Little fairy doctor with holy hands

Chapter 1097 Satisfactory solution and enhanced physical fitness

After the meal, the old couple accepted Shen Xiuyun's existence.

Anyway, there are already several women around Zhang Yuan. In addition to those present today, there are also Wang Chunhua from the town and the village chief Zheng Qiuyue.

One more is not too much!

At this point, the matter has been successfully resolved.

In the evening of that day, Zhang Yuan went to the village committee and asked Zheng Qiuyue to help announce the recruitment of the escort team.

Zheng Qiuyue was surprised at first when she learned that Zhang Yuan wanted to establish a convoy.

But she quickly expressed her understanding and fully supported Zhang Yuan. .??.

So, the next morning, the loudspeaker in the village rang, announcing that Zhang Yuan was recruiting a guard team in the village.

All young adults who are officially selected to enter the escort team will receive a monthly subsidy of 3,000 yuan.

And they don't have to go to work every day, they just need to take turns patrolling the village.

After hearing the news, all the young men in the village were excited.

If you join the village guard team, you can receive a monthly salary of 3,000 yuan!

And this job is not tiring at all, just patrolling in the village!

For young men who are unemployed or full-time farmers, this is simply the best gospel.

Before the loudspeaker finished broadcasting, a bunch of young and strong young men ran to the village committee to express their intention to join the escort team.

It didn't take long for Zhang Yuan to receive a registration form, which covered almost all the young men in the village.

Except for those who are still in school, most other young and strong boys have signed up.

Zhang Yuan was very pleased to see so many people signing up enthusiastically.

Although most of them came for the three thousand yuan salary, some of them took the initiative to sign up for the sake of public security in the village.

A lot of things have happened in Xiawan Village recently. First, the clinic was stolen, and then Lei Dalong from Beibian Village tried to break into Shen Xiuyun's house to bully her.

\u003eEspecially the latter, if Zhang Yuan hadn't been present at the time, I'm afraid Lei Dalong would have succeeded.

Zhang Yuan took the registration form and screened it, screening out all the weak and sick ones.

There were almost thirty people left, and Zhang Yuan asked the people from the village committee to call them all to the village committee.

In the afternoon, Zhang Yuan brought Leng Kuangren to the village committee. At this time, the young and strong young men were already waiting in the village committee.

Seeing Zhang Yuan coming, everyone greeted him one after another.

"Hello, Boss Zhang!"

"Hello, Brother Yuan!"

Zhang Yuan smiled and nodded, "Hello everyone! I'm very happy that so many people can come today. You all are great! You are willing to contribute to the security of our village!"

Everyone felt a little embarrassed after hearing this, because they basically came here for money.

Seemingly reading everyone's thoughts, Zhang Yuan continued.

"Don't think that you are not contributing to the village by receiving your salary. Your salary is sponsored by me! But the labor and hard work you put in are contributing to the whole village!"

As soon as Zhang Yuan's words came out, everyone present immediately became enthusiastic.

I didn’t expect that what they did was of such great significance and contributed to the whole village!

Seeing Zhang Yuan mobilize these people with just a few words, Leng Kuangren couldn't help but glance at Zhang Yuan.

Zhang Yuan is better at controlling people's hearts than he thought!

"Let me introduce you, this is Kuangren Leng! You can just call him Mr. Leng from now on! From now on, Mr. Leng will be your instructor!" Zhang Yuan pointed at Kuangren Leng and said.

"But you are only in the primary election now, and you still have to go through Mr. Leng's selection.

, can you truly become a member of the escort team! "

Knowing that they had to choose again, everyone was a little nervous, fearing that they would be eliminated.

In fact, they had been mentally prepared for a long time. After all, there were so many people here today, and obviously the escort team could not use so many people.

Leng Kuangren nodded to Zhang Yuan, then walked towards everyone and checked their bones one by one.

"Your physique is not bad, you passed!" He patted a strong young man on the back.

The strong boy jumped up excitedly, "Great!"

Next up was a thin young man. Leng Kuangren checked his bones and couldn't help but shake his head.

"You are too thin. The key is that you are born with insufficient bones! You are not suitable to be a guard, so you should leave!"

The skinny boy looked frustrated and was about to leave. At this time, Zhang Yuan stepped forward with a smile and took out a red envelope from his pocket and gave it to him.

"Don't be discouraged if you didn't pass the selection today. You still have a fifty-yuan red envelope. Take it back and buy two packs of cigarettes!"

Everyone was even more happy when they learned that they would receive red envelopes if they failed.

The thin boy also bowed excitedly to Zhang Yuan, took the red envelope from his hand and left happily.

After some selection by Leng Kuangren, there were only fifteen people left.

Seeing that the pass rate was only half, Zhang Yuan sighed in his heart, Leng Kuangren's master's secret method requirements are quite high!

If Madman Leng knew what he was thinking, he would definitely sneer at him.

If it weren't for Zhang Yuan's magical medicinal bath that could help these people strengthen their physique, let alone half of the thirty people.

I'm afraid not even one of these thirty people can pass!

It is not that easy to become an ancient warrior, otherwise the ancient warriors would have disappeared all over the place!

After the selection, those who failed the selection received red envelopes and left the village committee.

The rest of the people stood there excitedly, waiting for Zhang Yuan's lecture.

Zhang Yuan stepped forward with a smile on his face.

"Very good, you passed the selection! But this is just the beginning! The escorts I want are not ordinary people. In the next period of time, Madman Leng will conduct strict training on you!"

"Of course, you will also be paid during the training! After the training is over, you will have strength far beyond ordinary people! Just like this!"

As he spoke, Zhang Yuan casually slapped the green brick next to him.

The solid green brick was smashed to pieces by him on the spot!

This astonishing scene frightened the young men present.

That's a blue brick! Much stronger than red bricks!

If an ordinary person can break a green brick with one palm, it is already very impressive.

Zhang Yuan actually smashed the green brick into pieces!

How powerful should his palm be?

If this palm hits someone, you can't beat them to death on the spot!

Looking at the shocked eyes of everyone, Zhang Yuan knew that his actions had shocked them.

At this time, a brave young man asked Zhang Yuan, "Boss Zhang, can we be like you in the future and break a brick with one palm?"

"It may be a little difficult to reach my level, but I can guarantee that after Mr. Leng's training, any one of you will be able to defeat everyone present here!" Zhang Yuan said proudly.

After hearing this, everyone looked in disbelief and couldn't believe what he said.

Seeing that they didn't believe it, Leng Kuangren sneered and spoke.

"If you don't believe it, just wait! In the next period of time, I will use the strictest method to train you to become true ancient warriors! If anyone can't hold on, say hello in advance and don't run away when the time comes!"

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