Little fairy doctor with holy hands

Chapter 1030 Find a crack in the ground, you’re welcome

Since Zhang Yuan dares to provoke him, he must face revenge from him!

A few minutes later, Zhang Yuan's Yang-returning acupuncture technique came to an end.

He took a deep breath, pulled out two long silver needles, and pierced the heart acupoints on both sides of Mother Lin's spine.

When these two silver needles were pierced, Mother Lin, who was still in a coma with her head hanging down, suddenly opened her eyes and raised her head!

Lin Dingxiang's family was overjoyed when they saw Lin's mother opening her eyes and looking up.

But the doctors and nurses headed by Director Fang were all scared out of their wits, and the most timid little nurse couldn't help but scream.

In their eyes, although Mother Lin had not completely lost her vital signs, she was not far from death.

Even if they were beaten to death, they would never have imagined that Mother Lin could still open her eyes and raise her head!

After all, Director Fang had seen the world, so he quickly calmed down and spoke loudly.

"Everyone, don't panic! It's probably because the kid's needle pricked some nerve acupuncture point of the patient! That's why the patient suddenly woke up and raised his head!"

"This is just an unconditioned reflex caused by stimulating nerves! I believe you have learned relevant knowledge in medical class!"

When the young doctors heard Director Fang's "popular science", they breathed a sigh of relief, and each of them returned to their previous unruly nature.

"Director Fang is right! This is just a simple neurological reflex! You are making such a fuss out of a molehill!"

"Who is making a fuss? I wasn't scared by the patients just now, I was scared by you! As a top student who graduated from a prestigious medical university, don't you know about unconditioned reflexes?"

"If you ask me, it's all the nurse's fault! If she hadn't screamed so loudly, none of us would have been frightened!"

"That's right! It's all your little nurse's fault! Why did you call me when you're fine? If you really want to call me, go back to my house. My house is well soundproofed, so you can call me whatever you want!"

Hearing the shameless words of several young doctors, the little nurse was ashamed and angry.

But she's just a nurse

, couldn't afford to offend these young doctors, so even if they heard their teasing remarks, they could only grit their teeth and remain silent.

Lin Dingxiang, who was not far away, glanced at these young doctors with disdain, "There are scum like you in the town hospital, no wonder no one wants to come here to see a doctor!"

These days, unless the illness is too urgent, most people go to the county hospital when they get sick.

After all, with the development of transportation, it is not difficult to go to the county hospital.

Moreover, the medical level in county hospitals is relatively high, and the overall quality of doctors is better than that of doctors in town hospitals.

Hearing Lin Dingxiang's disdainful words, several young doctors suddenly became furious.

They just saw that Lin Dingxiang was beautiful, and they wanted to pick her up!

But they never thought that Lin Dingxiang would slap them in the face directly in front of everyone!

Before the young doctors could fight back, something happened to Mother Lin in the hospital bed!

She was seen holding her stomach with both hands, with a painful expression on her face.

Upon seeing this, Zhang Yuan quickly asked Lin's father to bring her the trash can.

Father Lin immediately followed suit.

Facing the trash can, Mother Lin couldn't bear it anymore and started vomiting, spitting out most of the alcohol Zhang Yuan had poured into her before!

The room was instantly filled with a choking smell.

But Lin Dingxiang's family looked at Mother Lin who was sitting on the hospital bed vomiting with joy on their faces.

If we say that Mother Lin opened her eyes and raised her head just now, it can be explained as a reaction caused by nerve stimulation.

So the behavior of Mother Lin vomiting now is a perfect proof that she has restored her normal vital signs!

After vomiting, Mother Lin took the tissue handed over by Father Lin and wiped it.

Wiping his mouth, he couldn't help but sigh.

"Ouch! It's so uncomfortable for me! I feel better after vomiting it out!"

As soon as her words came out, everyone present was completely shocked.

Everyone did not expect that Mother Lin was really saved by Zhang Yuan, and she could even speak normally!

Father Lin was so excited that he almost knocked over the trash can. Fortunately, Lin Xiaoming next to him caught it in time and put it aside.

"Mother, are you...are you okay?" Father Lin's voice was trembling.

Mother Lin chuckled and said, "Dad, I feel better! When I was in a coma, I heard everything you said by the bedside!"

"That's great! That's great!" Father Lin was so excited that he didn't know where to put his hands and feet.

Siblings Lin Dingxiang and Lin Xiaoming threw themselves at Mother Lin with tears in their eyes.

"Mom!" Both siblings shouted in unison.

Mother Lin chuckled, "Two silly kids, why are you crying! Am I okay?"

If we say, Lin Dingxiang's family is in a happy state now.

Then Director Fang and his party retreated to the door, but their faces were extremely pale!

Especially Director Fang, his face now can play the role of a green-faced ghost in a horror movie without even wearing makeup!

The young doctors also felt like they were being slapped in the face.

Just now, everyone swore that Mother Lin only opened her eyes and raised her head because of an unconditioned reflex.

Unexpectedly, not long after he started talking nonsense, he was slapped in the face on the spot!

At this moment, the young doctors just wanted to find a crack in the ground and crawl into it.

However, Zhang Yuan would not let them go so easily.

I saw Zhang Yuan looking at everyone with a smile

"I seemed to have heard a lot of people talking about unconditioned reflexes before.

! There seems to be someone named a director among them! "

"Tsk tsk! You're still a director at this level? Go back and buy a scale and weigh yourself!"

Director Fang's face turned extremely ugly when he heard Zhang Yuan's sarcastic words.

But he couldn't say a word.

He could only glare at Zhang Yuan hatefully, turn around and leave.

Director Fang had already left, so the young doctors naturally had no shame in staying here and left in dejection one by one.

Only the little nurse from before stayed and stepped forward to apologize to Zhang Yuan with a red face.

"I'm sorry! I didn't know you were rescuing patients! I caused you trouble!"

Seeing that the little nurse had a good attitude, Zhang Yuan didn't give her any trouble, he just said with a slight smile.

"It doesn't matter, you just did your job! The real flies are those just now!"

The little nurse nodded with deep understanding, "That's right! They are as annoying as flies!"

After saying that, the little nurse blushed and whispered to Zhang Yuan.

"My name is Xu Xiaohong. If you are free one day, you can come to the hospital to see me and I will treat you to milk tea!"

After saying that, the little nurse ran away with a red face.

Looking at her leaving figure, Zhang Yuan touched his nose.

The first cup of milk tea in autumn?

Zhang Yuan did not continue thinking because Lin Dingxiang had already come to him.

Lin Dingxiang looked at Zhang Yuan gratefully, "Brother Yuan, thank you for saving my mother! You are the benefactor of our whole family!"

Zhang Yuan smiled, "Dingxiang, what's the relationship between us? You don't have to be so polite to me!"

Hearing this, Lin Dingxiang couldn't help but think that her father had said before that as long as Zhang Yuan could save her mother, she would be promised to Zhang Yuan, and her pretty face suddenly turned red.

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