to get married with Lin Chaoyang at this time.

Lin Chaoyang was born in the 1970s, but his thinking was that of the 1990s. He would not stop his girlfriend from pursuing a career, but what was the point of getting a marriage certificate before leaving?

If you get a marriage certificate, you will be free and easy, but won't I become a second-married man in the future?

He thought to himself that Tao Yushu might have done this because of emotion. It doesn't matter if she gets angry for a while, but it will ruin her reputation for half her life, so Lin Chaoyang naturally cannot agree to it.

His actions really irritated Tao Yushu, and she cried and accused Lin Chaoyang in front of Lin Erchun and his wife.

Faced with such a situation, Lin Erchun and his wife were also dumbfounded.

Other families found a daughter-in-law and son-in-law who was an educated youth, and the whole family tried to keep them when the educated youth wanted to leave. Why did it all turn around in their Lin family?

Lin Chaoyang told his parents what he was thinking, and Lin Erchun also started to murmur in his heart. This was indeed a hidden danger.

After thinking about it, Lin Erchun thought of a way.

He was the production team leader, and he could issue the marriage certificate. After the marriage examination at the hospital, he went to the commune to find an acquaintance to secretly tear off the certificate. No one knew about it, and the wedding was not held.

In this way, even if Tao Yushu went to the city and never came back, and divorced his son, no one would know that his son was remarried.

Facing his father's tricky operation, Lin Chaoyang commented: The old man wanted to improve the breed and was crazy!

However, Tao Yushu had overwhelming support in terms of numbers, and Lin Chaoyang's opposition was invalid.

On February 20, 1978, Comrade Lin Chaoyang got a marriage certificate and was forced to become a married man.

That day was 349 days away from the legal marriage age of 20 years old.

According to Mr. Luo, Ms. Tao Yushu was a complete outlaw.

Of course, this kind of thing is commonplace in rural areas, not to mention now, even in another 20 years, and it is not surprising.

After getting the marriage certificate, Lin Chaoyang decided to exercise his legal rights as a husband with the mentality of not taking advantage of the opportunity.

But before he could take off his pants, Tao Yushu ran to the train station with her luggage on her back. Yanshi University was going to start school on February 22.

This marriage was so frustrating!

Lin Chaoyang felt that he was being manipulated by a little girl from the 1970s. Before leaving, he gave Tao Yushu a shocking French kiss on the train station platform.

After the hot kiss, he did not forget to show the marriage certificate in his hand to the surprised eyes around him, "What are you looking at? Legal husband and wife!"

The people around looked at Tao Yushu's beautiful face, and then looked at Lin Chaoyang's vulgar behavior, and could only sigh privately.

"It's immoral!"

"A flower stuck in cow dung!"

After the kiss, Lin Chaoyang felt much more comfortable. He wanted to say goodbye in a chic way, but Tao Yushu hugged him tightly, tears streaming down her face.

"Wait for me!"

Usually in movies and TV dramas, such words are a parting of life and death. Lin Chaoyang was prepared for Tao Yushu to leave and never come back.

No matter how Lin Chaoyang's mental journey was, Tao Yushu left after all.

Except for the two days of depression at the beginning, Lin Chaoyang quickly returned to his heartless state, teaching, farming, reading books and newspapers, and constantly practicing dog paddling for the upcoming era.

Tao Yushu's absence was getting longer and longer, and there was not even a letter for several months.

This was not beyond Lin Chaoyang's expectations, but he lamented that women's speed of turning against each other was much more efficient than men's pulling out ruthlessness.

During this period, Lin Chaoyang was inevitably criticized by people in the team.

What "a toad wants to eat swan meat", "stealing a chicken but losing the rice", "failed to climb the high branch, fell down a big fall"...

And this criticism did not dissipate with the passage of time, but became more intense, and may eventually become a "stain" on Lin Chaoyang for life.

Lin Chaoyang himself did not take these words to heart, but Lin Erchun and his wife were worried enough. They used to be respectable people in the team, but now they are unwilling to say a word when they meet people.

The memories in his mind stopped here, and Lin Chaoyang warned Er Maitai: "Don't talk nonsense!"

The team didn't know that Lin Chaoyang and Tao Yushu had a marriage certificate. If they knew about this, the turbulence of public opinion would probably rise by two levels.

He himself was fine, but he was afraid that the old couple could not bear it.

Er Maitai raised his eyebrows at him, "Don't worry, I'm very tight-lipped!"

Lin Chaoyang nodded, which was one of the few advantages of Er Maitai.

With a neat jump, Lin Chaoyang jumped off the firewood pile and left in big strides.

"Hey, where are you going?" Er Maitai asked behind him.

"I'm hungry, let's go home and eat!" Lin Chaoyang said without turning his head.

Ermaitai looked at the sun in the sky. Is this lunch or dinner?

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