Little fairy doctor with holy hands

Chapter 526 Buying Home Appliances, Shopping Guide’s Thoughts

At first, several of their Phoenix chickens were smashed to death by naughty children. They couldn't finish them all at once, and they had to be put in the refrigerator of Li Qiuju's house.

Before moving this time, Zhang Yuan planned to buy all the household appliances!

Color TVs, washing machines and air conditioners, buy them all!

This time I not only wanted to buy something for my own home, but I also wanted to install an air conditioner for Li Qiuju's home.

Li Qiuju's home has a refrigerator and washing machine, but unfortunately there is no air conditioning.

With the idea that his woman should not be wronged, Zhang Yuancai decided to help Li Qiuju buy an air conditioner and replace her with a Simmons bed.

Of course, you can’t hide this kind of thing from the villagers, you have to buy it openly!

So, while Wang Hui was chatting with some village women on the village road, Li Qiuju deliberately asked Wang Hui to help intercede with Zhang Yuan.

When Zhang Yuan went shopping for home appliances, he helped her install an air conditioner and bought a Simmons bed.

Wang Hui naturally agreed. She and Li Qiuju had always had a good relationship.

Especially some time ago, when Ma Laosan came to make trouble, Li Qiuju took the initiative to stand up and defend Wang Hui, which made Wang Hui have a good impression of Li Qiuju.

If Zhang Dashan hadn't stopped him, Wang Hui would have recognized Li Qiuju as his daughter!

Li Qiuju was extremely happy to see Wang Hui agree.

"Auntie, when the time comes to buy the air conditioner and bed, please ask Brother Yuan to tell me, and I will give him the money!"

Wang Hui was about to say that there was no need to pay, but then she thought about it, considering that Li Qiuju had a husband after all.

If she didn't accept her money, rumors would inevitably spread among the villagers.

So she nodded and agreed.

"Sure! I'll let Brother Yuan contact you when the time comes! By the way, Qiu Ju, what kind of air conditioner do you want to buy? Tell Brother Yuan in advance! Don't buy something that doesn't suit you! As for the money, you don't have to give it to Brother Yuan. Yes, just ask him to deduct it from your salary on a monthly basis! This will save you the money you usually don’t have enough to spend!”

"Okay! Thank you, Auntie!" Li Qiuju said with a smile on her face.

two people

After discussing this matter, they each returned to their homes.

After they left, several village women couldn't help but look at Li Qiuju's house with envy.

"If we had known that the boy from Wang Hui's family could have such great potential, we should have gotten closer to their family!"

"That's right! Look at Li Qiuju, just because she has a good relationship with Wang Hui's family, she is doing so well now! She works as a supervisor in a chicken farm and earns a salary of five to six thousand a month!"

"Hey! Who says it's not the case! The way I see it! Li Qiuju doesn't have to pay for the air conditioner or bed herself! Zhang Yuan is so generous, maybe he just waives it for her!"

"There's nothing you can do about it. Who made Li Qiuju look good-looking? If your daughter-in-law can be as beautiful as her and have as good a figure as her, maybe Zhang Yuan will also benefit your family!"


As everyone was chatting, the topic changed, and Zhang Yuan and Li Qiuju began to be arranged.

However, they only dared to say this kind of wife-chewing talk to a few people present, but they did not dare to spread it outside.

Because they have never seen with their own eyes what kind of affair Zhang Yuan and Li Qiuju have!

Why does everyone in the village know about Lin Zhongfei?

That's because he was too arrogant, entering the widow's house openly or going to a young woman's house.

He even let the other party come to his home!

Lin Zhongfei made it so obvious, and he was worried that the villagers wouldn't know?

In contrast, what Zhang Yuan did was much more covert. He always climbed over the wall and entered Li Qiuju's house at night, so as not to leave any excuse for the gossiping women in the village.

The morning after moving the furniture, Zhang Yuan went to the county to buy appliances.

Originally, he wanted Li Qiuju to follow him.

However, Li Qiuju was worried that the villagers would find them together, so she did not follow them.


Soon after, Zhang Yuan rode an electric tricycle to the county shopping mall.

After entering the door, he went straight to the home appliances section, still holding a small notebook in his hand.

He came here just to buy it directly!

The last time Zhang Yuan came to buy furniture, he browsed the home appliance section and had already chosen the home appliances he wanted to buy.

You don’t have to go to the store this time to go to the store to place an order and pay.

When the shopping guide saw Zhang Yuan, she immediately recognized him as the young man who came to see home appliances a few days ago.

There is no way, although there are many people coming to see the home appliances every day.

But there are not many tall and handsome young people like Zhang Yuan, so the shopping guide girl still remembers him.

When she saw Zhang Yuan, the shopping guide immediately greeted him with a smile.

"Handsome guy, are you looking at home appliances again? I'm not busy right now, so I can help you introduce a few more models!"

Hearing this, Zhang Yuan smiled, "Beauty, you don't need to introduce me to me this time! Just place an order directly! Just buy according to the brand and model written above!"

As he spoke, he handed over the small notebook he had prepared.

After taking it, the shopping guide glanced at it and couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Buying so much! Especially the air conditioners, I actually bought seven units! One of them is a vertical cabinet!"

Most people come to the mall to buy air conditioners, and they only buy two or three units at most.

Not many people like Zhang Yuan want to buy seven air conditioners!

But who allowed the small building to have many rooms and bedrooms?

Except for the hanging unit bought for Li Qiuju, among the remaining six air conditioners, one vertical cabinet unit is placed in the main room.

The remaining five hanging machines are placed in the five bedrooms of Zhang Yuan's house.

Put one in each bedroom, it’s just right!

The shopping guide looked at it carefully again.

After seeing that Zhang Yuan actually wanted to buy a large-capacity refrigerator priced at nearly 10,000 yuan,

and fully automatic washing machines.

The shopping guide's eyes immediately bent like crescent moons when she smiled.

Just what Zhang Yuan bought was enough to match her usual performance of two or three days.

There are usually a lot of people here to look at home appliances, but not many people actually buy them, and even fewer people like Zhang Yuan are so generous!

At this moment, the shopping guide lady couldn't help but look a little confused when she looked at Zhang Yuan.

He's so handsome, yet he's so generous.

How about... let him unspoken rules for once!

Anyway, I won’t suffer any loss!

The premise is that he has to take the initiative to ask for his contact information!

If Zhang Yuan knew what the shopping guide was thinking, he would definitely cry out.

If you don’t suffer a loss, I will suffer a loss!

The appearance of this shopping guide can only be regarded as above-average, and is still a little short of Zhang Yuan's aesthetics!

Asking the shopping guide to place an order, Zhang Yuan happily swiped his card to pay.

When he saw the receipt, even Zhang Yuan couldn't help but feel a little distressed.

These appliances are really not cheap!

All added up, it’s fifty to sixty thousand!

The person in charge of collecting money at the cashier is a young woman.

At this moment, the young woman was also staring at Zhang Yuan without blinking, obviously thinking that Zhang Yuan was a good lover.

The young woman is not as shy as the shopping guide lady, and she has to wait for Zhang Yuan to ask for her contact information.

She was ready to take the initiative and ask Zhang Yuan for his contact information.

However, just when the young woman was about to speak, a scream suddenly sounded not far away.

"Someone, come quickly! An old man has fainted! Someone, come quickly!"

Zhang Yuan turned around and saw an old man with gray hair lying motionless on the ground dozens of meters away. People nearby gathered around him with expressions of surprise.

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