The so-called hierarchy of scholars, farmers, merchants and artisans is nothing more than a means for the rulers to strengthen state management.

If everyone goes into business, who will cultivate the fields? In the final analysis, feudal society is still dominated by small peasant economy.

Moreover, merchants are profit-seeking and will not consider the general situation of the country. In order to make money, they may do anything. The rulers are extremely distrustful of them.

In fact, didn't the farmers in ancient times live in poverty?

Those who are covered in silk and satin are never silkworm breeders, but merchants.

Of course, in the Tang Dynasty, it is right that merchants have a low status and are looked down upon.

The suppression of merchants in the early Tang Dynasty was far more than "the sons of criminal families, workers and merchants are of different categories and cannot take the exam." As simple as that. Li Bai is the son of a merchant, so he cannot participate in the imperial examination.

In the hearts of emperors, merchants are low-class people who cannot eat with gentlemen, ride in carriages, wear silk and satin, etc.

But, is it true that no merchants can stand out in the Tang Dynasty?


The key is to see which way you can get through.

Wu Zetian's father, Wu Shigui, was a building materials merchant in Bingzhou. He funded Li Yuan's rebellion and finally became the Minister of Works and was promoted to Duke of Yingguo.

There was also Pei Mingli, a wealthy businessman in the Tang Dynasty during the Zhenguan period. He was "appointed as the Imperial Censor in the Palace, the Deputy Director of the Ministry of War, the Secretary of the Central Secretariat, and was promoted to the Minister of Rites."

It can be seen that the attitude of the rulers of the Tang Dynasty towards merchants was contradictory.

On the one hand, the status of merchants was degraded, and on the other hand, policies to support merchants were introduced.

For example, financial subsidies for industries such as textiles, lacquerware, and porcelain; tax incentives; construction of transportation roads such as canals; promotion of trade with foreign merchants, etc.

Maybe some Yanzu will say, isn't this contradictory to the previous article (Chapter 16)?

It's not me who is contradictory, but the rulers of the Tang Dynasty who are contradictory.

Li Yuan said "the family that eats salary should not compete with the subordinates for profit", but he had a close relationship with Wu Shigui.

Li Shimin said, "Businessmen and businessmen must not sit side by side with the wise officials and eat together." But he appointed Pei Mingli as an important official of the court.

However, the reason why Song Zhen did not choose to be a merchant was that he had no business acumen and no backing.

The Gongsun family also developed for many years to reach such a scale.

So the Gongsun family chose to marry with the gentry to get the backing.

The gentry chose to marry with the Gongsun family for economic benefits.

Of course, the top gentry like the Five Surnames and Seven Famous would look down on the merchant family like the Gongsun family.

Because their family itself is rich, and they have arrogance from the bones, and they disdain to interact with merchants.

If Song Zhen insists on doing business, it will undoubtedly be a dead end.

He is not a science student, he can't make glass, wine, fine salt...

He can't do anything, can he make Safeguard?

Sorry, there was actually soap in the Tang Dynasty, called bath beans. It is the pig pancreas soap for washing and cleaning, and it can even beautify.

So what can you make to make a lot of money in the Tang Dynasty?

Sell toilet paper!

As long as you can improve the papermaking technology, greatly reduce the cost of papermaking, and change the lifestyle of the people of the Tang Dynasty, you will be rich in no time.

As for Yan Zu who wants to sell black silk, he can go to bed now, because the Tang Dynasty may have it.

Therefore, Song Zhen chose to convert knowledge into wealth, move postmodern songs over, put forward the concept of copyright fees, and look for partners.

At present, it seems that the Gongsun family is the most suitable partner.


After half an hour of rest, the performance started again!

Li Yuanwai waited for a long time, he had been looking forward to this show.

The next song and dance show is called "The Beauty Walk", created by Song Zhen.

Ten female prostitutes stood on the open space under the stage, with their backs to the audience. Their postures were like cattails and willows, twisted into S curves.

