After eating and drinking, it was already dark. According to the curfew system of the Tang Dynasty, the four had to stay in Huichunfang.

Di Renjie and Song Zhen, two widows, opened a room respectively.

Minister Yan hugged two girls, followed by three girls and walked into the private room, calling it a battle for art.

Although Wang Yifang looked like a Sima all day long, he was actually a sultry man. He also called a girl into the room.


"I met a girl, we fell in love at first sight, and we became husband and wife in less than an hour."

"But I suddenly didn't love her anymore, so I gave her a symbolic breakup fee of a few hundred yuan. Isn't it reasonable?"

"Uncle, tell me, am I doing something wrong?"

"Ah!" Song Zhen woke up with a horrified face. He sat up straight and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.


He looked around and shook his head vigorously, trying to get rid of the dream just now.

After a while, he realized that he was still in the Tang Dynasty.

So, he lay down again.

I was scared to death. It's not illegal in the Tang Dynasty, okay? Besides, I didn't do anything, what should I be afraid of?

Just then, a scream came from outside.

"Someone's dead!"

"?" Song Zhen quickly got up, dressed and ran out, and ran into Di Renjie at the corner.

Di Renjie had black panda eyes and said haggardly: "There's too much noise next door."

Song Zhen touched his nose awkwardly: "..." Di Renjie's next door was Wang Yushi.

At this time, Yan Liben also ran out in disheveled clothes. He asked anxiously: "I heard someone died just now?"

"Minister Yan, we are planning to go there."

"Okay, then you go, I won't accompany you with my old bones." Yan Liben turned around and knocked on the door of the next room.

"Jingxian, come out to work! Don't sleep!"

Wang Yifang walked out sleepily, but saw Yan Liben immediately went back to the room and closed the door.


Song Zhen said with a strange expression: "Minister Yan is still strong at old age."

"Let's go." Di Renjie took the initiative to change the subject. He forced himself to walk in front.

Soon, the three arrived at the scene.

Outside the door, a large number of onlookers had already gathered.

"Make way, I am the judge of Bianzhou." Di Renjie raised his waist badge and shouted loudly.

When the crowd heard that the official was coming, they quickly dispersed, fearing that they would become suspects.

When they walked into the private room, they saw only a panicked woman and a naked man lying straight on the bed.

"What's going on?" Di Renjie took out the pen and paper he carried with him and asked.

The woman patted her head and said in a trembling voice: "Panzuo, I, I don't know what's going on."

At this time, Di Renjie noticed the bruises on her hands.

"?" Di Renjie shouted with a serious face, "Tell the truth."

"My name is Xia He. These days, this Hu man asked me to get out. He was so brave and kept asking, asking, asking..." The woman blushed.

The next second, her pupils suddenly dilated: "But just when he was doing it, he suddenly fell down."

Song Zhen came to the bedside. He first carefully observed the surrounding environment. After finding nothing unusual, he carefully turned the man's body over.

"The deceased, male, about 40 years old."

"The body is still warm, which means he died not long ago."

"There are bruises on the head and forehead."

Then, Song Zhen looked down: "The deceased's eyes are open, and the pupils are equal in size and round? There is saliva flowing out. What is going on?"

Song Zhen put aside his thoughts and continued to check: "The joints of the body are stiff, the whole body is pale, and the extremities are cold?"

"The upper body is intact, without any damage."

"Left hand slightly clenched?"

On the other side, Di Renjie was interrogating Miss Xia He: "You mean, the deceased died of exhaustion?"

Miss Xia He's chicken He nodded like pecking at rice: "Yes, that's what I think."

Song Zhen suddenly said: "No, he didn't commit suicide."

"What do you mean?"

"Any man who has done too much, exhausted his energy, and died on a woman."

Song Zhen stared at Miss Xia He and said slowly: "The true one is not weak, and the false one is withered."

"Miss Xia He, you are lying."

Miss Xia He quickly looked away: "I, I don't know, I'm just guessing, after all, he was still doing that when he died."

Song Zhen walked over and grabbed it and felt it, smooth and non-sticky.

He narrowed his eyes: "That's not right, don't bully me because I'm young, don't think I don't know anything."

"Did you take off his clothes?"

Miss Xia He replied calmly: "This man, don't talk nonsense. How dare I take off the clothes of the dead? "

Song Zhen made way and pointed to the inside of the bed.

"Huaiying, the deceased is a Hu people. Hu people are known for their rough character. After he took off his clothes, he would not fold them so neatly. "

Miss Xia He retorted: "What's wrong with me folding them for him? Is it not okay?"

"Then what is this?" Song Zhen pulled out a long hair from the man's clothes.

"Everyone said that I folded it, why do you care about this hair?"

"Then why is the bed so flat?"

"I..." Miss Xia He couldn't answer.

Song Zhen walked in front of her, pointed to the wet marks on her back, and asked her with a smile: "Then what's going on with this?"

"The deceased has saliva overflowing from the corners of his mouth. Don't tell me that you are a neatly dressed servant?"

"This is not a qualified waiter. "

Miss Xia He was silent. She couldn't answer this question.

Di Renjie roughly judged from Song Zhen's words, and he said in a deep voice: "Miss Xia He."

"I hope you will cooperate seriously. Confess and be lenient, and resist and be strict."

Miss Xia He suddenly burst into tears, and she screamed: "I really didn't kill the person. Why do you have to wrongly accuse me?"

The crowd outside the door echoed: "I don't believe it either. As everyone knows, Miss Xia He is beautiful and kind."


Di Renjie frowned. Killing has never been related to morality.

Sometimes on a whim, or stimulated by something, just kill.

Song Zhen also frowned, and he looked at the body.

Obviously, the deceased died abnormally, and there were no scars on his body.

But how did he die?

If you just look at the color of the body, it is likely that he died of poisoning.

However, there are a few strange things.

First, the expression is very painful, and the speed of pupil expansion is very fast. Abnormal.

Moreover, the deceased's left hand was slightly clenched, what's going on?

He seemed to have seen this symptom of death somewhere, but he couldn't remember it for a moment.

Song Zhen closed his eyes and carefully searched the information he had read in his previous life.

Unfortunately, he was not a medical student and didn't know many special symptoms of death.

Miss Chunhua arrived, she hurried in and embraced Miss Xia He, patting her gently to comfort her.

"Young Master, our sister Xia He didn't even dare to kill a chicken, how could she kill someone?"

Di Renjie shook his head and said, "This doesn't mean anything."

"Really, please believe me, sister Xia He is really a good person."

At this time, the clerks on night duty arrived at the scene, and they saluted Di Renjie and Wang Yifang.

"Wang Yushi, Di Panzuo. I'm late. "

Song Zhen lowered his head and noticed the traces on the ground. He squatted down and carefully observed every footprint.

He simulated and deduced in his mind the scenes that had happened here.

Time went back, day and night changed, the people around disappeared, and only three people were left in this room.

The deceased was Miss Xia He.

And Song Zhen.


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