Little fairy doctor with holy hands

Chapter 369: Spring flowers are possessed by evil spirits, and the evil plan succeeds

Originally Liang Minzhong just wanted to try his luck.

After all, Wang Chunhua now has a "husband", maybe she will come with her husband Zhang Yuan, whom she met last time.

But I never thought that Wang Chunhua would come alone this time!

What was even more unexpected to Liang Minzhong was that Wang Chunhua looked the same as before, her legs were still tightly clamped, and the back of her ears was still slightly red.

This means that she hasn’t slept with a man yet!

Upon discovering this, Liang Minzhong was simply overjoyed.

This is simply a great opportunity!

Of course he wouldn't miss it. .??.

Therefore, while Wang Shaoqiu was away, Liang Minzhong deliberately threatened Wang Chunhua, claiming that unless Wang Chunhua invited him to dinner and had a detailed chat, Wang Shaoqiu would be fired.

As Liang Minzhong expected, Wang Chunhua agreed for the sake of her younger brother!

Liang Minzhong couldn't help but feel excited and trembling when he thought that he was about to taste such a charming and lovely girl as Wang Chunhua, and that she was a young lady.

At this time, Zhang Yuan called again.

"Chunhua, why don't you answer the phone first! Otherwise, your friend keeps calling, which is not good!" Liang Minzhong said with a smile.

Wang Chunhua nodded, "Okay, Teacher Liang, I'm sorry, I'll go out and take the call!"

Then, she got up and walked outside to answer Zhang Yuan's call.

What Wang Chunhua didn't know was that Liang Minzhong had been waiting for this moment!

From just now, he has been waiting for Wang Chunhua to go to the toilet or go out for other things.

In this way, he can put medicine into Wang Chunhua's cup!

That's right, the reason why Liang Minzhong was able to succeed repeatedly and take advantage of several matriarchs was because of the drug!

First, on the grounds of disciplining the students, let the students' parents treat them to dinner.

While eating, find another opportunity to secretly put medicine into the other person's cup!

After the drug took effect and the matriarch was knocked unconscious, Liang Minzhong

You can help her go to the hotel to book a room.

Afterwards, no matter how reluctant the matriarch was, it was a done deal.

In addition, Liang Minzhong controlled their son's education, so they had no choice but to accept their fate.

Liang Minzhong just wanted to repeat his old tricks and apply them to Wang Chunhua!

He walked to the door of the private room, peeked out secretly, and saw Wang Chunhua standing by the window at the end of the corridor on the phone.

A proud smile suddenly appeared on Liang Minzhong's face.

Immediately, he took out the sleeping powder he had prepared earlier from his pocket, put it into Wang Chunhua's juice, stirred it with chopsticks, and then returned to his seat with satisfaction.

At the same time, Wang Chunhua also answered Zhang Yuan's call.

She could think of why Zhang Yuan called at this time. It must be because her brother Wang Shaoqiu called Zhang Yuan for help.

For Zhang Yuan, Wang Chunhua's emotions are very complicated.

Before yesterday, she did regard Zhang Yuan as her other brother, a brother she could rely on.

But she never thought that because the owner of the small supermarket next door got the wrong honey, Wang Chunhua would kiss her brother!

That was her first kiss!

Now the relationship between the two became much more awkward.

Wang Chunhua also didn’t mention asking Zhang Yuan to pretend to be her husband and accompany her to school to find Liang Minzhong.

And the reason why she agreed to Liang Minzhong's request for a meal was also related to Zhang Yuan.

When Liang Minzhong asked Wang Chunhua to treat him to dinner, Wang Chunhua could see the desire hidden in the other person's eyes.

If it were her before, she would definitely refuse.

But this time, Wang Chunhua hesitated.

She suddenly thought

He talked about kissing Zhang Yuan yesterday.

At that time, Zhang Yuan's big hands almost touched her whole body, and he also hit her hard several times. She still felt a little raw when she woke up this morning.

In Wang Chunhua's opinion, Liang Minzhong wanted to have dinner with her just to take advantage of her.

If that's the case, why not agree to him?

Anyway, she, Wang Chunhua, is no longer "innocent".

What is the difference between one man Mo and two men Mo?

With this thought of self-destruction, Wang Chunhua decided to sacrifice herself to let Liang Minzhong give up, thereby preventing her younger brother Wang Shaoqiu from being expelled by Liang Minzhong.

She was a weak woman with no power, and there was only so much she could do.

However, the bottom line in Wang Chunhua's heart was to let Liang Minzhong put his arms around his waist.

If Liang Minzhong wanted to take advantage of her, Wang Chunhua was going to get up and leave directly, and would never tolerate him.

If Liang Minzhong knew what Wang Chunhua was thinking, he would definitely burst into laughter.

Wang Chunhua underestimated Liang Minzhong too much!

How can it be enough just to put Momo's arms around her waist?

His purpose is to eat Wang Chunhua completely!

At this time, Wang Chunhua didn't know that Liang Minzhong had put sleeping pills in her juice. He would wait until she fell asleep after drinking the juice, and then he would take her to the hotel and do whatever he wanted with her!

At the window in the corridor of the small hotel, Wang Chunhua answered the phone with a complicated expression.

She felt that it was still necessary to have a few words with Zhang Yuan.

The phone was connected, and Zhang Yuan's voice of relief came from the other side.

"Sister Chunhua, you finally answered the phone! Where are you? I'm going to find you!"

Hearing the concern in Zhang Yuan's tone, Wang Chunhua couldn't help but feel warm in her heart.

Although Zhang Yuan did something bad to her yesterday, he still did it after all.

You care about yourself!

"I'm fine, Brother Yuan, don't listen to Shaoqiu's nonsense! Leave me alone!" Wang Chunhua said softly.

Hearing this, Zhang Yuan couldn't help but frown, "Sister Chunhua, that Liang Minzhong is not a good person! Tell me first where you are, and I will go find you right away! I'm in the county seat too!"

Wang Chunhua couldn't help but be surprised to learn that Zhang Yuan was also in the county.

"Are you in the county too?"

Zhang Yuan said in a deep voice, "That's right, Sister Chunhua, please tell me where you are quickly. I'll go over now. Without me by your side, I'm afraid you will fall into Liang Minzhong's trap!"

Hearing what Zhang Yuan said, Wang Chunhua felt inexplicably agitated.

Did Brother Yuan misunderstand something?

Did he think that after kissing him yesterday, the two of them would have sex?

But they are really not suitable for each other!

In Wang Chunhua's view, she is two years older than Zhang Yuan, and she is also an unknown person in the village's mouth!

If the two of them were in love, the gossip among the villagers alone would be enough for both of them to drink.

Not to mention, the elderly couple in Zhang Yuan's family would probably not agree to let them be together.

Maybe they would even blame Wang Chunhua for seducing Zhang Yuan!

Thinking of this, Wang Chunhua took a deep breath and suddenly made a decision.

Her tone turned cold instantly. "Zhang Yuan, this is my own business. What does it have to do with you? Don't think that if you are familiar with me, you can interfere in my private life at will!"

"I will handle my own affairs by myself! Even if Liang Minzhong really does something to me, it will be done willingly by me! It has nothing to do with you!"

After saying that, Wang Chunhua hung up the phone.

On the other side of the phone, Zhang Yuan looked stunned.

Wang Chunhua, what happened?

Could it be that he was possessed by evil spirits as Wang Shaoqiu said?

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