"Here we come!"

The curtain gradually opened, and the cheerful and relaxed flute sound came first.

Li Yuanwai's eyes lit up. Yes, that's right!

This is a unique musical style of Song Zhen's works!

The name of this song is "Double-faced Yan Xun".

The female prostitutes seemed to be swinging their hands lazily with the sound of the flute, and turned around slowly, each with a charming smile.

The sound of the flute is accompanied by the rhythmic sound of drums and the sound of the board. Watching the female prostitutes dance is a unique experience.

"This song is so cheerful. After listening to it, I feel like I'm on a spring outing."

"Woo, woo, who said it wasn't? Hearing this rhythm reminds me of Lu Siniang."

"What did Lu Siniang do to you?"

"I remembered that day, I was carrying manure, she was leading the horse, welcoming the sunrise and sending off the sunset."

"Wait, aren't you afraid of spilling manure on her?"

"It's okay. If it really spills on her, then I can just helpShe licked it clean. "


The people around him looked over in shock when they heard what he said.

They suddenly didn't know what words to use to describe this guy.

The dance moves in this show seemed to be intermittent, and the combination of hardness and softness gave the audience a very novel feeling.

It seemed to be a pause, but each movement was actually powerful at the end and start.

The prostitutes leaned over, raised their hind legs, and formed a circle with their hands.

Then they turned around quickly, stretched their arms, and looked at the audience charmingly, with a pair of phoenix eyes that seemed to be able to speak.

The prostitutes leaned back, raised their arms slowly, and then turned around, taking small steps, placing their palms in front of their faces to cover their mouths shyly, twisting their bodies a few times, attracting A large number of gentlemen cheered.

When it came to this action, the music suddenly increased.

The fifty musicians on the stage played together, the sound of flutes, drums, and pipa, each sound was very pleasant to the ears, bringing an extremely shocking listening experience.

It caused everyone to be dumbfounded and speechless.

In fact, the original song of the dance "The Beauty Walk" is not "Double-faced Yan Xun", the original song is more like the Tang Dynasty Yanyue.

The two songs have their own merits. The original song can be heard solemn and majestic, while the cheerful and jumping rhythm of "Double-faced Yan Xun" makes people feel like spring breeze, free and easy.

Of course, the dance "The Beauty Walk" is from the dance drama Du Fu. If we look at it from the perspective of historical research and spiritual meaning, the latter is indeed not very suitable.

But the song and dance , isn't it essentially for appreciation and relaxation? There's no need to exaggerate.


Song Zhen stood on the stage, he closed his eyes and played the flute.

He remembered the comments on this song. Some people said that listening to this music was like returning to the prosperous Tang Dynasty.

Yes, I'm back, and I'll bring your beautiful imagination to the Tang people.

They also heard that this is the vision of the Tang Dynasty from the descendants of the Chinese nation 1,400 years later...

I'm here, I'll witness!

In the future, let me play the mountains and rivers 1,400 years later for the Tang people on your behalf!

There is "Shuilongyin" as graceful as water and as heroic as mountains;

There is "Xiangwangxing" with iron horses and icy rivers, and all nations come to pay tribute;

There is The prosperity of the world in "Nine States Together" and the glory of China.

And, and...

These are all hymns written by the future descendants of China to the magnificent history of China for 5,000 years.

Of course, music knows no borders.

The cheerful segment of "Double-faced Yan Xun" is only more than one minute. We can't let the show end so quickly, right?

So, if there is not enough time, we can just repeat the previous tunes.

As for the dance after one minute, it was choreographed and danced by the prospective courtesans, who added their own ideas to the movements designed by Song Zhen.

Even though Song Zhen has seen them dance many times, he has new feelings every time.

He finally realized what it means to "the king will not attend the court early from now on."

After "The Beauty Walk" ended, the audience was still not satisfied.

"That's it?"

Just like being held down by your boyfriend, and then he said, forget it?


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