Little fairy doctor with holy hands

Chapter 231 You are really bad

When Zhang Yuan arrived home, Wang Dalei was directing the workers to work.

Seeing Zhang Yuan coming, Wang Dalei waved to him.

"Brother Yuan, come here!"

Zhang Yuan smiled and nodded, "Brother Wang, let me come over and ask you what you want to eat for lunch. When I came back from town just now, I bought ten kilograms of good pork belly!"

"Why are you buying so much meat? Just buy two kilograms of meat if you want!" Wang Dalei looked happy but said politely.

Zhang Yuan smiled, "What are two pounds of meat enough for? It's noon today! Let's just stew pork belly! Then everyone will have a bowl of fragrant pork belly, and stir-fry hot and sour potato shreds!"

Hearing Zhang Yuan's generosity, Wang Dalei couldn't help shouting excitedly to the workers.

"Have you all heard this? Brother Yuan is going to treat us to pork belly at noon, a bowl for each of us! If you don't work hard, can you be worthy of Brother Yuan's pork belly?"

The workers immediately cheered, and the greedy ones even couldn't help but swallow their saliva.

Pork belly is a good thing, and all the workers like to eat it.

But when I usually eat at home, I only eat a few pieces at most.

How can one person eat a whole bowl like today?

Then you have to eat so much that your mouth is full of oil!

The workers looked at Zhang Yuan with increasingly friendly eyes.

In all the years they have been building houses for people, they have never seen a homeowner as good as Zhang Yuan.

Other people were scratching their heads for fear that they would eat two more pieces of meat, but Zhang Yuan brought a whole bowl of meat for them to eat.

The workers looked at each other and nodded heavily.

When you meet such a good host, if you don't do your job well and beautifully, will you be worthy of the meal Zhang Yuan invited?

"Brothers, let's do it!" the vice-captain yelled.

The others also shouted and started working enthusiastically.

Seeing how hard they worked, Zhang Yuan couldn't help but nodded.

He is not stingy with spending money. As long as the workers do their job well, it doesn't matter if he spends more money.

At this time, Wang Dalei nodded silently and secretly said that the co-workers were really awesome.

Then, he smiled and asked Zhang Yuan

"Brother Yuan, I heard from the villagers that the chickens you raise can only be sold for two hundred and fifty. Is this true or false?"

"Really!" Zhang Yuan replied.

After receiving Zhang Yuan's confirmation, Wang Dalei couldn't help but feel envious.

"Brother Yuan, you can do it! I went out for a trip and I have improved a lot! I can cure chicken plague, treat Uncle Zhang's legs, and now I can even raise such expensive chickens!"

Although Zhang Yuan was stupid for several years, he had been working outside before he became stupid.

Of course, Wang Dalei thought that Zhang Yuan learned all his skills outside.

He never imagined that the reason why Zhang Yuan knew this was entirely because of the inheritance of the fairy sister in the pool at the foot of the back mountain!

Zhang Yuan smiled modestly, "Brother Wang, you're not bad either! If you hadn't gone out and learned how to build small buildings, how could our village and the small buildings in surrounding villages be so good at building them?"

When talking about his strengths, Wang Dalei couldn't help but smile.

Just when he was about to say a few humble words, Li Qiuju was walking from a distance carrying a basket.

Seeing Zhang Yuan, Li Qiuju's eyes suddenly lit up, and she waved and shouted at him.

"Brother Yuan, please go back to the apiary quickly! Someone is looking for you! They're waiting there!"

Knowing that someone was waiting for him at the apiary, Zhang Yuan stopped bragging to Wang Dalei, said hello and hurried towards Li Qiuju.

Today, Li Qiuju is wearing a white shirt with blue flowers and a pair of slightly tight casual pants.

Long Youzhi's figure is on full display.

Even though Wang Dalei was already married, he couldn't help but take a second look at such a beauty like Li Qiuju.

"Brother Yuan is so lucky to have Jiang Wanglong's wife. When Jiang Wanglong married Li Qiuju, I don't know how many men in the village were staring at Li Qiuju! I didn't expect that Brother Yuan would succeed!" Wang Dalei's tone was revealing. envious.

Although the relationship between Zhang Yuan and Li Qiuju has not been made public.

But in the eyes of the village gentlemen, based on their relationship, they would probably have slept in the same bed.

Wang Dalei was even more certain that Zhang Yuan must have slept with Li Qiuju.

Because he clearly remembered that a few days before building a small building, he had met Li Qiuju once when he came to Zhang Yuan's house to discuss building a small building.

Li Qiuju's complexion at that time was not as radiant as it is now!

There is only one reason why a woman who has not been accompanied by a man for a long time suddenly becomes radiant and beautiful.

That is that she has recently received a man's love!

Wang Dalei is not stupid. If he were stupid, he wouldn't be able to be the construction captain, let alone control his workers.

Zhang Yuan lived alone in the courtyard at night, and Li Qiuju was next door.

The two of them were alone.

Isn't it normal for a hot-blooded person and a lonely person to get together?

At this time, Wang Dalei didn't know that Li Qiuju had already unilaterally completed the divorce certificate.

Now she and Zhang Yuan are no longer secretly together. Even if Zhang Yuan went to Li Qiuju's house to sleep openly, it wouldn't be a big deal!

Walking up to Li Qiuju, Zhang Yuan couldn't help but ask.

"Sister-in-law Qiu Ju, you just said someone was looking for me. Who was it? Did you go to the apiary just now?"

Li Qiuju patted the basket and said, "When the cucumbers grown in my yard are ripe, I want to give them to my uncle and me."

Auntie will send some over. As a result, I happened to see a villager from Shangwan Village there, saying he wanted to see you for something! "

"A villager from Shangwan Village?" Zhang Yuan immediately became alert, "Can't they be from the Wu family?"

Shangwan Village and Xiawan Village have a long history of conflict.

However, as time went by, most villagers no longer cared about it.

But there are also some villagers who can't let go. They are the Wu family in Shangwan Village and the Zhang family in Xiawan Village.

Last time, Wu Bin from the Wu family accompanied Xu Jiaojiao to Xiawan Village to cause trouble, and Zhang Yuan even beat them up.

Zhang Yuan was very worried whether someone from the Wu family was looking for trouble.

"No, he's not from the Wu family! I heard my aunt call that person Xiao Fan!" Li Qiuju said quickly.

Zhang Yuan nodded, "That's good! I'll be there right away!"

Seeing Zhang Yuan was about to leave, Li Qiuju quickly stopped him.


Zhang Yuan turned to look at her doubtfully, "Sister-in-law Qiu Ju, is there anything else you can do?"

Li Qiuju looked around and saw no one was looking this way, then she blushed and whispered.

"Tonight...don't come over tonight, I'm going to make trouble! It's okay to come over if you have to, but you have to sleep in the room opposite!"

Zhang Yuan was immediately happy, but he didn't expect that this was what Li Qiuju was talking about.

He smiled and said, "Sister-in-law Qiu Ju, who do you think I am? I am not someone who only thinks about that. Don't worry, I will sleep with you in my arms!"

"No, no, I can't sleep with you. I'm afraid I can't help it..." Li Qiuju's voice became weaker and weaker, and her face became redder and redder.

A smirk appeared on Zhang Yuan's face, "What can't you resist?"

"I hate! You are so evil! Okay! If you want to come over and sleep, you can come over and sleep. The worst...I will serve you in other ways then!" Li Qiuju rolled her eyes at Zhang Yuan full of annoyance.

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