Little fairy doctor with holy hands

Chapter 1170 The fire in the heart is strong and the tongue is poisonous

A group of people walked into the yard, and Wang Hui happened to be washing vegetables in front of the faucet.

Seeing Chu Xueqi coming, Wang Hui immediately put down the vegetable basin in her hand with surprise on her face.

"Xue Qi, when did you come? Why didn't you tell me in advance!" Wang Huidao.

Chu Xueqi walked quickly to Wang Hui, grabbed her hand with both hands, and said with a sweet smile, "Auntie, I miss you, so I came to see you!"

Wang Hui suddenly smiled happily, "Okay! If you miss Auntie, come here! Just treat this place as your home!"

At this time, she noticed a strange old man.

"Brother Yuan, this is..." Wang Hui looked at Zhang Yuan.

Zhang Yuan introduced...

"This is a big shot! Mr. Xu Langning, the famous god of food in the catering industry! Mr. Xu came here to see me for medical treatment!"

"Isn't it time for dinner? I'll make some more delicious dishes later and stew a phoenix chicken! Let Mr. Xu try it!"

Knowing that Xu Langning was the God of Cookery, Wang Hui quickly invited him to sit in the room.

Xu Langning smiled and nodded, "Excuse me!"

After walking a few steps, he suddenly turned around and came to the faucet. Looking at the vegetables Wang Hui was washing, he couldn't help but pick up one and put it in his mouth to chew. He closed his eyes and looked intoxicated.

Seeing Xu Langning actually eating raw vegetables, Wang Hui and Lin Dingxiang's eyes widened.

Is this the God of Cookery?

It’s like a starving ghost reincarnated!

Soon Xu Langning also noticed that there was something wrong with his behavior, so he threw the vegetables aside and wiped his mouth in embarrassment.

"Sorry, sorry! I just wanted to test whether these vegetables are the delicious vegetables I have tasted before! Sure enough, they are! This kind of original fragrance can only be found in this kind of delicious vegetables!"

Hearing Xu Langning's comments, Zhang Yuan couldn't help but feel proud.

Look, even the god of food Xu Langning is full of praise for the delicious vegetables he grows!

When everyone entered the room, Chu Xueqi took on the task of pouring tea.

Seeing Chu Xueqi pouring tea, Lin Dingxiang hesitated and decided to go to the kitchen to help Wang Hui.

Zhang Yuan didn't notice Lin Dingxiang leaving, his attention was all on Xu Langning.

After learning that Xu Langning had a difficult and complicated disease, Zhang Yuan wanted to see from his complexion what disease he had.

"Doctor Zhang, if you keep staring at me, can you tell what incurable disease I have?" Xu Langning deliberately tested Zhang Yuan.

Zhang Yuan looked at it carefully and said

"Seeing as you are full of energy, you shouldn't have any fatal illness. However, you have a strong inner fire, and there is a faint fire poison hidden in the human body!"

"In my opinion, your disease must be caused by the fire poison in the heart meridians! However, the specific symptoms are not yet sure! There are many diseases caused by the fire poison in the heart meridians!"

"The most common ones are sores on the mouth and tongue or even loss of taste! Or..."

Before Zhang Yuan could finish speaking, he was interrupted by the excited Xu Langning.

"Can you tell that I have a loss of taste?"

Zhang Yuan nodded, "I can see it! In fact, related to your identity, only a loss of taste can make you, the God of Cookery, take it so seriously! It is even said to be a difficult and complicated disease!"

"Well said! That's great! Little girl, the Doctor Zhang you introduced to me really has two brushes!" Xu Langning gave Zhang Yuan a thumbs up.

Chu Xueqi looked proud, "Of course, can the person I recommend be bad? Brother Yuan's medical skills

But it’s the best I’ve ever seen, better than any Chinese doctor! "

"Doctor Zhang, please check my pulse and make a detailed diagnosis!" Xu Langning looked eager.

Zhang Yuan did not refuse and checked his pulse.

The results of the pulse diagnosis were similar to what Zhang Yuan had just seen. Through the pulse diagnosis, Zhang Yuan could clearly determine that Xu Langning had a taste disorder.

Rather than just like before, we can only conclude that the mouth and tongue have poisonous sores or the sense of taste has failed.

"Mr. Xu, if your judgment is correct, you should still have a sour taste, right?" Zhang Yuan asked Xu Langning.

Xu Langning was amazed after hearing this

"How did you know? I haven't told anyone this secret! Now my only hobby is eating a few dried plums occasionally!"

"The ability to retain the sour taste is a secret I have always kept. I didn't expect that Doctor Zhang diagnosed me by checking my pulse!"

The corner of Zhang Yuan's mouth curled up, "Traditional Chinese medicine is profound and profound, and you can know a lot of things by taking your pulse!"

"Doctor Zhang, can you cure my disease?" Xu Langning couldn't help but ask Zhang Yuan, "To tell you the truth, I have visited many famous doctors in the past two years, but none of them can cure my taste. Malfunction."

"During this period, a quack doctor almost made my remaining sense of sour taste useless. Fortunately, I recovered after treatment by other doctors!"

Zhang Yuan looked at Xu Langning, "Mr. Xu, do you believe me? If you believe me and strictly follow what I say, then I guarantee that your sense of taste will be restored!"

"I believe it!" Xu Langning replied without hesitation.

Zhang Yuan looked at him with a half-smile but not a smile, "Don't agree so readily. After dinner, go to my clinic in the afternoon. I will tell you the detailed treatment process then!"

Xu Langning wanted to ask more, but Zhang Yuan refused to say anything.

He had to wait patiently. Not long after the food was ready, Zhang Dashan also came back from outside.

Seeing that Chu Xueqi had arrived and brought a guest, Zhang Dashan also greeted the two of them warmly.

Knowing that Xu Langning was actually the legendary God of Cookery, Zhang Dashan became even more enthusiastic towards him, and even asked Xu Langning to try the Phoenix chicken raised by Zhang Yuan.

When the food was served, Xu Langning picked up a piece of chicken and put it in his mouth at the signal of everyone.

He had lost his sense of taste and thought he wouldn't be able to taste the chicken at all.

But after chewing a few times, his expression changed instantly.

He looked at the plate of fried chicken in front of him with shocked eyes. Xu Langning couldn't help but ask.

"What kind of chicken is this?"

Chu Xueqi smiled and said, "Mr. Xu, have you forgotten what I told you before? This is the Phoenix chicken raised by Brother Yuan!"

"Phoenix Chicken? So this is Phoenix Chicken! The texture of this chicken is so special! I have never tasted chicken like this! It has such a unique flavor!" Xu Langning couldn't help but admire.

He picked up another piece of chicken and tasted it, then put down his chopsticks and sighed.

"At this moment, how I wish I could regain my sense of taste! Only by recovering my sense of taste can I truly appreciate the deliciousness of this Phoenix Chicken!"

“My sense of smell and my intuition about food tell me that this chicken must be particularly delicious, but I just can’t taste it!”

At this time, everyone learned that the God of Cookery had actually lost his sense of taste.

Zhang Dashan said with a smile, "Mr. Xu, don't worry! Our brother Yuan's medical skills are excellent! Let him treat you, I believe he will cure your taste failure soon! Then you can Tasting delicious food again!”

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