Little fairy doctor with holy hands

Chapter 593 Planning paddy fields and preparing to rent land

In Zheng Shuai's view, Chu Xueqi is Zhang Yuan's woman. How can he stare at Zhang Yuan's woman?

It wasn't until the two of them left the yard that Zheng Shuai gave Zhang Yuan a thumbs up, with a smile on his face that every man would understand.

"Boss, you are truly worthy of being my boss, Zheng Shuai! The lady boss I found is young and beautiful, and most importantly, she is so rich! She drives a BMW luxury car!"

Hearing this, Zhang Yuan rolled his eyes, "Don't think blindly. She and I are just a doctor and a patient. It's not what you think!"

"Hehe! I understand! I understand everything!" Zheng Shuai said with a bad smile.

Zhang Yuan patted him on the head, "What do you know! I'm serious! Don't go out and talk nonsense, and then ruin the girl's reputation!"

At this moment, Chu Xueqi was standing in the yard and happened to hear what Zhang Yuan said.

She couldn't help but snorted softly in her heart, thinking that this girl's reputation has been almost ruined by you a long time ago!

You still have the nerve to ask others not to ruin my reputation!

Outside the yard.

Seeing that Zhang Yuan didn't look like he was joking, Zheng Shuai quickly said that he wouldn't talk nonsense.

Only then did Zhang Yuan feel relieved.

It's okay for him to spread some scandals with Shen Xiuyun, Liu Ruolan and others in the village.

After all, we are all from the same village, and everyone knows what their character is like.

But Chu Xueqi was different. If the scandal between her and Zhang Yuan was spread among the villagers, and later spread to the ears of Chu Xueqi's sister Chu Xueyan, there was no guarantee that Chu Xueyan would suspect anything.

Chu Xueyan trusted Zhang Yuan and sent her sister Chu Xueqi to Zhang Yuan's home.

But as for Zhang Yuan, scandals with Chu Xueqi are flying everywhere. Is this ridiculous?

Therefore, Zhang Yuan attaches great importance to the scandal between him and Chu Xueqi, and absolutely does not want the scandal between the two to spread.

The scandals spread by the villagers were actually nothing.

But I saw a young, beautiful and rich person living in Zhang Yuan’s house.

A beautiful woman, just an ordinary scandal.

But if the scandal spread from Zheng Shuai's mouth, it would be different.

Everyone in the village now knows that Zheng Shuai is hanging out with Zhang Yuan.

When Zhang Yuan was fighting the rat plague, only Zheng Shuai and Zhang Erniu followed Zhang Yuan unswervingly.

From then on, the villagers thought that Zheng Shuai was mixed up with Zhang Yuan.

The scandal spread by Zhang Yuan's younger brother is naturally much more credible than the villagers' imagination.

That's why Zhang Yuan told Zheng Shuai so seriously not to let him go out and talk nonsense.

After receiving Zheng Shuai's assurance, Zhang Yuan was slightly relieved.

"Let's go to the small square and find an open space to discuss the paddy fields!"

After a while, the two came to the small square at the entrance of the village.

There was no one in the small square at the moment, except for a few old men and women who usually came out to bask in the sun.

Zhang Yuan found a secluded corner to sit down, and then asked Zheng Shuai to sit down.

"Zheng Shuai, this map of paddy field distribution you drew is very good! Is everything on it true?" Zhang Yuan asked Zheng Shuai.

Zheng Shuai hurriedly said, "It's absolutely true! I didn't even write anything about it that I'm not sure about!"

"That's good! I'll take a closer look!" Zhang Yuan said solemnly.

He took the drawing and read it from beginning to end.

It wasn't until he saw the last paddy field that he raised his head and asked Zheng Shuai.

"Zheng Shuai, have you communicated with the heads of these paddy fields?"

Zheng Shuai said, "We have communicated everything, but I did not tell the boss that you want to engage in ecological farming. I just said that you might rent their paddy field!"

"Very good. Among these household heads, which ones are more interested and which ones are unwilling to rent paddy fields?" Zhang Yuan asked again.

Zheng Shuai took out a pencil from his pocket and drew circles on three of the houses.

"Master, apart from these three families, the other household heads heard that you wanted to rent their paddy fields, boss, and they agreed on the spot. They also said they wanted to meet with you to discuss the length of the lease."

It is not surprising that the household heads of these paddy fields have this reaction.

After all, Zhang Yuan is the most promising young man in the village.

Not only did he open his own chicken farm, he even spent money to buy Lao Fengtou's apiary, so that Lao Fengtou could get rid of his son Feng He, a bad gambler, and go to other places for retirement.

Zhang Yuan’s purchase price for the apiary was not low either.

In that case, the price he offered was already very high.

If it had been anyone else, it would have been at least 10,000 to 20,000 less.

But there are not many people like Zhang Yuan who are willing to offer such a conscientious price!

It is precisely because of Zhang Yuan's previous experience in buying Lao Fengtou's apiary that everyone in the village is willing to do business with him.

Zhang Yuan wanted to rent their paddy field. They wanted it so much, how could they refuse?

"These three turned out to be them. I asked them why they didn't want to rent paddy fields to me!"

Looking at the names of the heads of the three households on the drawing, Zhang Yuan couldn't help but smile.

If it were these three families, it would be understandable that they would not want to rent him paddy fields.

The reason is that these three families have had conflicts with the Zhang Yuan family before.

When Zhang Dashan was young, his temperament was not as calm as it is now.

One time, I got into a quarrel with those three families over a trivial matter.

That was right

Fang Buzhan was unreasonable, so Zhang Dashan was naturally unwilling to take the initiative to reconcile with the other party.

However, those three families are all cousins ​​and gangsters in the village, and they will not take the initiative to reconcile with Zhang Dashan.

Later, as Zhang Dashan got older and his personality became calmer, he wanted to take the initiative to reconcile with these three families.

But these people thought that Zhang Dashan was afraid of him and would not accept reconciliation at all.

Later, after Zhang Yuan's accident happened, they were even more unwilling to reconcile!

In fact, people from these three families often came to Zhang Dashan and Wang Hui to make sarcastic remarks.

Looking back now, Zhang Yuan feels very angry.

However, since Zhang Yuan regained consciousness, these three families immediately withered and no longer dared to come to trouble Wang Hui and Zhang Dashan.

In fact, they didn't dare to meet Zhang Yuan on weekdays, for fear that Zhang Yuan would remember his previous grievances and settle accounts with them again!

The reason why these three families refused to rent the paddy field to Zhang Yuan this time was presumably for this reason.

After thinking about it, Zhang Yuan's lips curved slightly, "Zheng Shuai, how is the quality of the paddy fields of the three of them?"

Zheng Shuai pondered for a moment and said, "The quality is pretty good. The most important thing is that the paddy fields of the three of them are close to each other, which makes it easier to centralize management!"

"Okay! Then come with me to their house! It just so happens that the paddy fields of their three families happen to be next to the paddy fields of the old village chief's family. Let's just talk about it together!" Zhang Yuan said with a smile.

Only then did Zheng Shuai remember that the paddy field of Old Zheng’s family was indeed right next to the paddy fields of these three families.

If Zhang Yuan can really take over the paddy fields of these three families, it will be much easier to engage in ecological breeding!

Ecological breeding must be managed centrally. If a paddy field here and a paddy field there are scattered, it will not only be inconvenient to manage, but also prone to various problems.

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