[Warm Tips: This chapter is high energy! The faint of heart should be careful. ]

Song Zhen looked at the sun in the sky, it should be three quarters past noon.

"I, I'm going to the toilet now, is it too late?" Lu Shishi asked in a low voice, covering his nose.

Song Zhen showed an innocent smile: "No, Lu Shishi, you are the chief judge, you must be present to witness."

"Then can't I let Xia He go?" Damn, it's too smelly, Lu Shishi said he couldn't stand it, he couldn't stay here for a quarter of an hour.

Song Zhen smiled again: "No, Lu Shishi once said that the case must be handled rigorously."

Strict! When did I say this? Why don't I remember it?

How bad is the stench of a human corpse? To be honest, 90% of people can't stand it.

If you are very curious and very confident in yourself, you can kill a mouse in the summer, put it in a plastic bag, and then seal it. After seven days, if you open the plastic bag and put your face in, and can keep smelling it for more than half an hour without quitting, then congratulations, you have passed the primary test of corpse odor.

Song Zhen was able to get used to it because in his previous life, there was an ancestral hall next to his hometown. When someone in the village died, according to local customs, the body would be placed on the door panel in the ancestral hall for three days, and the coffin would be buried on the fourth day. Sometimes, in order to wait for children who came back late, the coffin would not be covered with a red brocade "sky cover", and the funeral would be held on the seventh day anyway.

From childhood to adulthood, he fell asleep with this pungent smell.

It was okay in winter, but in summer it was really... no way, who told his ancestors to save face and build a house next to the ancestral hall?

It was this kind of unnatural growth environment that trained him, and he no longer had such an aversion to corpse odor.

When he was a child, he was naughty and often climbed up the coffin to observe when no one was around. After watching it for a long time, he was naturally not afraid.


When the white cloth was lifted and the body was revealed, Zhang San and Li Si immediately covered their mouths, and finally couldn't help but vomit.

Damn, it's really disgusting. They have been doing autopsies for several years and have never seen such a disgusting body.

Shangguan Doctor closed his eyes and pretended to faint.

As the Hu man's body had been stored for several days, even if the conditions for preserving the body in the underground charity cemetery were good, it was not as good as the postmodern morgue.

The limbs and torso of the Hu man's body began to swell slightly, and the skin was dirty green.

The Hu man's face was slightly swollen, his eyeballs were protruding and hanging outside, and his lips were enlarged and turned outward. He had lost his previous appearance.

I guess he wouldn't recognize him even if he came.

Before starting the autopsy, Song Zhen arranged for the clerks to burn Cang wood and soap beans in the lobby to remove the odor.

Lu Shishi wanted to cry but had no tears. Damn, it was still very smelly.

Song Zhen was closest to the body. He suppressed his nausea and pulled down all the cloth.


People standing outside the door and watching felt physically and mentally uncomfortable, and turned their heads away to vomit.

Di Renjie covered his mouth and nose, and moved his body with difficulty to Song Zhen.

"This corpse has become like this, are you sure you want to do that?"

"I'm sure. Only in this way can we prove Miss Xia He's innocence."

Song Zhen stepped forward and bowed, saying: "Please ask Governor Lu to come down and witness!"


Lu Yang had already cursed Song Zhen's ancestors hundreds of times in his heart. He had no choice but to take off his black leather Liuhe boots and tie his socks on his face to cover his mouth and nose.

Maybe the smell of salted fish can reduce the stench of the corpse?

When Song Zhen turned around, he saw Miss Chunhua running in, holding a veil in her hand and handed it to him.

Miss Chunhua accidentally glanced at the corpse from the corner of her eye and vomited halfway back.

Song Zhen tied the veil on his face, with a faint female body fragrance and the fragrance of rouge powder.

He adjusted his breathing and dragged Zhang San over.

"Come and help!"

"I, I won't go! I won't go even if I die!"

"Don't you know how to kill pigs?"

Zhang San wanted to cry but had no tears: "Are pigs the same as humans?"

"Uh..." In fact, they are really similar. They are all born by mothers and are mammals.

The scene froze. Due to the non-cooperation of Zhang San and Li Si, the work could not continue.

In desperation, Song Zhen had to do it himself.

Since he was not a medical student, he didn't know where to start.

At this time, someone shouted loudly: "Langguan, I am a pig killer. Let me do it. Don't dirty your hands."

Song Zhen looked back and saw that it was the sturdy man he had met before.

"What's your name?"

"I don't have a name, but they all call me Tian Qi."

In the Tang Dynasty, ordinary people were not worthy of having names. The so-called "common people" in ancient times were just the families with titles recorded in the "Clan Records" compiled by Emperor Taizong of Tang. They were worthy of being called "People".

