Little fairy doctor with holy hands

Chapter 1011. Encourage registration and look for chefs

At Zhang Yuan's order, these gangsters began to cause havoc.

Smash everything in the house that can be smashed!

All the wallpaper on the wall was torn off, revealing the mottled wall behind.

There were even two gangsters who took iron rods and stabbed them into the roof until they were satisfied with making a few holes.

The trio of mean women were stunned to see them wreaking havoc.

After such destruction, will this house still be usable in the future?

What's the point of taking such a house back? ??

More importantly, they also destroyed the original Chunhua Hotel sign.

Seeing the previous sign being smashed, Wang Chunhua was still a little sad.

Sensing her emotions, Zhang Yuan held her in his arms and spoke softly.

"Sister Chunhua, don't feel bad about this sign! Let's customize a bigger and more beautiful sign later! It's guaranteed to be even more beautiful than the Willow Hotel's sign!"

A touch of emotion flashed in Wang Chunhua's beautiful eyes: "Brother Yuan, thank you!"

"Why are you thanking me? Aren't we already indistinguishable from each other?" Zhang Yuan said with a smile.

Having said this, he suddenly smiled evilly, "Sister Chunhua, if you really want to thank me, there is actually a good way."

Zhang Yuan leaned close to Wang Chunhua's ear and whispered a few words.

Wang Chunhua's pretty face turned red instantly, and Zhang Yuan glanced at her with beautiful eyes.

"Bad people just know how to bully others!"

Although Wang Chunhua said so, Zhang Yuan knew that she had already agreed!

Thinking of enjoying Wang Chunhua's unique style tonight, the smile on Zhang Yuan's face became even brighter.

In the next two days, Zhang Yuan has been helping Wang Chunhua reopen the restaurant.

Decorating a hotel is actually easy. Just hire someone to re-paper the wallpaper, and it can be done in two days at the latest.

Tables, chairs and benches are not difficult to buy. Wang Chunhua has the channels at her disposal.

The most important thing right now is recruiting people.


As a hotel expands, it will inevitably need to recruit more waiters.

But Zhang Yuan doesn’t want to recruit waiters from the town, he wants to recruit from the village!

Recruiting people from the village can help young people in the village find employment.

On the other hand, Wang Chunhua's safety can also be ensured.

Everyone in the village knows the relationship between Zhang Yuan and Wang Chunhua. If anything happens, they will definitely not stand idly by.

But it would be different if it were people from the town!

Not everyone is as helpful as Aunt Niu and willing to help Wang Chunhua!

After Zhang Yuan discussed with Wang Chunhua, Wang Chunhua also agreed with his idea.

In fact, no matter what Zhang Yuan said, Wang Chunhua would agree.

Her body and mind had been given to Zhang Yuan a long time ago, and Zhang Yuan was everything in her life!

Seeing that Wang Chunhua agreed with his idea, Zhang Yuan recruited workers in the village.

After the recruitment notice was issued, villagers enthusiastically signed up.

In just one morning, forty or fifty people signed up.

This made Zhang Yuan couldn't help but sigh, isn't the job of a hotel waiter so popular?

What Zhang Yuan didn't know was that the reason why everyone signed up so enthusiastically was mainly because of him.

In the eyes of everyone in Xiawan Village, as long as they can follow Zhang Yuan, they will definitely get rid of poverty and become rich!

Even though Wang Chunhua was once regarded as a scapegoat by the villagers, the villagers were still willing to work as a waiter in her restaurant.

Zhang Yuan selected among the many villagers who signed up, and finally selected ten young people, five men and five women.

The selected person was so happy that he even came to Zhang Yuan's house carrying two kilograms of eggs to express his gratitude, which made Zhang Yuan dumbfounded.

Through this incident, he

I also discovered how eager everyone in the village is for a lucrative job!

Not even one-third of the people in the village have formal jobs!

Others can either farm at home or go to town to do odd jobs, just like Zhang Erniu did before.

In addition, some people leave their hometowns to work in other places.

However, we have a deep love for our hometown and have the opportunity to work from home. Who would want to leave their hometown to work in other places?

After the waiters are full, the next step is to recruit chefs!

The guy in the kitchen resigned, and the entire kitchen had to be reorganized.

Wang Chunhua asked someone to help introduce two chefs, but neither of them was suitable. ??

He was a good cook, but when he saw that Wang Chunhua had no chef, the lion opened his mouth and quoted a very high salary.

Such a high salary is definitely unacceptable.

The other one asked for a normal salary, but his cooking skills were not that good, and he couldn't even compare to the young cook at the time.

The brand new Chunhua Hotel is going to be the second largest hotel in town!

If the chef's cooking skills are not good, he will only ruin his own brand!

Therefore, this important task fell on Zhang Yuan's head again.

For Zhang Yuan, this matter is really not difficult.

Don’t forget, he is very familiar with the three catering giants in the county!

The first thing Zhang Yuan thought of was Chu Xueyan.

But when he was about to dial her number, he stopped again.

The last time he said something about "molesting" Chu Xueyan, this matter has not passed yet.

If you ask her for help, you may be rejected.

Zhang Yuan thought for a while and decided to call Song Wei, the owner of Qinghe Hotel.

Although he and Song Wei have known each other for the shortest time, they have collaborated more than Du Hengsheng.


In addition to supplying Yuanyang's ecological fish to three major hotels, Song Wei's brother-in-law is responsible for the rest.

After getting to know each other several times, Zhang Yuan guessed that maybe Song Wei was the boss behind his brother-in-law.

In other words, the person who really cooperated with Zhang Yuan was actually Song Wei.

In addition, Song Wei is a local snake in Qinghe County, so it shouldn't be a problem to ask him to introduce the chef.

Sure enough, after dialing Song Wei's phone number.

When Song Wei learned that Zhang Yuan wanted him to help find two chefs, he immediately agreed with a smile.

"Brother Zhang, you found the right person in me! I know a lot of chefs!" Song Wei said with a smile.

"There are several chefs among them who are pretty good at cooking. They are idle at home recently! Let me introduce them to you!"

Zhang Yuan hurriedly said, "Brother Song, I have to tell you something clearly in advance. My girlfriend's restaurant is in Liushu Town, not in the county."

Hearing this, Song Wei couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed.

"In Willow Town? Brother, with your financial resources, it won't be a problem to open a restaurant in the county. Why do you have to open a restaurant in the town?"

Zhang Yuan smiled and said, "I have no idea about opening a restaurant. The main reason is my girlfriend. She has been running a small restaurant. Now that the restaurant is expanding, the original chef resigned again, so we have to recruit a chef."

"So that's it! No problem, it's all up to me! I'll find you two chefs who are willing to work in the town." Song Wei suddenly realized.

After hanging up the phone, Song Wei let out a long sigh of relief.

"It turned out to be a false alarm! I thought Zhang Yuan was going to open a restaurant in the county! Just don't come to the county! Just don't come to the county!"

Song Wei was really shocked when he first heard that Zhang Yuan was hiring a chef.

Zhang Yuan holds two powerful weapons: Phoenix chicken and ecological fish.

If he goes to the county to open a restaurant, he will stop supplying these two ingredients to other restaurants.

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