Little fairy doctor with holy hands

Chapter 1074: Being a deputy supervisor is so shameless

Hearing Zhang Yuan say this, Zhang Dacheng breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he couldn't help but asked curiously

"Brother Yuan, you said you already hired the technical supervisor, why are you still looking for me? Can't you just let the technical supervisor take care of it together?"

Zhang Yuan shook his head, "This is different. Although the technical director is professional, he is not from our old Zhang family after all! I don't feel at ease if no one of my own family is there to watch!"

As soon as these words came out, Zhang Dacheng was greatly moved and his eyes became moist.

"Okay! Brother Yuan, Uncle Dacheng's love for you has not been in vain! I have become the supervisor of the greenhouse! Don't worry, Uncle Dacheng will take good care of the vegetable greenhouse for you!"

Hearing this, Zhang Yuan immediately showed a smile on his face, "This is my uncle Dacheng! Anyway, let's make money together from now on! The salary will be 6,000 for the time being, and I will add the salary after seeing the benefits of the vegetable greenhouse in the future!"

"What? Six thousand? Why is it so high? I usually go to town to do odd jobs for a day and only get paid seventy!" Zhang Dacheng was shocked.

He went to town to do odd jobs, and even if he worked for a full month, he would only earn 2,100 yuan.

But Zhang Yuan offered him a high salary of 6,000 yuan, which was almost enough for him to work odd jobs in the town for three months!

Zhang Yuan spread his hands and said, "This is just your starting salary, your future salary will only rise and not fall!"

"No, no, won't you lose money? I still know how much profit there is from growing vegetables. Just give me three thousand!" Zhang Dacheng said quickly.

Zhang Yuan explained with a smile

"Uncle Dacheng, my vegetable greenhouse is more profitable, and the profit is much higher than you think!"

"Anyway, when have you ever seen me work on a loss-making project? You can take this 6,000 yuan salary with peace of mind! I'll be ready in two days, and then you can go straight to work!"

Zhang Dacheng still wanted to refuse, but then Zhang Dashan came back from outside.

Learned about Zhang Yuan and Zhang Dacheng

Zhang Dashan also persuaded Zhang Dacheng to discuss matters.

"Dacheng, today's young people are more capable than us! Don't worry so much, just listen to me!"

Seeing Zhang Dashan say the same thing, Zhang Dacheng finally agreed, but at some point his eyes suddenly turned red.

In fact, from Zhang Dacheng's point of view, he didn't help Zhang Yuan's family much before.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Yuan cared about his affection and gave him his land at a price that was almost free. He also arranged such a good position for him!

The high salary of 6,000 yuan a month is higher than the salary of teachers in the middle school in the town!

Zhang Dacheng never dared to dream that one day he would have a high-paying job with a monthly salary of 6,000!

But just today, what he didn't dare to think about in his dream actually happened!

All this is because of Zhang Yuan!

Zhang Dacheng secretly vowed in his heart that he must manage the vegetable greenhouse well, so that he can live up to Zhang Yuan's trust in him!

Once Zhang Dacheng is taken care of, the rest will be much easier.

In the evening of that day, Zhang Yuan arranged for Zhang Dacheng to meet with the vegetable greenhouse employees he had recruited earlier. They were all from the same village. They met without looking up and down, and everyone basically knew each other.

After a brief introduction, Zhang Yuan asked everyone to go home.

Just waiting for the day when the vegetable greenhouse officially started construction, all of them went directly to work.

When Zhang Yuan returned home from his work, as soon as he entered the yard, he heard an annoying voice approaching his mother, Wang Hui.

"Auntie, look how close our two families are! If I go to work in Brother Yuan's vegetable greenhouse in the future, our two families will be closer.

Close, don't you think? "

"Last time Brother Yuan was recruiting workers, I was not at home and didn't make it in time to sign up. Since he can recruit Zhang Dacheng as the supervisor of the vegetable greenhouse this time, he might as well let me be the deputy supervisor of the vegetable greenhouse!"

"I'm Brother Yuan's cousin. Brother Yuan didn't give me face about what happened yesterday, and I'm not angry either. We are all a family. How can a family be angry?"

"Auntie, why don't you give me a nice word? Can you let me be the deputy director of the vegetable greenhouse??"

Hearing these words, Zhang Yuan's face instantly darkened.

The person speaking in the room was none other than Li Cuicui, who almost had a quarrel with him yesterday!

I didn't expect Li Cuicui to be so thick-skinned. She was quarreling with Zhang Yuan yesterday, and today she shamelessly came to Wang Hui's house to plead for mercy.

Wang Hui looked helpless, "His cousin, it's not that I don't want to help you, the main thing is that Brother Yuan is in charge of recruiting people, and I can't help you either!"

Not far away, in the yard, Lin Dingxiang was washing vegetables in front of the running water. While washing vegetables, she listened to the two people talking.

Seeing Zhang Yuan coming back, Lin Dingxiang pursed her lips inside, signaling to Zhang Yuan that there was an uninvited guest inside.

Zhang Yuan nodded and walked directly into the main room with a cold face.

In the hall, Wang Hui breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Zhang Yuan back.

"Brother Yuan, your cousin-in-law said that she wants to be the deputy director of your vegetable greenhouse. I wonder what you think?" Wang Hui said.

Li Cuicui immediately said, "What else can you think about? Brother Yuan must agree! I am his cousin-in-law, and we are all a family! One family can speak two languages, right? You think so, Brother Yuan?"

Hearing this, Zhang Yuan almost couldn't help but laugh angrily at Li Cuicui's words.

I didn't expect that there were such shameless people in the world.

Yesterday, they slandered their family in front of so many people, and now they say they are one family, not two families.

Zhang Yuan suddenly felt that his hands were itchy, and he wanted to step forward and slap Li Cuicui's ears to relieve the itching.

But reason told him that he couldn't do that.

After all, Li Cuicui was also his cousin-in-law. If Zhang Yuan really beat Li Cuicui for no reason, his reputation in the village would be ruined.

Zhang Yuan looked at Li Cuicui with a smile

"Sister-in-law, you have the nerve to say that we are one family and don't speak the same language! If I hadn't been clever yesterday, I'm afraid our family would have been labeled as rich and disloyal!"

"Why do you have the nerve to talk about being a family? You just catch people from your own family? Let's forget it. I don't dare to be a family with you! I won't let you accuse me of being rich and unkind next time. I won't fall out with you. Recognizing someone’s hat!”

Hearing this, Li Cuicui's face instantly darkened, "So you are not going to give me face as my cousin?"

"Face? Face is given to each other! When my family was in poverty, why didn't I see you giving face to my parents? When my mother met you in the village, you pretended not to see it. Now you have the nerve to talk about face with me? !" Zhang Yuan said in an indifferent tone. .

Unexpectedly, his words completely angered Li Cuicui.

I saw Li Cuicui gritting her teeth and staring at Zhang Yuan.

"Well, Zhang Yuan! You think you are awesome now that you have some skills and made some money, right? I want to see if you can beg me for help in the future!"

Zhang Yuan raised his eyebrows, "I beg you for help? I didn't even beg you when our family was at its lowest, and I won't beg you in the future! You'd better go on your own, don't force me to drive you away!"

"Okay! Okay! Just wait for me! Wait!" After saying a harsh word, Li Cuicui immediately turned around bitterly.

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