
Di Renjie came to the prison and saw the murderer.

Before he could speak, the other party confessed directly: "My dear, I killed my mother-in-law, don't ask."

Wait, something is wrong.

How could there be such an honest murderer?

Abnormal, it's really too abnormal! There is definitely something wrong.

Di Renjie squatted down and saw a beautiful woman sitting on the ground with her eyes blank and her lips trembling uncontrollably.

"You didn't kill him, did you?"

The beautiful woman suddenly raised her head: "Everyone says I killed him! I killed him!"

"Why do you take the initiative to take the blame?"

The beautiful woman ran away, grabbed Di Renjie's collar and shouted with red eyes: "I am the murderer! Why don't you believe it?"

"The murderer will not be like you." Di Renjie smiled and shook his head, "I saw guilt, regret, and self-blame in your eyes, but the only thing missing is the relief that only murderers have."

No matter what the motive is for killing, as long as the other party is dead, the murderer's purpose is achieved, and naturally there will be relief, no matter what the result is.

The clerk pushed the beautiful woman away violently, and she fell to the ground, motionless, but tears kept flowing.

Seeing that she was unwilling to speak, Di Renjie left first.

He wanted to go back to the village and investigate her details.

Han Qinniang was not the murderer. This was his intuition after many years of work.

It was just an intuition, and evidence was needed to verify it.

"Sir, are you asking about Han Si Niang? She has a very good relationship with her mother-in-law and takes good care of the old woman, even more than her own daughter."

"Han Si Niang's husband died six years ago, and she is a widow."

"I heard that her mother-in-law has been persuading her to remarry, but Han Si Niang doesn't want to."

Di Renjie asked curiously, "Does she have children?"

"She had one before, but unfortunately she died young. Then, her husband went out fishing and never came back. Most likely he is dead."

Di Renjie left with a frown. As he expected, Han Si Niang had no motive to kill.

A woman who took the initiative to take care of her mother-in-law for six years, and her mother-in-law persuaded her to remarry but she didn't want to, how could such a person be the murderer?

He returned to the scene, which was the house where the old woman hanged herself.

As soon as he entered the yard, he saw a hoe thrown casually at the door.

"Who reported the case?"

The third judge of Bingzhou, whose surname was He, answered: "Yes, the neighbor next door saw someone hanging from the window, so he reported it to the authorities. When we first arrived at the scene, we only saw a hoe dropped in the yard, and Han Si Niang was inside."

"So you, identified her as the murderer?"

"Han Si Niang admitted it herself."

Di Renjie slammed the table in anger and shouted: "Ridiculous! How can a murder case be treated lightly?"

"This...... "

Di Renjie pointed to the hoe outside the door: "You said that when we first arrived at the scene, we saw the hoe fall, which means that Han Si Niang had just returned from farming outside. So, may I ask, did she have time to harm people?"

"Second, the room is nine feet high, the rope is three feet long, and the old woman is more than five feet tall." Di Renjie propped up the stool that had been kicked over, "Take a look, does it meet the criteria of hanging herself?"

[One foot in the Tang Dynasty = 30.7cm]

Everyone looked up and estimated in their hearts, and they couldn't help but be shocked. It was true.

"Third, I didn't find any wounds on the body, and the clothes were smooth. If Han Si Niang really killed him, wouldn't the deceased resist?"

"Fourth, there are very obvious rope marks on the palm of the deceased's hand. The color of the scar is the same as that on the neck. Tell me, if the deceased didn't climb the rope with his hands, would there be such marks?"

Di Renjie sneered and looked around: "Such obvious signs at the scene, three days, none of you noticed it?"

"Just based on someone else's words, you arbitrarily judged the murderer without any thinking consciousness."

"Is this how you, the Governor's Office of Bingzhou, handled cases in the past?"

This was a bit offensive, and He Panzuo lowered his head with a gloomy expression.


Bingzhou is 420 kilometers away from Luoyang, and he took a carriage for ten days to get there.

It's too torturous, I miss the high-speed rail ing......

When he arrived at the gate of Luoyang, he handed the token and the fish token to the guard, and after confirmation, he was allowed to enter.

"Is this the Divine Capital Luoyang?" As soon as he entered the city, Song Zhen was stunned by the scene in front of him.

At that time, it was still called the Eastern Capital. In 684 AD, when Empress Wu came to power, the Eastern Capital was changed to "Divine Capital".

There were all kinds of houses on both sides of the wide road.

There were so many people that it was impossible to ride a horse.

Coincidentally, Song Zhen and Li Mengting had visited Luoyang during the summer vacation in their previous life.

The world has changed dramatically.Song Zhen couldn't help but sigh.

"Who would have thought that Luoyang Nine Dragon Cauldron would be built here 1,400 years later."

At this time, there were only ordinary houses.

"It seems that Li Mengting and I took a photo here, right?" Song Zhen walked to a rooftop and looked up to confirm.

Thinking of the past, all kinds of past events came to mind.

Song Zhen didn't know anyone in Luoyang, it seemed that there was only one Yan Liben, right?

"Go to the city to find an inn first." Song Zhen threw a bag of money over.

In the Tang Dynasty, Fang was a residential area and the city was a commercial area. There would be no inns in Fang.

Moreover, there was no scene like in TV dramas, where commercial and residential buildings were used for both business and residence and shops were opened along the street.

Wang Wu and others were stunned: "Then, Song Panzuo, what about you?"

Song Zhen smiled: "Me? Of course I went to Huichunfang, there is a private room reserved for me there."

Why spend money if you can get it for free?

"Gather here at 11:00 a.m. tomorrow and enter the palace together."

Song Zhen planned to visit Yan Liben first. After all, the other party helped him solve the household registration problem and recommended him to be an official. This was a favor.

He asked along the way and finally found out the location of Yan's mansion.

"It's in Pingkangfang? Interesting." It seems that Minister Yan is also a man of temperament.

Pingkangfang is different from Huichunfang, at least there is a huge difference in area.

However, with the performance of Huichunfang, many brothels were eliminated and closed, and Gongsun family ate a lot of them.

Song Zhen led the horse to the gate of Yan's mansion, and he greeted the guard very politely.

"Hello, I'm here to find Minister Yan. My name is Song Zhen, and my name is Shouzheng. Please let me know. Thank you."

After saying that, he casually gave the guard a hundred coins.

The guard thought this man was smart, and ran in without saying a word.

After waiting for almost half an hour, the guard said with regret: "I'm sorry, young man, Minister Yan is not here."

"Oh? Is it such a coincidence?"

"Yes, Minister Yan went to Cui's house."

"Okay, thank you." Song Zhen smiled and bowed.

"If Minister Yan comes back and wants to see me for something, let him come to Huichunfang."

"I'll wait for him there."

"Song will visit again another day."


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