Little fairy doctor with holy hands

Chapter 1168 Losing the sense of taste and promoting it in person

As soon as the lobby manager's words came out, Chu Xueqi also remembered the old man's identity.

"Yes! I have also heard that Xu Langning, the God of Cookery, retired two years ago! Are you really the God of Cookery, old man?"

Seeing that his identity was exposed, the old man stopped hiding it and admitted it directly.

"Yes, I am indeed Xu Langning. But don't mention the word God of Cookery anymore! I am no longer the God of Cookery!"

When he said this, his tone was full of loneliness, like a late hero.

Seeing Xu Langning's lonely look, Chu Xueqi frowned slightly, looked at the dishes on the table, and then looked at Xu Langning.

She seemed to suddenly think of something, and called the waitress in a low voice to give a few instructions, and then the waitress left.

The waitress came back a few minutes later with a steaming cup of tea.

"Mr. Xu, you must be thirsty after eating so many dishes just now! This is the best Dahongpao I have collected. Please drink some tea to relieve your appetite!" Chu Xueqi smiled and handed the tea to Xu Langning.

Xu Langning didn't doubt that he was there, took it and took a sip, and couldn't help but admire it.

“Having delicious food and a cup of fragrant tea is one of the great pleasures in life!”

As he spoke, he took another sip of tea.

Seeing this scene, Chu Xueqi immediately confirmed her suspicion.

She told the lobby manager, "You all should go out! I have something to tell Mr. Xu!"

The lobby manager nodded hurriedly, "No problem, Mr. Chu, we're going out right now!"

In the past, the lobby manager would not be so respectful to Chu Xueqi.

But after what happened just now, the lobby manager realized that he had underestimated Chu Xueqi.

If a young man has no ability but is arrogant, that is called arrogance; if he is capable but is arrogant, that is called having strength!

There is no doubt that Chu Xueqi belongs to the latter.

The lobby manager had heard Chu Xueqi talk about a batch of vegetables sent by Zhang Yuan before, but he didn't take it seriously, thinking that all vegetables in the world were similar.

What he didn't expect was that it was this batch of vegetables that gave him a slap in the face!

After everyone left the private room, Chu Xueqi looked straight and said to Xu Langning.

"Mr. Xu, if I guess correctly, you should have lost your sense of taste by now, right?"

Hearing this, Xu Langning's expression changed instantly, and he looked at Chu Xueqi in shock.

"What did you say? How do you know...know about my loss of taste?"

A smile appeared on Chu Xueqi's pretty face

"That's because I just noticed that when you evaluated the dishes, Mr. Xu, you only focused on the aroma, but not the taste in the mouth!"

"In addition, I just saw your disappointed look and thought of your retirement, so I thought that you most likely chose to retire because you lost your sense of taste!"

"With this in mind, I asked the waiter to bring a cup of tea with salt. Sure enough, Mr. Xu, you didn't notice it! Instead, you praised the tea for its fragrance!"

Hearing Chu Xueqi's words, Xu Langning couldn't help but smile bitterly and shake his head.

"Old! It seems that I am really old! Today's young people are too powerful, but they can't compare to me, an old man!"

Chu Xueqi smiled and said, "Mr. Xu, please don't say that. I'm just guessing! I was a little nervous when you were drinking tea just now. I was afraid that you would be angry because there was salt in the tea!"

Xu Langning sighed

"That's right!

I did lose my sense of taste! And it was because I lost my sense of taste that I chose to retire! Over the past two years, I have traveled extensively. "

"On the one hand, I want to taste delicious food, and on the other hand, I want to find a way to cure my sense of taste. Unfortunately, I have sought countless medical treatments, including Chinese medicine, but no one can cure my sense of taste!"

Hearing what he said, Chu Xueqi thought of Zhang Yuan again.

Xu Langning went to so many doctors but couldn't cure his taste disorder, which seemed to be a difficult disease.

For difficult and complicated diseases, Zhang Yuan is the most professional! .??.??

Thinking of this, Chu Xueqi said with a smile.

"Mr. Xu, regarding your loss of taste, I have a suggestion! I know a doctor with very good medical skills. He will definitely be able to cure your loss of taste!"

Xu Langning was a little surprised, "Oh? Why is this doctor so powerful? How dare you guarantee that he can cure me?"

"Mr. Xu, don't look at me like this. But just a few months ago, I was a patient with congenital heart disease! The condition was even serious enough to require a heart transplant abroad!" Chu Xueqi looked serious. road.

Hearing this, Xu Langning was even more surprised. He had visited so many famous doctors in the past two years and had a certain understanding of various diseases.

Generally, patients with heart disease tend to look pale, but Chu Xueqi's face is rosy and shiny, with no sign of heart disease at all.

"What happened next?" Xu Langning asked tentatively.

Chu Xueqi shrugged, "Just as Mr. Xu thought, my heart disease was cured later! That person is the doctor I want to recommend to you!"

"Is there really such a strange person?! Little girl, you must tell me where he is. I want to visit him and seek medical treatment!" Xu Langning said excitedly. \u003c


The doctor Chu Xueqi said could even cure congenital heart disease. Maybe the doctor could also cure his taste failure!

"No problem! Let's do this. I will drive Mr. Xu to find him early tomorrow morning! I believe his medical skills will not let you down!" Chu Xueqi said with a smile.

Xu Langning nodded heavily, "Okay, then it's settled! Little girl, if this doctor can really cure my taste disorder, I will definitely help you promote your hotel! I guarantee that your hotel's business will be great. Got it!"

Unexpectedly, Chu Xueqi refused

"Mr. Xu, let's forget about this! I know how many pounds our restaurant has. Except for these delicious vegetables, nothing else meets your requirements!"

"If there are really customers who come here after seeing your promotion, but find that it is not consistent with the facts, it will damage your reputation!"

"But I'm only talking about now! I just took over Weiweiyuan not long ago, and I'm not ready to make drastic reforms! I will complete the reform in the future and make Weiweiyuan a truly high-level hotel. Then Mr. Xu, you can come back How about you try the dishes and help me promote it?"

Hearing this, Xu Langning looked at Chu Xueqi with a look of relief.

Although the promise he just made is true.

But if Chu Xueqi agreed straight away, it would also lower his evaluation of Chu Xueqi.

Now Xu Langning is completely convinced!

The little girl in front of me looks young, but she is quite experienced in handling things and has a forward-looking vision!

His intuition told him that the source of delicious food would definitely flourish in the hands of Chu Xueqi in the future.

"Okay! Little girl, it's settled! I'll wait until you complete the reform, and then I'll come to promote it for you in person!" Xu Langning said in a deep voice.

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