"Pervert! Go to hell!"

"Sister Zhao Siniang is so beautiful, but she was defiled by you, a pervert!"

"It's okay to ruin her, but why did you kill her?"


The man on the prison car tilted his neck, and then was hit by his brother's balls. He opened his eyes in confusion.

Who am I? Where am I? What am I doing?

Song Zhen looked around and saw only faces filled with righteous indignation!

Most of them were watching indifferently, eating melons and watching the show.

He noticed that there was a wooden sign on the back of the rider next to him, with a big word clearly written in red handwriting!



No, Azhen, are you serious?

Did I travel through time? And traveled through time to a death row prisoner?

"Zhen Wuyu!" Others who traveled through time were princes, princes, second-generation brothers, or at least ordinary people with a clean background, but when it came to me...

The beginning of the collapse of the sky!

Song Zhen thought it was a dream. He struggled hard, but felt pain all over his body. His neck was stuck by the wooden frame. It was not like what was shown in the TV series.

"It's over! I was beheaded right after crossing over. I am a boy who loves to laugh. Why is my luck so bad?"

"What should I do if I am taken to the execution ground and beheaded at the beginning?"

Urgent, very urgent! Waiting online!

"Calm down, calm down, I have to know what crime I have committed first? Is it necessary to be beheaded?"

Song Zhen closed his eyes and tried hard to dig into his memory. Finally, he found clues.

Why do I say clues? Because his previous life was also confused. He didn't know what he did wrong.

His previous life was a homeless man who didn't eat well, didn't sleep well, and didn't have a girlfriend.

A week ago, he stepped on dog shit and picked up a purse with a coin in it. In this era when a bucket of rice only costs 5 coins, what is the concept of a coin?

You can buy a lot of wine! Still okay...

Listen to music in a brothel!

So, the predecessor stepped into Huichunfang for the first time, opened a private room, and invited a street prostitute.

Song Zhen didn't know what the predecessor did in the room, anyway, this part of his memory was blank.

And then, nothing happened...

When he woke up again, the predecessor had been locked up in a cell.

The police beat him with a stick and even used torture. The predecessor was unwilling to live up to his promise. In less than a day, he was soon tortured into confessing.

So there was this scene today.

"Ji, the white duck was slaughtered!"

The so-called slaughtering of white ducks is an act of taking the blame, and the crimes taken are all capital crimes!

White ducks do not refer to white ducks, but to ducks that have been plucked of feathers and lie on the butcher's table to be slaughtered!

From the mouths of the masses, Song Zhen gradually learned that it was he who had personally fucked the young lady of the local noble Zhao family?

This "fuck" contains two actions.

"How could I possibly meet a noble lady from a wealthy family with my status? You don't even need to think about it."

Song Zhen was sure that the government had probably received money!

Or, because of the backward criminal investigation methods, there was really no way to find the murderer, so they pushed themselves, a homeless man, to the front, and closed the case as soon as possible, so as to give an explanation to the local nobles.

"This is clearly a dead end, how to break it?"

Song Zhen madly tagged the system brother, but there was no response.

In desperation, he had to pray that there would be a warrior who would come down from the sky to rescue him.

The sun in the sky gradually showed a blush, and soon it was covered by dark clouds.

It was probably 16:00 in the afternoon, not the so-called 3:45 in the afternoon.

The saying of beheading at 3:45 in the afternoon first appeared in Yuan Zaju, but historical records show that only the Ming Dynasty strictly followed this time to execute people! Most people are influenced by Ming and Qing novels and film and television dramas, and subconsciously think that all dynasties are like this.

It is said that the Yang energy is at its peak at 3:30 in the afternoon, and the Yin energy will dissipate when it encounters it. In fact, the Tang Dynasty really does not have so many rules.

Song Zhen was pushed hard by the official and walked towards the guillotine reluctantly.

There were countless onlookers at the vegetable market. Most of them looked very calm, and even talked and laughed. They were old fans of the beheading program.

There was another brother who was beheaded on the same day as Song Zhen.

"Hey, brother, what year is it tonight?"

The brother turned his head and looked at Song Zhen, and said calmly: "The first year of Xianqing. Young man, death is actually not scary. You should be rational and look at it."

The first year of Xianqing?

Li Zhi?

"What rationality do you want me to have?" Song Zhen showed an expression that was more uncomfortable than crying. I have been sent to the guillotine, how can I be rational?

I was beheaded just after crossing over, and there was no system. I was not so... in my previous life.

The brother was calm. HeHe smiled carelessly.

"You look so young, what crime did you commit?"

"Rape and murder."

The elder brother was shocked. In the Tang Dynasty, insulting a good woman was a bad behavior, but it was not a capital crime.

In ancient times, influenced by the concept of chastity, insulting a good woman was basically a capital crime.

However, the Tang Dynasty had the most lenient sentence for this crime in all dynasties.

[Aman Protection Law? ? ? ]

Article 410 of "Tang Law Commentary": "For adultery, men and women shall be sentenced to one and a half years in prison; for married women, two years in prison; for rape, one level shall be added." (One level is half a year)

In other words, at most, it is only two and a half years.

If you are lucky enough to travel back to the Tang Dynasty, you can rest assured to be Lao Wang.

However, I heard that Song Zhen insulted the daughter of a local gentry and killed her to silence her. According to the principle of "two crimes are more severe", beheading is reasonable.

Song Zhen smiled helplessly. The elder brother knew at a glance that the other party was just like him, a duck.

"What about you?"

"Hahaha. Rebellion, do you believe it?"

This elder brother is a ruthless man. Compared with him, I am nothing.

Song Zhen looked at the elder brother seriously, and after a long time, he uttered two words: "I believe it."

The elder brother: "..."

The sky gradually darkened and dark clouds gathered.

Cui Changshi frowned and looked at the sky. Now the sun was covered by dark clouds, and it was impossible to judge the time.

He was waiting for the prompt from the drum tower. When the Shen time came, he would start beheading immediately.

Dong Dong Dong——

Half an incense stick later, the sound of the big drum sounded, echoing over the execution ground.

Cui Changshi took a wooden token and threw it on the ground impatiently.


Behead early and get off work early!

Beheading is about first come first served. The elder brother’s right foot stepped on the stage before Song Zhen, so unfortunately, he was the first to execute.


The tall and strong executioner sprayed a mouthful of wine, and the bright knife was rendered cold by the rice wine.

Song Zhen couldn’t help shrinking his neck, damn it!


The executioner’s business was very skillful, and the head fell to the ground with one cut!

It looked painless! Must give a five-star praise!

The elder brother’s round head rolled off the stage, leaving a dazzling blood trail.

When he stopped, he was staring at Song Zhen with his eyes wide open, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, as if he was talking to Song Zhen.

"If you can be like me, then I think this matter..."

Looking at the headless corpse next to him, it was trembling slightly because of muscle memory, which was very weird.

"My God! Too..." Song Zhen's tiger body trembled.

In TV dramas, such bloody scenes are usually censored, but this is the first time he has seen it.

The old brother who was just talking and laughing with him is gone so soon. He suddenly feels like life is a dream.


Oh no, the wine is spraying!

Song Zhen was so scared that his body trembled and his handsome face turned pale.

"Help! Is there any brave man who can shout for mercy?"

"Pledge for mercy!"



【Fast-paced case solving without hesitation, logical reasoning, diverse methods of handling cases, interpolation of hard-core knowledge in all aspects, Tomato's most correct common sense of Tang Dynasty customs. Welcome all Yanzu and Yifei to add to the bookshelf. 】

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