Little fairy doctor with holy hands

Chapter 350 The breeding cow is useless, Zhang Jing is irritable

If Zhang Yuan hadn't given the three thousand yuan, I'm afraid Wu Lili would have had to borrow money from others to buy medicinal materials.

"Boss Zhang, your kindness to our mother and daughter is so great. I really don't know how to repay you!" Wu Lili said gratefully.

Zhang Yuanshun continued, "Want to repay me? It's very simple! When Aunt Wu can take care of herself, you can come to my chicken farm as a female worker!"

"Really?" Wu Lili was stunned.

When Chen Jiuchang found her, he said he had a good job for her. She was working at a chicken farm in the village, with a monthly salary of up to 3,000 yuan!

Wu Lili was indeed moved at that time.

But then she thought of her mother who was paralyzed in bed, and she finally reluctantly chose to refuse. .??.

It is really impossible for a patient who is paralyzed in bed without someone to take care of him.

What's more, my mother is getting older and her body functions are not as good as before.

Maybe Wu Lili went to work in the morning, and when she came back at noon, there was some filth on the bed.

Then she would have to change Aunt Wu's clothes and sheets again.

Taking this into consideration, Wu Lili could only refuse Chen Jiuchang.

She originally thought that such a good job would be missed.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Yuan was actually willing to give her another chance.

Zhang Yuan looked at Wu Lili who looked in disbelief, "Of course it's true! Do you think I would joke with you about this kind of thing?"

"Thank you then! Boss Zhang, thank you very much! I will definitely work hard to repay you in the future!" Wu Lili had tears in her eyes.

If she hadn't known that she was not worthy of Zhang Yuan, she would have even wanted to repay Zhang Yuan with her body.

Because this is the only way she can repay Zhang Yuan.

Zhang Yuan nodded secretly.

This is exactly the effect he wanted!

Why did he take the initiative to help Aunt Wu treat her illness and leave a job for Wu Lili?

naturally for

Gain Wu Lili’s loyalty!

Filial people like Wu Lili are often more grateful.

As long as Aunt Wu is cured and Wu Lili is given a well-paid job, it is conceivable that Wu Lili will work very seriously in the future to repay Zhang Yuan.

Employees like this are the good employees Zhang Yuan is really looking for!

On the way back, Li Qiuju couldn't help but sigh.

"It's really hard for Wu Lili. In order to take care of her mother who is paralyzed in bed, she missed the age of marriage. Even if Aunt Wu can stand up again in the future, Wu Lili will not be able to find young men, and can only find those older leftover men! "

The older leftover men that Li Qiuju talks about are not those college students who get married late because they go to college.

It is normal for college students to graduate at the age of 24 or 25 and get married at the age of 27 or 28.

But if you are in rural areas, if you are a young man in your twenties or nineteen who has not yet married, you are truly an older leftover man!

These people are either because their families are too poor and no one wants to marry, or they have other problems.

In short, most good girls from other families are not willing to marry these older leftover men.

But Wu Lili is already twenty-eight.

Which of those young men in their early twenties would want to marry an old girl her age?

Maybe in the end, Wu Lili will just find an older leftover man to make do with her life.

But such a day may not be what she wants!

"Wu Lili is a very filial and kind girl. I think she will definitely find a good home in the future." Zhang Yuan looked at the sentimental Li Qiuju and said.

When the two returned to the village, they just entered the village and met the village beauty Zhang Lin before walking far.

Zhang Lin saw

Zhang Yuan and Li Qiuju couldn't help but think of the rumor. It was said that Li Qiuju was already the supervisor of Zhang Yuan's chicken farm and had hired two female workers in the village.

"Zhang Yuan, Sister Qiu Ju, how are you?" Zhang Lin took the initiative to say hello.

After a few words of greeting, Zhang Lin couldn't help but feel a little apologetic on her pretty face when she mentioned that Zhang Yuan's chicken farm was opening today.

Originally, Zhang Lin wanted to congratulate Zhang Yuan, but was stopped by her father, Zhang Jing.

Zhang Jing's reason for stopping her was simple.

Zhang Yuan ran to Shangwan Village to open a chicken farm, which had already angered her uncle Zhang Weimin.

If Zhang Lin went to congratulate Zhang Yuan at this time, Zhang Weimin would be mad if he knew about it?

There was no other way, so Zhang Lin had to give up her plan to congratulate Zhang Yuan.

After saying goodbye to the two of them, Zhang Lin looked at Zhang Yuan and Li Qiuju leaving side by side, and suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.

Li Qiuju has become the supervisor of Zhang Yuan's chicken farm. From now on, they will probably have to be together every day, right?

Thinking that Zhang Yuan and Li Qiuju would be together every day, Zhang Lin felt inexplicably depressed and hurried back to the cattle farm.

In the cattle farm, Zhang Jing looked at the listless bull in the cowshed with a livid face, not to mention how angry he was.

There is a bull specially used for breeding in his cattle farm. This bull is not only used to breed the cattle in his cattle farm, but is also occasionally taken out by Zhang Jing to "make extra money."

In fact, this situation is very common in rural areas.

Some people also raise breeding sheep specifically to breed ewes.

If a family wants to raise sheep, they will take their ewes to find rams for breeding.

Breeding doesn't cost much, and it's always more cost-effective than raising a ram yourself.

But now, the precious bull in front of Zhang Jing's eyes was "wasted"!

Yes, that's the real kind of waste

No longer able to fulfill the responsibilities of being a breeding cow or even a bull.

Zhang Jing's face was uncertain, and he thought of his elder brother Zhang Weimin inexplicably.

What happened to the old Zhang family this year? First, the eldest brother Zhang Weimin failed, and then his own bull also failed!

Could it be that this bull took the blame for Zhang Jing?

Thinking of this, Zhang Jing couldn't help but patted the bull's head, but he didn't get a response from the bull. The bull was still quite languid.

Two veterinarians and handymen nearby quickly stepped forward and said.

"Boss, we have determined that this bull is in trouble! And I'm afraid it can't be cured at all!"

"Yes, so I suggest you send it to the slaughterhouse to be slaughtered!"

After hearing what the two of them said, Zhang Jing's face instantly turned green.

Just now he felt that the bull was taking the blame for him.

Now these two people are actually going to send the bull to the slaughterhouse. How is this any different from sending Zhang Jing to the slaughterhouse?

Zhang Jing immediately glared at the two of them angrily, "Shut your stinky mouth! I have been raising this bull for several years! He often follows me out to breed and make money! Now it has just temporarily lost its glory, and you are actually going to kill him." ! Do you two still have humanity?"

The two veterinarians were stunned by Zhang Jing's spray and quickly closed their mouths.

They also felt aggrieved.

Have you, Zhang Jing, done enough to cross rivers and demolish bridges?

This bull is useless. According to your usual temperament, you will definitely send it to the slaughterhouse.

what is it today? Suddenly pretending to be affectionate?

At this time, Zhang Lin came over. Seeing the expressions of the three people and the languid Bull, she couldn't help but ask.

"Dad, is this bull sick?"

Zhang Jing casually wanted to say that the bull was not sick, but that he was failing in that area.

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