Little fairy doctor with holy hands

Chapter 1134 It is obvious that the cold air

"Yes, Brother Yuan, if you get results, tell Xiaohui! She is very anxious because her husband also has the same disease, but the symptoms are milder than the previous two." Wang Chunhua also said.

Zhang Yuan sighed, "Honestly, the results of my pulse diagnosis are consistent with the results of the county hospital examination! They are indeed malnourished! And they are accompanied by severe loss of energy and spirit!"

"What? Then what's going on? Why did a good person become like this?" Lei Xiaohui found it difficult to accept this conclusion.

Zhang Yuan glanced at Wang Chunhua: "Sister Chunhua, do you think there is anything special about the two of them, Uncle Second and Aunt Liu just now?"

"What's so special? They both look weak and talk weakly. They both like to bask in the sun!" Wang Chunhua said casually.

After hearing her last words, Zhang Yuan's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Wait! You mean they both like to bask in the sun?"

Hearing this, Wang Chunhua smiled, "Yes! Isn't this obvious? Weren't the two of them just basking in the sun in the yard?"

Zhang Yuan stretched out his finger and shook it, "No! It's more than that! They all like to bask in the sun. There is a reason for this!"

"What's the reason?" Lei Xiaohui asked hurriedly.

Zhang Yuan turned to look at her and said

"I think they have too much coldness in their bodies, so they instinctively want to bask in the sun to warm themselves up!"

"This is just like when it's cold in winter, people will unconsciously approach the stove to keep warm!"

Lei Xiaohui looked confused when she heard this, and Wang Chunhua didn't understand either.

Seeing that neither of them understood, Zhang Yuan did not explain in detail, but asked Lei Xiaohui to take him to meet a few more sick villagers.

Sure enough, as Zhang Yuan guessed, among these villagers, the more serious the symptoms, the more they like to be treated.

Get some warmth in the yard or in front of your home.

On the contrary, those with milder symptoms do not have the habit of sunbathing all day long.

At this point, Zhang Yuan had a general understanding of their situation, so he invited Lei Xiaohui to go home.

Back at Lei Xiaohui's house, Zhang Yuan poured himself a glass of water and drank it all in one gulp.

"I found a clue! But for a while I didn't think about what caused them to have such symptoms!" Zhang Yuan put down the water glass and said in a deep voice.

Lei Xiaohui hurriedly asked Zhang Yuan, "Brother Yuan, are you talking about the fact that they like to bask in warmth?"

"That's right! People who like to bask in warmth have a strong cold air in their bodies!" Zhang Yuan explained to the two women.

"Yin-cold air is different from ordinary cold air! Ordinary cold air entering the body will make people feel stomachache or stomachache. If the cold air invades the joints, arthritis or rheumatoid arthritis may occur!"

"But Yin-cold Qi is different. Yin-cold Qi is hidden in the meridians. Once it breaks out, the consequences will be far greater than ordinary cold Qi."

Seeing that the two women still didn't understand, Zhang Yuan simply stopped explaining to them in detail.

"To put it simply, people with cold and cold air in their bodies usually cannot see it. But the existence of cold and cold air will make them instinctively bask in the sun!" Zhang Yuan said.

The two women suddenly understood and nodded.

Then Wang Chunhua couldn't help but ask Zhang Yuan, "Then what is the reason for the coldness in their bodies?"

Zhang Yuan shook his head with a solemn expression.

"I don't know yet! This is actually what I'm confused about!"

"It stands to reason that the cold air can only be found in mass graves and ancient tombs. Ordinary people cannot easily come into contact with the cold air!"

"And I can smell that these patients don't have the aura of being a traitor! So the source of their cold air is really weird!"

Lei Xiaohui frowned and said, "There are no mass graves near our village! There used to be a mass grave a few miles away, but it was bulldozed long ago!"

For a while, the three of them fell into silence.

If it is not possible to find out how these patients were infected with the yin-cold air, they will not be able to receive targeted treatment.

After a long time, Zhang Yuan said thoughtfully.

"I can prescribe prescriptions to replenish their vitality and restore their energy, but this only treats the symptoms and not the root cause! If the root cause is not found, there is no way to completely cure their disease!"

Lei Xiaohui's eyes suddenly lit up when she heard Zhang Yuan say that the patients could be temporarily refreshed.

"Great! I'll trouble you, Brother Yuan! If you can cure the people in our village, the whole village will be grateful to you!"

Zhang Yuan then wrote a prescription to Lei Xiaohui and asked her to tell the villagers that it would be best to go to the drug store in the town to purchase the medicinal materials together.

Originally, Lei Xiaohui wanted to keep Zhang Yuan and Wang Chunhua for lunch, but they did not stay.

Zhang Yuan wants to go back and think about the root cause of this disease!

He had a vague intuition that the root cause of the villagers' illness might not be simple!

This is the first time Zhang Yuan has encountered such a strange illness since he accepted the inheritance and practiced medicine.

On the way back, Wang Chunhua saw Zhang Yuan looking thoughtful and couldn't help but comfort him.

"Brother Yuan, don't worry too much.

! Anyway, you have already given Xiaohui a prescription and asked the villagers to take the medicine and take a look! "

"Maybe after they take the medicine you prescribed, their health will get better? That's possible, right?"

Zhang Yuan grinned

"It would be great if that were the case! Let me give you an example! If these sick villagers are buckets with holes in them, then the medicine I prescribe is equivalent to adding water to this broken bucket."

"Although the water in the bucket will rise in a short time, if the problem of leakage in the bucket cannot be solved, the water in the bucket will still leak out in a short time!"

"But what troubles me most right now is that I can't figure out why the villagers got this disease at all! It means that I can't find where the bucket is broken, so naturally I can't repair the bucket!"

At this point he couldn't help but sigh.

In fact, if he just wanted to help the villagers replenish their energy and energy, Zhang Yuan had a faster and more efficient way.

That is to use zhenqi to comb their bodies, just like Zhang Yuan combed their bodies for the old couple.

But Zhang Yuan did not do this.

Because he knew that if he didn't find out the root cause of the disease, even using Qi to clean up their bodies would be useless.

"Okay, brother Yuan, don't think too much! In short, what you have to do now is to go back and have a good rest! Do you want me to give you a head massage? I watched a short video a few days ago, and someone said that the head Massage is very useful." Wang Chunhua winked at Zhang Yuan.

Zhang Yuan's expression suddenly became strange. "Head massage? Serious or not?"

Hearing this, Wang Chunhua was startled at first, and then realized what Zhang Yuan meant.

Her pretty face suddenly turned red, and her beautiful eyes gave Zhang Yuan a look full of hatred.

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