Little fairy doctor with holy hands

Chapter 236 Do you believe Zhang Yuan?

"How can that work! Xiao Tong, you also heard what Dr. Cheng said on the phone. If you take this medicine, you might really be poisoned!" Ying Juan suddenly became anxious.

Fan Weiguo also said in a deep voice, "If we don't have enough money, let's borrow it from our relatives and friends! Even if we sell the house and land and sell iron, we still have to buy injections for the second son's illness!"

Seeing his parents saying this, Fan Zhen changed his words.

"Then follow what my parents said and buy Xiaotong an injection no matter what!" Fan Zhen gritted his teeth.

In fact, he originally wanted to try Zhang Yuankai's recipe first.

If Fang Zi is indeed not dangerous, wouldn't it be equivalent to saving 1.2 million?

One million and two hundred thousand, for rural people, is simply an astronomical figure that is unimaginable!

Even if they borrowed money from all their relatives and friends, they still wouldn't be able to raise so much money! .??.

To put it another way, even if you can borrow so much money, don’t you have to pay it back after borrowing it?

1.2 million!

I'm afraid their family may not be able to finish it in their lifetime!

This idea came about not because Fan Zhen was selfish.

It's just that he is more rational than his parents on this matter.

At this time, Cheng Delai's voice sounded again on Fan Zhen's phone: "Actually... you don't have to use injections! You can send me a copy of that recipe later!"

"I have a friend who is a leader at the city's medical school. After get off work today, I will go to their laboratory and conduct experiments on mice!"

"If this recipe is properly combined and the various poisons check and balance each other, then the final toxicity will be greatly weakened, and it may not be impossible to take it!"

Cheng Delai is not the kind of doctor who is greedy for profit. He is not like them, who forces his patients to go bankrupt just to sell money-making medicines.

Instead, he was very interested in Zhang Yuankai's prescription.

If this recipe really works, there will be good news for those patients who are poisoned by neuroatrophy. \u003c


After all, not every patient’s family can afford hundreds of thousands or even millions!

After hearing Cheng Delai's words, Fan Tong said in a deep voice on the bed

"Just follow what Dr. Cheng says! I will never use injections! If you insist on buying me that kind of injection, I will bite my tongue and commit suicide!"

"Xiao Tong, what nonsense are you talking about! How can you say such things!" Ying Juan said quickly.

Fan Weiguo pondered for a moment and finally nodded.

"Since Dr. Cheng has said so, let's ask Dr. Cheng to try it on mice first! If the mice don't die, then the second child should be fine if he uses this medicine!"

After hearing this, Ying Juan wanted to say something, but was stopped by Fan Weiguo's eyes.

Fan Zhen on the side couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that his father Fan Weiguo had decided to listen to Cheng De.

He is not young yet, and the reason why he is not married yet is because he has a brother like Fan Tong who is paralyzed in bed.

When the girls from Shiliba Village heard that his brother was a paralytic, they all looked disgusted, fearing that they would have to help take care of Fan Tong after marrying Fan Zhen.

Some time ago, Fan Zhen finally met a girl who didn't dislike him.

The two have been together for a while and feel very good about each other.

Although the girl looks average, she doesn't mind helping take care of Fan Tong after getting married.

But that is based on the fact that Fan Zhen works hard and the Fan family's life is getting better day by day!

Suppose Fan Zhen's family was saddled with a debt of 1.2 million.

Don't say whether the girl is willing to marry Fan Zhen who is heavily in debt.

Even if the girl is willing, Fan Zhen will never let the other girl suffer with him.

More than one million, that will have to wait until the year of the monkey and the month of the horse!

Afterwards, Fan Zhen hurriedly asked Cheng Delai for his prestige. After adding his prestige, he took a photo of Zhang Yuankai's prescription and sent it to Cheng Delai.

After doing this, Fan Zhen realized that his parents had left the room at some point.

Fan Zhen walked to the bed and patted Fan Tong on the shoulder.

"Xiao Tong, let's see if the prescription prescribed by Brother Yuan works first! If it doesn't work, we will switch to the injection that Doctor Cheng said! Anyway, big brother will definitely let you get back on your feet!"

In the hall outside, Fan Weiguo and Ying Juan were also whispering something.

"The child's father, why didn't you just say that you want to use the injection that Dr. Cheng mentioned? No matter how much money we spend, we still have to manage our little one well!" Ying Juan whispered.

Fan Weiguo sighed, "Don't just think about the second child, but also think about the boss! That's 1.2 million! If you really spend so much money to treat the second child!"

"Where will the boss be then? Can the girl he is with now still marry into our family?"

"This..." Ying Juan was stunned for a moment.

Only then did she realize that she was only thinking about the illness of the second eldest brother, Fan Tong, but ignored the eldest brother, Fan Zhen.

If you really spend more than one million to treat the second child.

With the current conditions of their family, I am afraid that the boss Fan Zhen will not be able to find another wife.

No girl is willing to marry a man with millions of debts, not even a second-married woman!

Thinking of this, Ying Juan fell silent immediately.

She was not a partial person, but before that she was only thinking about her second child Fan Tong's illness.

At this time, Fan Weiguo continued, "And I think that young man named Zhang Yuan is definitely extraordinary! Think about it, he can cure the paralyzed Zhang Dashan and get him out of bed!"

"And even the one from Liujiazhuang fell from the mountain

Come on, the kid who broke his spine also gave Zhang Yuanzhi an effect! I think he is really capable! "

Before arranging for his eldest son Fan Zhen to invite Zhang Yuan, Fan Weiguo went out of his way to learn about Zhang Yuan's situation and even made a special trip to Liujiazhuang.

Zhang Dashan's case doesn't mean anything because he broke his leg.

But the situation of Xu Zhuangzhuang in Liujiazhuang is similar to Fan Tong!

Fan Tong is sciatic nerve atrophy.

And Xu Zhuangzhuang broke his spine, saying that even the nerves in his spine were severed!

Since Zhang Yuan's treatment gave Xu Zhuangzhuang hope of recovery, Zhang Yuan probably had the ability to cure Fan Tong.

If Zhang Yuan's previous prescription hadn't been too shocking, Fan Weiguo would still be willing to believe him.

Now that he knows that Zhang Yuan's prescription is similar to the 50,000 injections imported by city hospital experts, Fan Weiguo believes in Zhang Yuan even more!

After hearing what Fan Weiguo said, Ying Juan couldn't help but sigh.

"Okay! Let's try it first! But if Zhang Yuankai's prescription can poison even mice, I will never let Xiao Tong take that medicine!"

at the same time.

Office of the Director of the Department of Neurology, Municipal Hospital.

Cheng Delai stared at the photo of the prescription on his phone.

When Fan Zhen read the prescription before, he only got a rough idea.

Now that he is studying this prescription carefully, the more Cheng Delai studies it, the more he feels that this prescription is unusual!

Although he is a Western medicine doctor, he also dabbles in Chinese medicine.

His level of Chinese medicine is even better than that of Chinese medicine doctors in ordinary clinics!

With Cheng Delai's eyesight and experience, if there is something wrong with this recipe, he can tell it after reading it twice.

But he looked over and over for a long time and couldn't find anything wrong with this recipe!

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