The booklet contained the impeachment document of Di Renjie by another judge in Bianzhou.

"Having an affair with a criminal and disregarding the law is an unforgivable crime."

There were many other charges against Di Renjie, but most of them were disrespecting superiors, talking back, and disobeying orders.

In Wang Yifang's opinion, these evaluations were credible or not.

The most important thing was that Di Renjie had an affair with a criminal.

He came here to investigate this matter.

As a censor, his job was to supervise all officials and impeach their illegal behavior.

"Minister Yan, there is something I think you should know."

"What is it?"

Wang Yifang handed over the booklet in his hand, and Yan Liben took a rough look at it.

Unexpectedly, he laughed.

"Hahaha, Jingxian, you don't know that two years ago when I came to Bianzhou, Di Renjie was framed by the clerks." Yan Liben was no longer surprised.

Di Renjie was straightforward and could not tolerate any sand in his eyes. In the smooth officialdom, he would definitely be criticized.

So he did not take it to heart at all, but thought it was nonsense.

Yan Liben firmly believed that his vision was not wrong.


Two days later, Bianzhou welcomed two distinguished guests.

"Oh, Minister Yan, Censor Wang, why didn't you notify Lu?" Lu Yang greeted him with a smile on his face.

Although his official position was slightly higher than Wang Yifang, he did not dare to neglect it at all.

There was no way. Censors were supervisors. They were not high-ranking officials but had great power. Local officials had to keep their tails between their legs in front of censors.

Bianzhou belonged to the lower state, so Lu Yang's official position belonged to the lower fourth rank.

The division of upper, middle and lower states in the Tang Dynasty was mainly based on the population.

Wude Ling, more than 30,000 households were upper states; Yonghui Ling, more than 20,000 households were upper states.

On September 12, the first year of Xianqing, the imperial edict stated that the prefectures with more than 30,000 households were upper prefectures, and those with more than 20,000 households were middle prefectures. Those that had been designated as upper prefectures and middle prefectures before would remain as such.

Bianzhou, which was the area around Kaifeng, was not well developed during the Tang Dynasty and was only one of the 189 lower prefectures.

The official rank of the governor was divided according to whether the area under his jurisdiction belonged to the upper, middle, or lower prefectures.

The governor of an upper prefecture was of the third rank; the governor of a middle prefecture was of the fourth rank; the governor of a lower prefecture was of the fourth rank.

The three of them had been immersed in the officialdom for many years and had already become old hands.

They first flattered each other, and everyone was happy.

Then, Yan Liben looked around and asked, "Governor Lu, why don't you see Huaiying?"

"Uh..." Lu Yang hesitated to speak, and finally told the truth under Yan Liben's questioning.

"Huaiying is in the prison now."

"Oh, to judge the prisoner, right?"

"No, he is the prisoner."


Lu Shi sighed, and then took the two to the prison.


"Yan Chuzhishi? Why are you here?" Di Renjie was surprised.

It is a blessing to meet an old friend in a foreign land!

Song Zhen in the corner looked up and breathed a sigh of relief. He finally waited for it.

He bet right!

According to historical records, Yan Liben was Di Renjie's benefactor.

It can be said that if there was no Yan Liben, Di Renjie would probably have wasted his whole life in the small Bianzhou.

It was with Yan Liben's recommendation that Di Renjie was promoted to the legal officer of Bingzhou Dudufu. After that, his ambitions were realized and he became a famous official.

Thinking of this, Song Zhen stood up and saluted: "Greetings to Minister Yan."

"Oh? How do you know my current official position?" Yan Liben was surprised. He had just been promoted not long ago. Logically, a small prisoner should not know this.

Song Zhen smiled slightly and pointed to the purple official uniform on Yan Liben.

"The official uniforms of the Tang Dynasty are colored according to the rank. Those above the third rank wear purple; the fourth rank wears dark red; the fifth rank wears light red; the sixth rank wears dark green; the seventh rank wears light green; the eighth rank wears dark blue; the ninth rank wears light blue."

"Among them, the official uniforms of the third rank and above have different patterns."

"The purple official uniform on Minister Yan is a symbol of your status."

Yan Liben nodded in approval. He didn't expect that someone in this desolate place knew this.

This boy is really extraordinary! It's a pity that he became a prisoner with evil intentions.

It can only be said that Song Zhen did a good job in his previous life, so he didn't become an illiterate after traveling through time.

After exchanging pleasantries, Yan Liben said in a deep voice: "Lu, please tell me in detail about Huaiying's crime."

Lu, the governor, had no idea about this matter, so he called Cui Hao and Zhao Youguang.

"Where is Zhao Mingfu?"

Cui Changshi had a very good psychological quality, and he explained calmly: "Zhao Mingfu had something urgent to do and went to the suburbs."


After hearing Cui Changshi's explanation, Yan Liben felt that this matter was not simple.

First of all, why did Di Renjie commit such a big taboo to do this?

Yan Liben wanted to hear the thoughts of the parties involved.

"Minister Yan, I can't tolerate any sand in my eyes. I can't stand seeing people being wrongly imprisoned, and I don't want anyone to lose their lives because of this."

"So? Is there something strange about the Song Zhen case?" Yan Liben looked back at Cui Changshi with a serious look.

Cui Changshi trembled, and he hurriedly responded: "No, Minister Yan, please don't listen to slander. I can trust Zhao Mingfu's character, and he won't do it without a purpose."

"I had a good chat with Huaiying, and we have been friends for a long time. Do you think I will believe you or him?"

"This..." Cui Changshi's forehead was covered with cold sweat.

He had no choice but to bite the bullet and say, "Minister Yan, the case has been sealed and concluded. The murderer Song Zhen has already confessed his crime and signed his name."

Song Zhen cursed, "Bullshit! How did you torture me before? Why didn't you mention it when I confessed under torture?"

Lu Zhishi's heart sank. There is such a thing? Why didn't these two guys say it the night before?

According to Article 477 of the Tang Law Commentary, "All tortures shall not exceed three times, the total number shall not exceed 200, and the number of canings and less shall not exceed the number of crimes. If the torture is completed and the prisoner refuses to confess, he shall be released on bail."

The Tang Dynasty had strict requirements for torture and interrogation. It shall not exceed three times, and the total number of canings shall not exceed 200. If the prisoner survives, and still refuses to confess after the torture is completed, he will be released on bail.

If you, Yanzu, travel through the Tang Dynasty and are unfortunately arrested and imprisoned, please don't panic. Just endure 200 beatings. Under normal circumstances, the officials will not do anything to you.

Cui Changshi argued: "Minister Yan, this criminal is full of nonsense and cannot be trusted."

"Bullshi! Come, look at the scars on my body." Song Zhen lifted up his clothes, and the dense bruises and blood scabs were shocking.

Anyone who is not a fool can see that the clerk of Fengqiu County is indeed suspected of forcing a confession.

Governor Lu separated the two and scolded: "Officials and criminals quarreling together, how can it be decent?"

"I'm sorry, I was abrupt." Song Zhen changed his face and saluted Cui Changshi, saying word by word, "Dui Lei's mother, you are a shovel! You are a scumbag."

"What did you say?"

"This is my hometown dialect, which means handsome and elegant, and elegant."

Cui Hao was skeptical. This kid is so generous? I called him a country boy, but he still praised me regardless of the past. His old face immediately turned red, ashamed.

Imperial Censor Wang Yifang spoke up to help: "Okay, okay. How about this, since both parties have their own opinions, for the sake of fairness and justice, we will reopen the case."


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