Little fairy doctor with holy hands

Chapter 319 Save your life with green onions


As soon as Zhang Yuan's words came out, everyone present was stunned.

When people's lives were at stake, Zhang Yuan actually asked for a green onion!

Qian Laoben looked at Zhang Yuan dumbfounded, "Brother Yuan, if you are hungry, after you save my mother-in-law later, I will treat you to a small restaurant in the village to eat! You can use green onions for dipping sauce, or for making pancakes and rolls with green onions." Point!’s better to save my mother-in-law quickly!"

Others also looked at Zhang Yuan with displeasure.

Qian Laoben's wife is about to die, and Zhang Yuan still thinks about eating, which shows too little respect for the patient's life!

Zhang Yuan was helpless, "Who said I want green onions to eat? I want them to save my sister-in-law's life! Go to the kitchen and get some green onions! The thicker the better!"

Only then did Qian Laoben realize that Zhang Yuan wanted the green onions to save his wife, so he hurried to the kitchen to get the green onions.

The villagers who were watching looked surprised and started talking in low voices.

"Can green onions save lives? Is it true?"

"Qian Laoben's wife hanged herself in a coma, so what's the use of green onions!"

"That's right! Green onions can at most cure a cold and stuffy nose. If your nose is blocked, just smell green onions and it will clear your air. What does this have to do with it?"

"Nonsense! I think it's just nonsense! Zhang Yuan treated people before, but he probably got cured by accident! It's better to wait for the ambulance from the hospital to come, that one is more reliable!"


The villagers were talking a lot, and almost no one was optimistic about Zhang Yuan.

Zhang Yuan didn't take it seriously either.

The method he used was indeed unusual, and it was normal for the villagers not to understand it.

When Qian Laoben hurriedly brought the green onions, Zhang Yuan took them and peeled them off, breaking the green onions into two sections, leaving only the white section.

Then he broke the white part of the scallion into two pieces, stuffed each into Qian Laoben's wife's ears, and squeezed the white part of the scallion hard to let the juice flow into Qian Laoben's wife's ears.

After doing all this, Zhang Yuan breathed a sigh of relief, threw the scallions on the ground, clapped his hands and stood up.


Seeing that he stopped like this, Qian Laoben couldn't help but ask.

"Brother Yuan, are you saving my mother-in-law?"

Zhang Yuan smiled and nodded, "That's right! The rescue is over and the results will be immediate!"

When Qian Laoben heard this, he looked unbelieving.

Get a green onion and squeeze some onion juice into your ears, can you save a hanged person?

Isn't this the same as nonsense?

He couldn't help but sigh in his heart, thinking that he was still in a hurry and sought medical treatment. He had to see a doctor in the hospital for treatment. A wild fox like Zhang Yuan was of no use at all!

The onlookers were all talking in low voices again, looking at Zhang Yuan with a hint of accusation.

It's a matter of life and death. Even if you don't prescribe medicine, you should at least take out a silver needle and prick it a few times, right?

Using only a green onion to save people is too confusing!

"In my opinion! Zhang Yuan is probably a wife who has no ability to save his money, so he is playing tricks here and waiting for the ambulance to come!"

"That's right! How can there be any use of green onions to rescue a hanged and unconscious person?"

"My mother always sheds tears in the face of the wind. She has been cured by many Chinese and Western doctors. I thought before that I should ask Zhang Yuan for help! Looking at it now, it’s better not to go!"


The villagers were talking a lot, and they all thought that Zhang Yuan was just using green onions to hide his troubles.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, Qian Laoben’s wife, who was lying on the ground, suddenly appeared strange!

Her nose started bleeding!

Sharp-eyed villagers couldn't help shouting when they saw Qian Laoben's wife's nose bleeding.

"Look! Qian Laoben's wife is bleeding from all her orifices. Is she about to die?"

Everyone took a closer look.

Sure enough, black blood really flowed from Qian Laoben’s wife’s nose!

But she wasn't bleeding from her orifices, just her nose.

Qian Laoben saw his mother-in-law "bleeding from all her orifices" and cried out on the spot.

"Mother-in-law! Mother-in-law, please don't die!"

At this time, Zhang Yuan's leisurely voice sounded, "Death? How could she die? A bleeding nose is a sign that she saved her life!"

After hearing his words, everyone looked at him, and everyone's eyes were filled with disbelief.

Qian Laoben's wife was already bleeding from her orifices, why did Zhang Yuan still say that she had saved her life?

But before Zhang Yuan could explain, Qian Laoben's wife suddenly coughed twice, and then slowly opened her eyes. ??

Seeing her regaining consciousness, Qian Laoben was overjoyed and hurriedly stepped forward to help her up.

"Mother, just wake up! You scare me to death. You can't discuss anything with me. You have to hang yourself!"

Qian Laoben’s wife, who had just woken up, looked confused at first.

After being stunned for a while, he remembered that he had committed suicide by hanging.

In fact, she already regretted it after kicking the stool away.

Isn't it just a couple quarreling?

What's wrong with quarreling? Who's couple doesn't quarrel?

Isn't it stupid to end up losing your own life for a trivial matter and causing trouble for the whole family?

But there was no regret medicine at that time, and she passed out soon due to lack of oxygen.

Now that she woke up, Qian Laoben's wife felt like she had lived a new life.

Seeing Qian Laoben crying because he was worried about herself, she couldn't help but throw herself into her husband's arms and cry.

Zhang Yuan looked at the scene of the couple hugging each other and crying with a smile.


Suddenly I have a feeling that it is actually quite good to use medical skills to benefit the world like this!

The onlookers looked at Qian Laoben's wife with wide eyes.

If it weren't for the clear sky and white sun now, they would really think they had seen a ghost.

Zhang Yuan only used a green onion to save Qian's wife, who was hanging in a coma and half-incarcerated!

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they wouldn't have believed it.

"Is this Brother Yuan's medical skills? It's amazing, it's really amazing!"

"You can save someone's life with just one green onion. Who can believe this? It's true!"

"Tsk! I didn't expect that our village could have a miracle doctor! This is simply a miracle doctor!"

"Look at you, I just said, you have to believe Zhang Yuan, you must not believe it! Now it's better! Did Zhang Yuan hit you in the face with his own medical skills? I will ask him to treat my mother Yingfeng later. Cry!"

"Tch! Didn't you just shout that Zhang Yuan was in trouble before, and that you didn't plan to let your mother go to him for treatment?"


Everyone was still discussing fiercely.

However, no one questioned Zhang Yuan's medical skills anymore.

The facts are before their eyes, no matter how blind they are, they know that Zhang Yuan's medical skills are definitely extraordinary!

Even a green onion can save a life. This is simply a legendary miracle doctor!

Later, Qian Laoben helped his wife go back to the house to rest.

When Qian Laoben came to the outer room again, he immediately walked up to Zhang Yuan and knelt down to him.

"Brother Yuan, when you saved my mother-in-law's life, you saved our whole family! Thank you, I thank you so much!"

Faced with Qian Laoben's sudden kneeling, Zhang Yuan was also shocked.

Only then did he realize that Qian Laoben, who always quarreled with his wife, actually loved his wife so deeply.

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