Why do officials shout all day long: "Your Majesty should not compete with the people for profit", do you think this "people" means the same as now? Sorry, it has nothing to do with most people.

Only those nobles with names and surnames are worthy of being called "people", and others are really not worthy.

So, all the ancestors, no matter what we are like now, our ancestors must have been glorious in the past, so that they can continue to this day.

The ancestors who were not rich have long been extinct.


"Tian Qi, right? No wounds on the body, right?" Song Zhen stepped aside and made a gesture of invitation.


"Okay, then you come."

Tian Qi came to the corpse, he frowned and looked at it, then turned his head and asked in confusion: "Langguan, which part do you want?"

"......"Fuck, which part? Should I take it back and cook it?

"Uh, dig out the heart."

"Okay. "Tian Qi was about to cut him, but was stopped by Song Zhen.

Song Zhen handed him a pair of gloves: "Put these on to prevent bacterial infection."

This is a pair of special gloves, coated with tung oil on the surface, waterproof, the same material as the surface of oil-paper umbrellas.

It should be able to withstand a little bit, right? Song Zhen was not sure.

Tian Qi bowed to the corpse, put on the gloves, raised the knife high, and shouted.

"Wait a minute!" Song Zhen was frightened by his performance, "Didn't I ask you to chop him, you should be gentle, cut the meat, understand?"

"Oh." Tian Qi touched his head innocently.

Song Zhen had to admire this kid for being a talent, with a big heart, really not afraid of stench or disgusting?

So, he held the corpse with his left hand, lowered his head and was about to cut it carefully.

"Wait a minute! Deflate first, be careful, don't fucking explode. "Song Zhen reminded him, he pressed the bulging abdomen of the corpse, pointed to a position, signaled Tian Qi to poke here, and then quickly moved away.

"The onlookers in that direction, please disperse, disperse!"

Tian Qi was not afraid at first, but after hearing what Song Zhen said, he was really scared. He carefully held the knife and then poke it.

Poke and run! So exciting!

Suddenly, a green gas gushed out of the Hu man's abdomen, and everyone screamed.

Seeing that the gas was no longer emitted, Tian Qi asked cautiously: "Langguan, is it okay?"

"You go. "

I have to praise that Tian Qi is experienced and his technique is very exquisite.

Soon, the skin and flesh on the chest of the corpse were cut open smoothly, revealing the internal organs.

Song Zhen covered his mouth and nose and walked over to take a look. Fortunately, the degree of decay was not that exaggerated.

The corpse was only slightly gigantic and could be saved.

This has to be praised in the underground charity cemetery. The temperature is very low, and now it is winter, so the decay schedule of the corpse has been delayed a lot.

"Do you know where the heart is?"

"I know about pigs and sheep, but I have never killed anyone, so I don't know where the human heart is." Tian Qi smiled foolishly.

Song Zhen walked to Shangguan Doctor who had already "fainted". He kicked him and shouted: "Get up."

Shangguan Doctor continued to pretend to be dead. Song Zhen asked Di Renjie to bring the basin of water next to him and poured it over.

"Boy!" Shangguan Doctor could no longer pretend.

"Did you bring the Mingtang map?"

"You woke me up just for this? "Shangguan Doctor was stunned.

Song Zhen smiled: "What else?"

"@#%#..." Shangguan Doctor cursed and took out the Mingtang map from the package.

During the reign of Emperor Taizong of Tang, there was already a human anatomy map called the Mingtang map.

After Tian Qi confirmed the position, he picked up a saw and began to cut the sternum of the deceased.

In fact, the heart can be taken out from the abdomen, but for fear of damaging the heart, it can only be disassembled violently.

Then the lungs were opened and the heart was revealed.

"Dear Governor Lu."

Lu Yang had already run as far as he could. Hearing this call, his tiger body trembled violently.


"Come here and witness it." Song Zhen also forcibly pulled Shangguan Doctor over, "Shangguan Doctor, theory is put into practice. This opportunity doesn't come often. Watch carefully and learn well. "

Lu Shishi's footsteps were very heavy. After walking for an unknown amount of time, he finally arrived.

It stinks, ten thousand times more than before!

Lu Shishi suddenly felt that salted fish didn't smell good anymore.

"Can you cover his face? It's so scary." He said with a trembling voice.

People are like this. The more they are afraid of something, the more they can't help but look at it.

Di Renjie took out a few pieces of white cloth from somewhere and covered the whole body except the chest.

Lu Shishi and Shangguan Doctor breathed a sigh of relief, and the discomfort was relieved a lot.

But at this moment, a gust of wind blew, and the white cloth on the Hu man's face suddenly fell to the ground.

He stared at everyone with his eyes wide open.


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