Little fairy doctor with holy hands

Chapter 537 Breaking the secret, feeling sad

At this time, Zhang Yuan said leisurely, "Maybe you thought I knew there were patients with ankylosing spondylitis in your family because of what your uncle and aunt told you. But in fact, that's not the case! I smelled the traditional Chinese medicine on your body. You can smell it!”

"Gouji, Chuanqiong, Psoralen, Guizhi, Rehmannia should be familiar with these Chinese medicinal materials, right? Although you are wearing clean clothes, because you have been cooking medicine for patients for a long time at home, you have It’s also tainted with the smell of Chinese medicine!”

"Ordinary people can't smell it, but a miraculous doctor like me can smell it! And I can also tell you some of the herbs you usually cook. Now you should believe that I am a miraculous doctor, right?"

Hearing Zhang Yuan's words, Liu Xiaoxiao couldn't help but shrink her pupils. ??

She took a special shower before going out and changed into freshly washed clothes. Normally, she shouldn't smell of Chinese medicine.

But Zhang Yuan actually smelled the smell of Chinese medicine that she didn't even smell, and even named some of the herbs.

Is Zhang Yuan really a miracle doctor?

Liu Xiaoxiao suddenly thought, since Zhang Yuan's medical skills are so good, how great would it be if he could cure his father's ankylosing spondylitis?

But then I thought again, what if Zhang Yuan is just the king of words?

By following Liang Qiaoling's plan, she could at least get some money and relieve her family's financial pressure.

But if they are deceived by Zhang Yuan's sweet words, the Liu family will really not be able to survive!

Just when Liu Xiaoxiao was hesitating, Zhang Yuan looked her up and down and suddenly chuckled.

"Actually, there is one more thing that proves that I am a miracle doctor. If I read it correctly, you should have gynecological inflammation, right? You will have itching symptoms when you get sick!"

As soon as these words came out, Liu Xiaoxiao's expression suddenly changed.

Even her family members didn't know that she had gynecological inflammation, let alone outsiders.

How did Zhang Yuan know?

It turns out, go

At the end of the year, Liu Xiaoxiao went to a public bathhouse to take a bath and soaked in the pool for a while.

But she never thought that this bath would cause her to contract gynecological inflammation and develop itching symptoms.

Liu Xiaoxiao suffered from gynecological inflammation when she was still a young girl, and of course she was embarrassed to say it.

She could only secretly buy external cleansing medicines, but external cleansing medicines could only suppress the itching, but could not cure gynecological diseases.

So now, her itching is getting worse and worse, and she can't do without the external medicine!

This matter has always been Liu Xiaoxiao's secret, and she has never even told her mother.

But Zhang Yuan revealed her privacy at once!

By this time, Liu Xiaoxiao was finally convinced that Zhang Yuan was indeed a miracle doctor!

Seeing Liu Xiaoxiao's expression, Zhang Yuan knew that he was right.

He had indeed seen from Liu Xiaoxiao's complexion that she had gynecological diseases.

But Liu Xiaoxiao's eyebrows are not scattered, her butt looks very firm, and her legs are naturally clamped, which is another typical characteristic of a big girl.

A big girl will naturally not get dirty diseases.

Therefore, Zhang Yuancai guessed that Liu Xiaoxiao probably suffered from an itchy gynecological disease due to an accidental fungal infection.

"Oh! Tell me about you, a grown-up girl doesn't know how to take care of her own body! If you have gynecological inflammation, you need to take good care of it! The longer you delay it, the more difficult it will be to treat it! If you guessed it right? , Your itching should be very serious now, right?" Zhang Yuan sighed and said.

Hearing Zhang Yuan's words, Liu Xiaoxiao almost cried with a sore nose.

She felt even more sad.

If her family had money, where would she be?

Has it become like this?

Liu Xiaoxiao also went to the hospital to see a doctor, but when he came, the doctor had to prescribe thousands of yuan of Chinese medicine, which frightened Liu Xiaoxiao and ran away.

A bottle of external cleaning potion only costs twenty or thirty yuan, which she can still afford.

But she really can't afford thousands of yuan of Chinese medicine!

After all, all the family’s money was used to treat his father’s medical problems!

Seeing the redness in Liu Xiaoxiao's eyes, Zhang Yuan knew that she was also a poor girl.

Otherwise, any family can get by.

Which girl is willing to sacrifice her reputation and join in a conspiracy with a vicious woman like Liang Qiaoling?

As a result, his voice couldn't help but soften a lot, "Actually, if you leave your gynecological diseases, including your family's ankylosing spondylitis, to me, I can cure them!"

Hearing this, Liu Xiaoxiao suddenly raised his head and stared at Zhang Yuan with his reddish eyes.

Zhang Yuan looked at her calmly, his eyes full of magnanimity.

Seeing that Zhang Yuan was not joking with him or deliberately playing tricks on him, Liu Xiaoxiao realized that what he said was true.

She spoke with some difficulty, " said you could cure my dad's ankylosing spondylitis. Is this true? Could it be that you lied to me?"

"Of course! My name as a miracle doctor is not just for boasting! Besides, you should have come into contact with many Chinese medicine practitioners. Have you ever seen anyone as awesome as me?" Zhang Yuan made a proud look on his face.

Now Liu Xiaoxiao completely believed it.

Recalling the skills Zhang Yuan showed just now, Liu Xiaoxiao had to believe that he was a miracle doctor.

Can ordinary Chinese medicine doctors tell what kind of traditional Chinese medicine it is just by smelling it?

Could an ordinary Chinese medicine practitioner discover that she had a gynecological disease upon meeting her?


br\u003e Obviously, Zhang Yuan is by no means an ordinary Chinese medicine doctor!

Thinking that Zhang Yuan was sure to cure his father's disease, Liu Xiaoxiao felt excited.

Even if...even if Zhang Yuan is only half sure, that is great news for their family!

As for Liang Qiaoling's plan, Liu Xiaoxiao had already thrown it out of the window at this moment.

Liu Xiaoxiao's family's original family background was quite good, otherwise she wouldn't have been able to raise her to be so fair and tender.

It's just that Liu's father has suffered from compulsive spondylitis in recent years and has been unable to make money and has spent all the family's savings. This has led to the decline of the Liu family.

Father Liu is a senior technician. As long as his ankylosing spondylitis can be cured, the Liu family will be prosperous again in less than two years!

Compared to Liang Qiaoling's plan to blackmail Zhang Yuan for a sum of money, Liu Xiaoxiao was undoubtedly more inclined to let Zhang Yuan help her father treat his illness!

Liu Xiaoxiao would not have been willing to sacrifice his reputation if he had not been forced to do anything by life before!

Thinking of this, Liu Xiaoxiao nodded heavily.

"Miracle doctor, please cure my dad's ankylosing spondylitis! As long as you can cure him, you can do anything you ask me to do!"

Zhang Yuan smiled, "Don't say that! I am a miracle doctor, not a pervert! It sounds like I will take the opportunity to bully you! Since the two of us can be together on a blind date, we are destined. This time I won’t charge you to treat your father!”

"Really?" Liu Xiaoxiao was stunned.

She originally thought that Zhang Yuan acted like a miracle doctor in front of her because he wanted to take the opportunity to make some excessive demands on her.

For the sake of the happiness of the whole family, Liu Xiaoxiao made up her mind that even if Zhang Yuan asked her to sleep with him, she would agree to it.

At worst, she could just pretend to be dating Zhang Yuan for a while and then break up, which would have little impact on her reputation.

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