Little fairy doctor with holy hands

Chapter 1056 Visiting Chunhua, security issues

Zhang Yuan was in a good mood after easily earning more than 300,000 yuan. He bought some off-season fruits and took them to Wang Chunhua's hotel.

Wang Chunhua was extremely happy when she saw Zhang Yuan coming.

The waiters also greeted him one after another, "Hello, boss!"

Zhang Yuan smiled lightly and nodded, letting the waiters go about their business.

Then he stepped forward, took Wang Chunhua's little hand, and went to the backyard with her.

Today's Chunhua Hotel is no longer the small hotel it used to be. Not only is the store large, it also has a backyard where you can live.

Although the backyard is not large, there are three large tile-roofed houses.

When he came to the backyard, Zhang Yuan looked at the empty yard and couldn't help but feel worried when he thought that Wang Chunhua lived here alone.

"Sister Chunhua, is it not safe for you to stay in the hotel alone? How about you go back to the village with a few waiters from the village to stay at night?"

"Anyway, there's plenty of room at home. I'll ask my mother to clean up a room for you later, so that we can see each other every day, right?"

Zhang Yuan looked at Wang Chunhua and said with worry in his tone.

Hearing this, Wang Chunhua's eyes lit up and her heart moved.

But after thinking deeply, she shook her head.

"It's better not to do it! Although the relationship between us has been confirmed, I haven't officially entered the relationship yet."

"If I live in your house, people in the village will gossip about you in private even if they don't say it openly."

Wang Chunhua is different from Lin Dingxiang. Lin Dingxiang is an employee of Zhang Yuan, and her family is not from Xiawan Village.

She lives in Zhang Yuan's house, and the villagers don't make irresponsible remarks.

But Wang Chunhua is from Xiawan Village. If she moved into Zhang Yuan's house without checking in, the villagers would definitely gossip about her.

Zhang Yuan was a little helpless, "How about I go back and tell the waitresses, pick two of them to live in the store, and let them stay with you?"

"Is this feasible? Can they agree?" Wang Chunhua's question

There was uncertainty in his tone.

Zhang Yuan touched his nose

"As long as I add one more rule, they will definitely agree!"

"Not only that, I'm afraid they will have to compete to stay in the store by then!"

"Ah?" A flash of surprise flashed in Wang Chunhua's beautiful eyes, wondering what rule Zhang Yuan was talking about.

But she soon found out.

Zhang Yuan took Wang Chunhua outside and called all the busy waiters over.

"I have something to announce! Considering the security issues of our store, I have decided to arrange for two waitresses to stay in the store at night!"

"It's not for nothing that you live here. I'll give you overtime! All employees who live in the store will receive 30% of their monthly salary as overtime pay!"

Halfway through Zhang Yuan's words, the waiters in front of him still showed a lack of interest.

But when everyone heard what he said next, their expressions changed, as if they had been given a shot of blood.

Living in a store can increase your salary by 30%. Where can you find such a good thing that you can make money without having to work?

"Boss, I'd like to live in the store!" A waitress raised her hand first.

"I'm willing too! I'm willing too!" The waiter next to the waiter next to him was not slow to respond.

Other waitresses also rushed to sign up.

Even the male waiters looked at Zhang Yuan expectantly, as if they were waiting for Zhang Yuan to announce that he would arrange for the male waiters to live in the store.

Zhang Yuan had already expected the scene of everyone's excitement.

He smiled and said, "Those two who spoke first just now, congratulations on being chosen!"

Hearing this, the two were so surprised that they even hugged each other excitedly.

The other waitresses were crestfallen, hating themselves for not reacting just now.

At this time Zhang Yuan said again

"But this is just the arrangement for that month!"

"It depends on your performance next month whether it's you two or not!"

"If you two perform poorly, I will arrange for someone else to take your place!"

Hearing this, the other waitresses immediately became energetic again. They still have a chance!

Maybe next month the two chosen waitresses don't perform well, and then it will be their turn.

Seeing that Zhang Yuan only mentioned the waitress, but never the male waiter.

Several male waiters looked at each other, and one of them, whose nickname was Er Gouzi, couldn't help but speak.

"Boss, can our male waiter also live in the store?" Ergouzi asked Zhang Yuan.

Zhang Yuan glanced at the other party in surprise, he had no such intention.

The backyard is where Wang Chunhua lives. No other man can live there except him.

Seemingly seeing Zhang Yuan's thoughts, Ergouzi hurriedly said.

"Boss, I think our hotel should have a doorman on duty at night!"

"Just build a tin room in front of the hotel and arrange for people to stay there at night!"

"This way, if something happens in the backyard, you can go to the front and call the guard for help!"

"Hey!" Zhang Yuan's eyes lit up, Er Gouzi's words made sense!

A gate post is added outside the hotel, and the safety of the women living in the backyard is guaranteed!

"Okay! Just as you said! Let's go back and build a temporary metal room!" Zhang Yuan nodded.

"But the iron room can only be used in summer. When winter comes, we will build a proper guard room!"

"As for the candidates for this post...if you are interested, you can take turns and take turns on duty!"

"Considering that it is relatively difficult to live in the guard room, those who stay at night to work as guard will get an extra half-day's salary for one night of duty!"

After hearing Zhang Yuan's words, the male waiters all cheered.

What made them even more excited was that Zhang Yuan was so generous in giving him half a day's salary for working overnight.

You know, hotel doormen are not really doormen.

There is no need to stay up late at night to open the door for people.

It's just that the living conditions are simple.

You only need to stay in the guard room for one night, and you can earn half a day's salary. This is simply a piece of cake in the sky.

More importantly, male waiters serve as doormen on a rotating basis.

Unlike waitresses, you have to wait a month to see if the two waitresses who signed up first will be dismissed.

At this time, Zhang Yuan glanced at Er Gouzi

"Er Gouzi, consider that you came up with this idea. You can be on duty one day longer than others every round!"

"As for how to schedule your shifts, it's up to you! Work hard and don't let me down!"

When Er Gouzi heard this, he was overjoyed and quickly assured Zhang Yuan that he would do a great job.

The others also looked at Er Gouzi with envy, regretting why they didn't think of this method just now, and Er Gouzi took the lead.

Zhang Yuan is indeed very optimistic about Er Gouzi. Compared with other male waiters, Er Gouzi seems to be more clever.

If the other party performs better in the future, Zhang Yuan will even consider promoting him to Aunt Niu's deputy and making him a foreman.

After giving these instructions, Zhang Yuan asked everyone to go about their business.

He took Wang Chunhua back to the backyard and picked up Wang Chunhua as soon as he entered the house.

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