Since Wu Da was a criminal suspect, according to the law, he had to be handcuffed.

In the carriage, Wu Da sat aside with his eyes blank, not knowing what he was thinking.

Di Renjie sympathized with his experience.

Looking at the whole case, did Wu Da do anything wrong?

It seems that he did not do anything wrong.

He saw his wife sleeping in the woodshed, worried that she would catch a cold, so he burned firewood in the room for heating. In order to prevent the cold wind from blowing into the house, he also considerately closed the doors and windows for her.

The mistake was that he was uneducated.

Did he know that his woman was having an affair? In fact, he had known it for a long time.

The reason why he chose to swallow his anger was entirely because of his inferiority complex.

From the beginning, the two people in the marriage were in unequal positions.

Wu Da did what very few men could do, but the deceased could not do what most women did.

So the question is, who should be the real culprit?

"Shouzheng, what is oxygen? What is carbon monoxide?"

Song Zhen groaned, as if it was a bit troublesome to explain. It seems that he should use less modern vocabulary in the future.

"A person must breathe, right?"

Di Renjie nodded seriously.

"If a life wants to maintain normal physiological activities, oxygen in the air is one of the substances that must be inhaled. In short, without oxygen, people will die."

"I have a question. In Zhao Wenyu's case, you said that the air is thin. Does it mean oxygen?"

"Yes, you can think of oxygen as a glass of water. It cannot be replenished in a closed space. Once you drink it, it's gone."

Di Renjie nodded in agreement: "So that's it, I understand. What is carbon monoxide?"

"Toxic gas." These four simple words, Song Zhen didn't introduce much, because he was not a science student and had only a vague understanding.

Along the way, Di Renjie tried to comfort Wu Da, but the more he talked, the more Wu Da wanted to cry.

The two of them visited the neighbors and got a general idea of ​​what kind of person Wu Da was.

Including by observing the layout of his home, it is obvious that he takes very good care of the deceased.

In addition to farming, he takes risks every day to go hunting in the mountains to enrich the food for his wife.

This is definitely not pretended, only caring day after day can achieve this level.

Song Zhen leaned against Di Renjie, and he kept looking at Wu Da.

He suddenly thought of a possibility, did Wu Da kill anyone?

Because he found a bloody hatchet in Wu's house. When he asked him at the time, the other party only replied that it was used for hunting in the mountains, and there was no time to clean it, and by the way, he showed a huge tiger corpse.

Uh, it seems a bit fierce!

Seeing this scene, Song Zhen had to put aside his doubts.

But now, the more he thinks about it, the more wrong it is.

Although Wu Da will not attack his own woman, it does not necessarily mean that he will let those men go.

He is honest, not cowardly.

However, it was just a suspicion. Now that the male corpse could not be found, Song Zhen could not make up a story and force Wu Da to be accused of murder.

Perhaps, the bloodstain on the boat had nothing to do with Wu Da?


Lu Yang did not expect that these two idiots would come back so quickly?

Something was wrong. It was totally unlike their style.

He cleared his throat and tried to keep a calm expression: "Are you back?"

"See Governor Lu."

"How did the investigation go?"

Di Renjie bowed and said: "It lived up to expectations. The truth is out."

"So fast?" Lu Yang was stunned. He originally thought that these two idiots had given up. Unexpectedly, in just one week, excluding the time of traveling back and forth, the case was solved so quickly?

Di Renjie submitted the case file prepared in advance.

Lu Yang glanced at it. That's it.

There were three criminals directly involved in this case.

They were Wu Da, Niu Wu and Ma Liu. All three confessed to their actions.

As for how to sentence, Di Renjie gave the following suggestions.

1. Wu Da took great care of the deceased, and tolerated her affair for five years, still taking good care of her. He had no motive to kill, and was guilty of manslaughter.

2. Niu Wu and Ma Liu deliberately abandoned the body in the water, and they had committed the crime of fighting and killing.

According to Article 266 of the Tang Law Commentary: "Those who abandon the body in the water shall be reduced by one level of fighting and killing."

