"By the way, what should I call you? Dear."

Song Zhen suddenly realized a serious problem. When he traveled through time, his name did not change, but she did.

Cui Mengzhu frowned slightly. To be honest, it was a bit strange to suddenly change her name.

"Call me Nianzhen."

"Nianzhen?" Song Zhen was stunned. Good guy, can't the meaning of Nianzhen be interpreted as missing Song Zhen?

Cui Mengzhu rolled her eyes at him coquettishly: "I was also startled when I first woke up and accepted the memory."

"Maybe, this is the legendary fate."

Song Zhen interrupted her and leaned forward: "Come on, kiss me."

"Hate you, you are so frivolous."

"Don't you just like me being frivolous?"


The two of them were affectionate for a while, and Song Zhen straightened his face and said: "Dear Nianzhen, you go home first."


"I'm going to the palace tomorrow, and I don't know how long I'll stay."

Cui Mengzhu sneered: "Okay, don't bring me a princess back."

"No, I calculated it Li Zhi's daughter is too young to be inappropriate. "" In case, what should I do if I do n’t come out? ” Some ambiguous smiles smiled slightly and bowed to the fork: "Subordinates, see Yan Shangshu." "Okay." Yan Liben laughed and felt that Cui Mengzhu was his daughter. "In the future, if you have any difficulties, just come to me. Whether it's official or private."

Yan Liben still has some connections in the court, and he is generous and has almost no political enemies. Most importantly, he is loved by Li Zhi.

Otherwise, he would not have been appointed as the right prime minister in the first year of Zongzhang (668) and was conferred the title of Boling County Man.

Some people think that he is not doing his job properly and is not worthy of the position of prime minister.

However, Yan Liben's contribution to the Tang Dynasty, apart from the handed-down paintings, was that he designed and built the Daming Palace. Isn't he more accomplished than those scholars who talk about "zhihuzheya" all day long?

As the saying goes, great wisdom appears foolish. It seems that Yan Liben is a rough man who can only paint, but in fact, he sees through the world better than anyone else.

Song Zhen bowed again and sent the two out of Huichunfang.

Cui Mengzhu looked back every three steps, looking at him reluctantly.

In order to avoid suspicion, Yan Liben did not ride in the carriage with Cui Mengzhu, but rode a horse by himself.

Before leaving, she shouted loudly: "You must remember to come to my house to propose marriage, otherwise, I will hate you for the rest of my life."

"Okay." Song Zhen nodded, and he added in his heart.

I am not Liang Shanbo, and you are not Zhu Yingtai. We are just ourselves.


At the hour of Mao the next day, Song Zhen and Wang Wu and others gathered.

"Have you asked about the location of Cui Mansion?"

"Alang, it is in the southwest of Luoyang City."

"Okay." Song Zhen nodded silently and got on the horse with one step.

When he arrived at the gate of Ziwei City, he was stopped by the left and right guards in front of the palace gate and asked to show his ID.

Song Zhen handed the fish bag and Li Zhi's letter to the other party, and then let him go.

"You are not allowed to enter. Only he is allowed."

Sure enough, Wang Wu and others were stopped.

"You guys, go back to the inn first. I'll find you after I'm done." Song Zhen threw three taels of gold to them, which was their food and lodging expenses during this period.

Wang Wu and others stared blankly at Song Zhen entering the palace, and then looked down.

Wow, three taels of gold? This is three taels of gold. One tael of gold is about 6 guan.

Not to mention staying for a month, even a year is enough.

"Alang, you are so generous."

"Alang has money, but we can't spend it carelessly."

"Yes, Alang gave us so much money, it's trust, we can't live up to his trust."

Song Zhen was led into the palace by a soldier in armor. He was bored all the way, and he asked curiously: "May I ask what your name is?"

The other party did not speak, but just patted the gorgeous ring-headed sword on his waist.

Wow, Qianniu Knife! This is a senior guard guarding the monarch, Qianniu Guard!Song Zhen hurriedly said, "Excuse me."

The other party glanced at him and said lightly, "My last name is Yuchi."


Of course, Song Zhen would not be so stupid as to think that the big brother in front of him was Yuchi Zhenjin in "The Dragon King of the Capital of Gods". He could only say that this was a historical coincidence.

Ziwei City was very large. The two walked for about an hour, and after passing through Chongguang Gate, they came to the East Palace.

Yuchi Qianniuwei walked outside the palace and reported to the eunuch. The eunuch glanced at Song Zhen, then turned and called inside, "Your Majesty, Song Zhen is here."

Song Zhen was still a little nervous at this time. Damn, it was the first time in his life to meet the emperor. It was bold not to tremble in his legs.

After all, the emperors in ancient times were not like the high officials in postmodern times. If they were not careful, they would lose their heads if they said something wrong.

The eunuch said in a shrill voice, "This young man, come with Anu. His Majesty invites you."

Song Zhen smiled and returned the greeting. Seeing that he was so polite, the other party felt +1 in favorability.

The eunuch opened the palace door and made a gesture of invitation. After Song Zhen entered, he gently closed it.

After entering the door, he only smelled a faint sandalwood scent. He saw Li Zhi sitting in front of a huge table, concentrating on reviewing memorials.

"Your Majesty, I am Song Zhen. I pay my respects to your Majesty." Song Zhen bowed 90 degrees and made a cross-arm salute.

The term "minor minister" did not exist in the Tang Dynasty. It started in the Song Dynasty.

Li Zhi raised his head, squinted his eyes, and then smiled and said, "I'm here. It's a long journey from Bingzhou to Luoyang. Thank you for your hard work."

Song Zhen breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. It can be seen that Li Zhi, the emperor, is still quite good.

"Thank you for your concern, Your Majesty."

"Come, sit down." Li Zhi led him to the next room.

Song Zhen stood outside the door and waited for the emperor to enter first before he went in.

"Mei Niang, Song Zhen is here."


Song Zhen looked up and saw a graceful, beautiful woman with heroic eyes and eyebrows, walking towards him.

He didn't dare to look at him any more and bowed: "Your Majesty, Song Zhen, pays homage to the Queen."

"No need to be restrained."

Song Zhen was pulled to a chair by the palace maid and sat opposite the emperor and the queen. He thought to himself, what a guy.

"I have been listening to the music you composed in the palace during this period."

Song Zhen smiled and said, "As long as your Majesty likes it."

"So, I thought about asking you to compose a song on the spot."

"Excuse me, Your Majesty, are there any restrictions on the theme?"

Li Zhi choked. To be honest, he really hadn't thought about it.

Song Zhen smiled and said, "If your Majesty has no restrictions, then I will give full play to it."

"The name of the song is "Floating Light."

"The inspiration comes from a line in Tian Khan's poem "Fragrant Orchid", reflecting the light color in the courtyard, condensing dew and floating light."


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