Little fairy doctor with holy hands

Chapter 1067 Vegetable seeds, dodge eyes

The main reason is that everyone in the village has long known about the relationship between Zhang Yuan and Zheng Qiuyue.

The divorce between Yang Xin and Zheng Qiuyue is naturally nothing new.

The only thing that felt new was that Yang Xin actually found a widow with a son.

Some smart people have already seen the clues.

Maybe, Yang Xin couldn't have children at all, otherwise there would be no need for him to find a widow with a son.

If you can give birth to a son yourself, who would want to raise a son for someone else?

After sending Zheng Qiuyue home, Zhang Yuan went to the vegetable greenhouse.

The final list for vegetable greenhouse recruitment has been finalized, with a total of nine people selected.

These people all have good relations with Zhang Yuan's family.

When you do good things, you naturally have to take care of the people close to you. You can't take care of those who you didn't deal with before, right?

Zhang Yuan greeted the employees of the vegetable greenhouse and asked them to gather at the vegetable greenhouse at nine o'clock this morning.

Everyone arrived on time, including greenhouse manager Lin Sihai.

Zhang Yuan was the last one to arrive. After seeing him coming, everyone shouted excitedly.

"Hi boss!"

Zhang Yuan smiled and nodded.

"Hello everyone!"

"You are all my carefully selected talents! From now on, my vegetable greenhouse will depend on you!"

"I promise! As long as you work down-to-earth with me, I will definitely make you money and food in the future!"

Everyone was very excited after hearing this.

Everyone in the village knows that following Zhang Yuan, getting rid of poverty and becoming well-off is not a dream!

After some pre-war mobilization, Zhang Yuan called Lin Sihai to his side again.

"This is Lin Sihai, the technical director of our vegetable greenhouse!"

"In the future, you must obey Director Lin's instructions on technical matters!"

"Anyone who causes losses to the greenhouse because of disobeying Supervisor Lin's arrangements will be fired directly. Who will

There's no point in begging for mercy! "

As soon as Zhang Yuan said these words, everyone's expressions suddenly changed.

Seeing that Lin Sihai was a stranger earlier, they thought that he also worked as a laborer like themselves.

But I never thought that Lin Sihai was actually the technical director.

"Hello, Director Lin!" Everyone shouted to Lin Sihai in unison.

Lin Sihai looked a little nervous, "Hello... hello!"

In the past, he was only responsible for managing the greenhouses at the Vegetable Research Institute. The employees in the greenhouses would not listen to his orders, but would only follow the instructions of the technicians.

Unexpectedly, he would be able to be a small supervisor today!

After introducing Lin Sihai, Zhang Yuan then said.

"The greenhouse has just been built. You all should go home and rest for a day or two."

"When it's ready in two days, you'll start getting busy!"

"To celebrate the upcoming start of the vegetable greenhouse, each of you will receive a 100 yuan red envelope for the start of construction!"

When they learned that there were red envelopes, all the employees’ eyes lit up.

Sure enough, just hang out with Zhang Yuan.

You haven’t even started working yet, you can already receive the red envelope!

Everyone shouted excitedly, "Thank you, boss!"

Zhang Yuan nodded with satisfaction. This was the effect he wanted, carrot plus stick!

First use the threat of dismissal to scare these employees, and then use red envelopes to win their hearts.

Zhang Yuan took out a stack of red envelopes that he had prepared long ago from his pocket.

"One for each person, don't take more from anyone! After you get the red envelope, go home and rest. I'll call you back to work in two days!"

Everyone distributed the red envelopes and left happily.

After they left, Zhang Yuan took out another

A slightly thicker red envelope was handed to Lin Sihai.

"Brother Hai, this is your start-up red envelope! There are eight hundred yuan in it!"

Lin Sihai looked flattered, "Boss, I just came here and haven't done anything yet. How can I get money? There's still so much money!"

Zhang Yuan smiled

"You can take the money I give you!"

"You will know after a long time! I am very generous to my employees!"

"From now on, you have to manage the greenhouse!"

When mentioning this matter, Lin Sihai couldn't help but feel a little uneasy.

"Boss, if you ask me to take charge of technical matters, I will be fine!"

"But if it comes to managing these employees, I...I really don't have that confidence!"

"How can I care about people? It would be terrible if something goes wrong!"

Hearing this, Zhang Yuan smiled

"Don't worry, you only need to be responsible for the technical management!"

"If there is any technical work, just ask those employees to do it!"

"As for employee management, you don't need to worry about it. I have already arranged the people!"

Lin Sihai breathed a sigh of relief. He was just a technical worker and was indeed not good at management.

Zhang Yuan encouraged Lin Sihai a few more words and asked him to go back.

Looking at Lin Sihai's leaving figure, Zhang Yuan couldn't help but sigh.

Originally, he wanted to train Lin Sihai and let him be the sole supervisor of the vegetable greenhouse.

But Lin Sihai himself didn't have the confidence to manage people. It seemed that he could only find another supervisor.

But finding a supervisor is the next best thing. The most important thing right now is to prepare vegetable seeds and tools.

Zhang Yuan had communicated this with Lin Sihai a long time ago. Lin Sihai combined Zhang Yuan's requirements and listed the required tools and seeds.

This also includes commonly used fertilizers and pesticide brands with low residues.

Zhang Yuan said it would take two days to prepare, just to prepare these things!

Fortunately, although these items are relatively diverse, they can all be easily found at farmers’ markets.

It only took Zhang Yuan a whole morning to buy all the things he needed to buy and pull a full cart.

After returning home, he took apart all the seeds he bought and put them together into categories.

Then he used the Yimu Spirit Technique to gather the vitality of heaven and earth and gather a small bowl of spiritual liquid.

Don't underestimate this small bowl of spiritual liquid, this spiritual liquid is enough to catalyze the seeds Zhang Yuan bought.

Let all the seeds turn into the best seeds that can grow delicious vegetables!

The reason why Zhang Yuan did this was to explain the origin of delicious vegetables in the future.

That's right, Zhang Yuan plans to claim that his delicious vegetables are so delicious because of the seeds!

Remove the seed packaging so no one knows where Zhang Yuan got the seeds.

You will be able to justify yourself in the future!

Zhang Yuan sprayed the watered spiritual liquid evenly on the seeds with a small watering can, and then placed the seeds in the unused utility room on the second floor to dry overnight.

Wait until tomorrow to take it out to dry for a day, then it can be used directly for sowing.

After working all afternoon, it was not until evening that Zhang Yuan finished handling the seeds, clapped his hands and went downstairs.

Lin Dingxiang had just returned from the clinic. When she saw Zhang Yuan, her eyes subconsciously dodge.

Seeing this, Zhang Yuan couldn't help but be stunned. Lin Dingxiang was not like this when she faced him before!

Usually when Lin Dingxiang faces Zhang Yuan, her eyes are always calm.

Sometimes Zhang Yuan deliberately stared at her when he was joking, but she would just look back at Zhang Yuan calmly.

It wasn't until she felt embarrassed that Zhang Yuan looked away that she looked away.

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