However, since the real murderer was not them, they were not sentenced to hanging, but exiled 2,500 miles.

3. All men in the village who had had sex with the deceased should be sentenced to two years of imprisonment according to the Tang law.

Lu Yang was stunned. Why did he feel something was wrong? Murder was the lightest sentence. Is this reasonable?

Di Renjie was well prepared. He submitted the chat records of his visit in the village, which had the pictures of the interviewees.Detain, to prove its authenticity.

Although the law is ruthless, people are kind.

But sometimes, you think that person should not be punished just this little, but you can't do anything, because the law is dead.

Song Zhen stood aside and didn't say anything. He didn't express any opinion.

His job was to assist in the investigation and judgment, and leave it to Di Renjie.

He didn't understand the "Tang Law Commentary", and Di Renjie's judgment would always be more fair and just than his.


After reading the entire case file, Lu Yang was shocked. That's it? Isn't this too smooth?

The investigation process was indeed too smooth, even Di Renjie didn't expect it.

Lu Yang took a deep breath. There were a lot of people sentenced in this case.

According to reports from enthusiastic people, the deceased had had relationships with more than 50 men in the village and even the next village in the past few years, which was simply outrageous.

If all of them were arrested and imprisoned, would it cause a riot among the people?

This is a question that Lu, the governor, should consider.

However, he respected Di Renjie's judgment very much. Nothing is difficult in the world. It is time for those people to bear the consequences of breaking the law.

Manslaughter can be redeemed.

Even if the relatives of the deceased have long died, Wu Da still has to pay the ransom to the government.

But Wu Da was so poor that he even had to patch his underwear, so Song Zhen took out 500 coins to help him redeem his sins.

Originally, he should have paid two guan, but under Di Renjie's strong efforts, Lu Yang had to give up.

Lu Yang secretly said it was a pity that he couldn't cheat this annoying dog and rat once.

Song Zhen is now a small local tyrant. He has earned 20 guan from Huichunfang and can buy a toilet in Chang'an, which is not bad.

According to historical records, during the reign of Emperor Xuanzong of Tang Dynasty, the court once auctioned a property covering an area of ​​2.9 acres and a courtyard with 39 rooms. The final selling price was 138 guan.

At first glance, less than a million seems quite cheap, but you have to put yourself in that era.

The great writer Du Fu, with a monthly salary of 16,000, worked hard for 30 years before buying a house in Chang'an. Before that, he had always lived in a thatched hut, otherwise he would not have written "Song of the Thatched Hut Broken by the Autumn Wind".

Of course, it took him 30 years to buy a house, which had something to do with his extravagant lifestyle.


Before leaving, Di Renjie comforted Wu Da and told him not to think too much, and that he could find another wife if he lost his wife.

Wu Da was still very depressed, and looked like he had lost his soul.

Suddenly, a loud slap echoed in the carriage.

Di Renjie looked at Song Zhen in shock. What a guy, is he really going to hit him?

Song Zhen just gave Wu Da a cold sentence: "There are beautiful women everywhere in the world, why do you have to love one flower? If you are a man, cheer up!"

Wu Da looked at him with red eyes, and his lips trembled up and down.

Song Zhen woke him up by beating him and scolding him.

After getting off the carriage, Wu Da knelt down with a thud. He kowtowed heavily to the ground and could not be pulled away.

"My two benefactors! I, Wu Da, have no culture and don't know what to say."

"In this life, my life belongs to you two!"

Song Zhen interrupted him quickly: "Don't, your life has just begun. You don't live for others, but for yourself."

"By the way, I have a suggestion for you. Stay away from women with the surname Pan in your next life." Song Zhen just remembered that this was written in "Water Margin". He had not checked the history, so he said one more word.


"Let's go."

Wu Da watched the carriage leave the gate of Junyi County.

I don't know how long it took, Wu Da's fists clenched tightly, his eyes changed, and became particularly cold.

From then on, there was one less sad person in the world, and one more ruthless person.

Di Renjie and Song Zhen didn't know that their small act of kindness would actually save their lives in the future.


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