Little fairy doctor with holy hands

Chapter 621 A slap in the face, a lifesaver

At that time, Zhang Yuan was in a hurry to save people, but did not look carefully at the old man's appearance, and did not recognize him for a while.

At this time, Miss Huang, who was selling the car, saw that Zhang Yuan did not speak, and immediately became furious.

She pointed her finger at Zhang Yuan and yelled.

"What about you! You're deaf! Didn't you hear what I said?"

Zhang Yuan's eyes flashed coldly.

This pornographic car lady actually dares to provoke him like this, she must be taught a lesson!

Just when he was about to rush forward and slap the yellow sales car lady.

Suddenly, a crisp slap sounded.

Zhang Yuan was stunned, he hadn't had time to act yet!

Taking a closer look, the person who slapped the pornographic car lady was none other than the old man next to her!

The Huang sales car lady was shocked, covering her beaten cheek, unable to believe the facts in front of her.

She spoke for the old man, why did the old man beat her?

The old man's face was filled with anger, "How dare you yell at my savior and ask him to kneel down, how dare you!"

Hearing this, Miss Huang's car almost thought that her ears were wrong.

Zhang Yuan is actually the old man's benefactor and lifesaver. How is this possible!

One is the father of the owner of a large car dealership and has a distinguished status.

One is a poor boy who came here on a three-wheeler. How could the latter be the former's savior?

In Miss Huang's view, for a big shot like the old man, his social circle must also be full of powerful big shots.

So she never imagined that Zhang Yuan would be the old man's savior.

Zhang Yuan looked at the old man in surprise and searched in his memory.

Then he remembered that the old man was the old man he had saved in the mall.

"Old sir, it turns out to be you! I didn't expect you to still remember me!" Zhang Yuan said with a dumb smile.


I thought I would teach Ms. Huang Sales a lesson in person, but I didn't expect such a turn of events would happen.

However, Zhang Yuan still felt very happy to have an old man slap the yellow sales car lady on his behalf.

"I remember, of course I remember! If it weren't for you, my benefactor, it's hard to say whether I could go out for a walk now! Of course I won't forget you!" the old man said with a smile.

He then glared at Miss Huang, "You little girl, you are so ungrateful! I finally met my savior, but you dare to insult me! You dare to make your benefactor kneel down, who gave you the courage?" ?”

The old man is not usually a hitter.

But just now I saw that Miss Huang's car actually dared to insult Zhang Yuan like that and even made Zhang Yuan kneel down.

In desperation, he beat up the pornographic car lady.

The Huang sales car lady covered her beaten cheek and apologized quickly.

"Old man, I was wrong!"

The old man snorted, "You should not apologize to me, but to your benefactor!"

He turned around and looked at Zhang Yuan apologetically, "My benefactor, I'm so sorry for what happened just now! I asked her to apologize to you!"

Huang's car lady quickly apologized to Zhang Yuan

"Sir, I'm sorry! I made a mistake! I apologize to you for what happened just now!"

At this moment, how could she still be as arrogant as before?

Zhang Yuan glanced at Miss Huang's car and said nothing. He was too lazy to talk to such a snobbish woman.

"Old sir, it was just a misunderstanding. It will be fine if the misunderstanding is resolved!" Zhang Yuan said with a smile.

Miss Huang's car couldn't help but look a little embarrassed when she saw that Zhang Yuan was not paying attention to her at all.

"Benefactor, let's go over there

Have a cup of tea! "The old man invited Zhang Yuan with a smile.

Zhang Yuan nodded and walked towards the reception room with the old man.

Upon seeing this, Miss Huang's car hurriedly followed, looking at Zhang Yuan respectfully.

On the way to the reception room, Zhang Yuan asked the old man what he called him.

The old man chuckled and said, "My old man's surname is Xu. This car dealership is owned by my son. My son's name is Xu Pingsheng."

"Mr. Xu, that's what I'll call you! My name is Zhang Yuan!" Zhang Yuan said.

When the three of them passed near the gate, the red ticket lady and the cashier also saw them.

When I saw Zhang Yuan and Mr. Xu talking and laughing.

As for Miss Huang's car, she was waiting on her with a respectful face.

The two women couldn't help but be stunned.

Especially when they saw Miss Huang opening the door of the reception room for the two of them with a charming smile, and bending down to wait for Zhang Yuan and Mr. Xu to walk in.

The two women could hardly believe the scene before them.

A few minutes ago, Miss Huang's car was dismissive of Zhang Yuan. Why did she suddenly change her gender now?

Even though Mr. Xu and Zhang Yuan were chatting together very well.

However, given the character of the yellow sales car lady, it is impossible for her to be so respectful to a "poor guy" in her eyes, right?

In the reception room, Zhang Yuan and Mr. Xu chatted casually, and Zhang Yuan even checked his pulse.

"Mr. Xu, you are recovering very well now. As long as you pay attention to daily maintenance and exercise more, your body will not have any problems." Zhang Yuan said.

Mr. Xu was overjoyed after hearing this.

He had no doubt about Zhang Yuan's medical skills.

After Zhang Yuan treated Mr. Xu that day, even the doctors at the county hospital expressed disbelief. \u003c


According to the doctors at the county hospital, Mr. Xu's physical condition at that time would most likely result in sequelae if the old disease relapsed.

But after Zhang Yuan's treatment, Mr. Xu not only had no sequelae, but his condition was reduced by more than half. It was simply a medical miracle!

"That's right! Look at my old man's brain! My benefactor, you came to my son's car dealership to buy a car, right? I'll call him to come over and help you choose one!" Mr. Xu suddenly slapped his forehead.

Zhang Yuan hurriedly said, "Mr. Xu, no need! I just came to take a look. I'm not ready to buy it yet!"

"It's okay! My son specializes in tinkering with cars. Just ask him to pick one for you! You will definitely be satisfied, my benefactor!" Mr. Xu took out his mobile phone and called his son Xu Pingsheng.

Zhang Yuan looked at Mr. Xu's actions with a wry smile on his face.

Of course he knew what Mr. Xu meant. He wanted his son to give him a car!

Although Zhang Yuan once had a favor with Mr. Xu, he is not the kind of person who wants to repay a favor.

Zhang Yuan took a deep breath and said, "Mr. Xu, when I saved you, it was just a matter of convenience. If other people suddenly fell ill and I encountered them, I would save them too!"

So you don’t have to think of ways to thank me! Because there’s really no need for that! "

As soon as he finished speaking, Mr. Xu raised his eyebrows.

"My old man actually doesn't want to thank you specifically! I also want to help more people!"

Zhang Yuan was stunned, wondering why Mr. Xu would say this.

Seeing that Zhang Yuan didn't understand, Mr. Xu smiled proudly.

"Think about it! A young man with a kind heart and medical skills like you needs a car of his own!

With a car, you can go to more places and save more people! So don’t think that I am repaying you! "

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