Three days later——

Zhao Family.

"Alang, according to the connections in the government, the bodies have been found. I'm afraid the incident back then can't be concealed?"

The head of the Zhao family was stunned. He frowned and asked, "What happened? Were the bodies not handled properly?"

"They were handled properly, but they were dug out by Di Renjie and his men."

"Where were they dug?"

"Right, right in the backyard of that house."

The head of the Zhao family turned around suddenly, grabbed his men's neck with a fierce look in his eyes and scolded, "Didn't we tell them to bury them in the back mountain?"

The servant stammered in fear, "I, I don't know. We didn't handle it."


The head of the Zhao family threw the servant to the ground and wiped his hands with a handkerchief.

"Why don't you get out of here?"


The head of the Zhao family looked gloomy. Since the truth had been revealed and Sanlang and Liulang had been sentenced to death, he had no attachment to Fengqiu County.

Now he had only one idea, to run away before the government had fully investigated.

So, he arranged for his family to pack up their belongings and prepare to flee in the middle of the night.

Just then, someone knocked violently at the gate.

"Why are you here so quickly?"

He arranged for someone to go out and take a look.

"Alang, the other party claims that it is the community that is sending warmth."

"?" The head of the Zhao family looked confused. He only understood one word, and the two words before and after were completely incomprehensible.

What community? What warmth is being sent?

"What kind of clothes is the visitor wearing?"

"Well, it's just a very simple plain linen shirt with patches on the shoulders. He looks quite young, carrying a load, and looks kind."

The eyes of the head of the Zhao family exuded a thoughtful look, and he murmured: "You go open the door, ask him to put down the goods, and get out immediately."

The head of the Zhao family still felt uneasy, and he followed behind, wanting to personally confirm who the visitor was.

"Open the door, the community is sending warmth."

After the servant got Zhao Wudong's nod of confirmation, he slowly lifted the bolt.

The moment the door opened, the head of the Zhao family saw a familiar face.

It was Song Zhen!

He hurriedly shouted: "Quick, close the door!"

What kind of warmth? It's just asking for death, okay?

"Wait!" Song Zhen smiled slightly, he blocked the door with his body, and pulled out a Tang horizontal knife from the bucket.

"Let's see who dares to close the door?"

He kicked a servant to the ground, stuck the scabbard in the ground, and slowly pulled out the Tang horizontal knife.

"Let's try one?"

The old face of the head of the Zhao family turned black, he yelled: "Why are you still standing there? Come on."

"Wait!" Song Zhen said calmly, "You should be ignorant of the law, then I will popularize science."

"Attacking officials, if injured, you will go to jail, if dead, you will be beheaded, you should think about it carefully, is he your father or your grandfather? What good will it do you to work for him?"

This sentence was so lethal that the servants did not dare to step forward.

Again, it's only a few hundred yuan a month, why are you risking your life?

Seeing this, the head of the Zhao family drew his weapon himself.

At this time, dozens of clerks came from behind Song Zhen and surrounded the yard.

Di Renjie walked out with a cold face, and he scolded: "Zhao Wudong, what do you want to do?"

Zhao Wudong, the head of the Zhao family, put away his knife, and he turned around and questioned the other party: "Di Panzuo, why are you doing this? Can I sue you for trespassing?"

"Oh, go ahead, Lu Zhishi is here, you can say anything to him."

When the two sides confronted each other, many Zhao family members rushed out of the house.



Zhao Wudong was very calm, and he used his hands to block the impulse of his family.

"Lu Zhishi, do you have a search warrant?"

"Do you need it?" Lu Yang chuckled.

"I don't quite understand what Governor Lu means?"

Xue Zhengqing stood up and glanced at Zhao Wudong teasingly: "I think you must have misunderstood. We do not have a search warrant."

"Then why did you break into a private house?"

"But." Xue Zhengqing reached out and took out a copy of the document, "But we have an arrest warrant."

"Take him away!"

Zhao Erlang rushed up, he stopped the clerk and said harshly: "Everyone, you are arresting innocent people without knowing the truth, isn't it a bit too much?"

"Innocent? You can talk about it in class." Xue Zhengqing waved his hand, "Take them all away."

At this time, someone in the crowd noticed Zhao Wudong's eyes, they understood what he meant, and gradually retreated.

"Stop!" Di Renjie noticed the small movement, and he asked the clerk to chase him.

"Those who resist arrest will be killed without mercy!"

Those people seemed not to hear it, they were still running.

Song Zhen patted the clerk beside him and took the other party's bow and arrow.

Squint, draw the bow, and release the arrow!


A bow and arrow shot directlyThe arrow pierced through the opponent's chest and went straight into the heart. The man fell straight to the ground, and after a few twitches, he was motionless.

"Wu Lang!" Zhao Wudong cried out in grief.

No one would have thought that Song Zhen would actually dare to shoot an arrow to kill people? Is he so crazy?

Doesn't he know that even if he is an official, he cannot kill people at will and must bear the responsibility.

The other few people who escaped stood there stupidly, not daring to move a bit.

Who is not afraid of death? Go find someone who is not afraid of death.

Di Renjie and Xue Zhengqing turned their heads and looked at Song Zhen in shock at the same time, and the other party just spread his hands.

No, we are just threatening, are you serious?

Many officials have never killed anyone in their lives. They are not soldiers and have basically never used knives.

Not to mention that Di Renjie and others were shocked, even the clerks were calling him awesome in their hearts.

Only Lu, the governor, was the most sober in the whole place. Perhaps he was numb. He waved his hand and asked the clerk to arrest those people.

In this way, except for the servants, women and children, all the men in the Zhao family were tied up.

When Zhao Wudong passed by Song Zhen, he spat and cursed with a ferocious face: "Song Zhen, you will definitely pay the price! You will not die well for harming my Zhao family!"

Song Zhen slightly turned his head and avoided the spit.

"Stop." He took two steps forward and came to Zhao Wudong.

He patted the other party's face with his hand: "What? You want to leave after scolding me?"

"Didn't you say that you want me to pay the price?" Song Zhen gritted his teeth, pulled out the Tang horizontal sword, and pierced the other party's foot with one knife.

Zhao Wudong was in unbearable pain. He couldn't make any sound and could only roar.

"What's your price? Let me heal it?"

Song Zhen grabbed Zhao Wudong's right hand and broke his fingers one by one.

"I'm not targeting your Zhao family."

After the right hand was cut off, he switched to the left hand. Anyway, signing a contract does not require a signature.

"It was your Zhao family who harmed me first. I wish I would die immediately."

"This is the retribution of your Zhao family, not mine."

"Do you understand?" Song Zhen gritted his teeth and groaned, spinning his left hand vigorously.

"Ah——" Zhao Wudong screamed in pain.

The harsh sound of bone friction made everyone in the audience shudder.

And Di Renjie, who was standing aside, watched all this expressionlessly and did not stop it.

He understood how much Song Zhen hated the Zhao family, and he felt the same way.

Although Song Zhen's behavior was indeed against the rules, the other party was an unforgivable person, so Xue Zhengqing acquiesced.

The dirty consequences of Zhao Wudong's crime were just beheading, which was too easy for him.

The most important thing was that because of this case, Xue Zhengqing's trip home for the holidays was ruined.

What bad luck!

As for Governor Lu, how dare he say anything?


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