Little fairy doctor with holy hands

Chapter 643 It’s not that she dislikes it, Ruolan is crazy about it

"No." Liu Ruolan said quickly

"Brother Yuan, you misunderstood! I don't dislike this yard. I just think that there is no difference between this yard in your name and mine!

Besides, if we go to the village committee to transfer ownership, wouldn’t Lin Zhongfei know about us? Our relationship cannot be made public until we divorce him. "

"Uh..." Zhang Yuanxiang thought so, so he nodded.

"Okay, then I'll wait until you get divorced after a while, and then I'll transfer the ownership for you!"

Considering that the relationship between the two has not yet been made public, Zhang Yuan did not stay in the clinic longer and left after chatting with the two women for a while.

After he left, Liu Ruolan still looked at the direction Zhang Yuan was leaving in a daze.

Her heart was focused on Zhang Yuan!

Seeing Liu Ruolan's infatuated look, Zhao Yan couldn't help but laugh.

"Sister Lanlan, everyone is gone, but you still can't bear to leave! Do you want me to call you back?"

Liu Ruolan quickly averted her gaze, and at the same time couldn't help but blush, and turned her face aside in embarrassment.

Zhao Yan teased

"Sister Lan Lan, I just discovered something very interesting. The yard that Brother Yuan wants to buy was specially built by Lin Zhongfei's father, Lao Lin, just for Lin Zhongfei to marry you. But that guy Lin Zhongfei insisted on it. Using a small building as a new house has left the yard empty!”

"Now that Brother Yuan has bought the yard for you to live in, Sister Lanlan, the yard can be regarded as your wedding room! Do you think this is Lao Lin's matchmaking between you and Brother Yuan? Hehe, if Lin Zhongfei knew, His father originally prepared a new house for him, but finally you and Brother Yuan moved in, so he was probably so angry that he vomited three liters of blood, right?"

Hearing what she said, Liu Ruolan was startled for a moment, and then couldn't help but laugh.

Lin Zhongfei has been messing around outside all day long, so this should be considered his punishment!

That afternoon, Zhang Yuan went to town

, ready to withdraw 250,000 cash.

Lin Zhongfei's yard is not small to begin with, and since it is a new house, the price is naturally not comparable to those of old houses.

In addition, Lin Zhongfei demanded a price that was 20% higher than the market price, so Zhang Yuan arranged for Zheng Shuai to discuss with Lin Zhongfei and finally set the price at 250,000 yuan, which was paid in full.

Arriving at the bank in town, Zhang Yuan called a number after entering and sat there waiting.

There were four or five people in front of him, and it would be his turn in about ten minutes.

After sitting there and waiting for a few minutes, two middle-aged men smelling of alcohol came behind me.

The two of them were chatting drunkenly, as if no one was watching, and they were talking about dirty jokes.

An aunt in the row with them had to get up and change seats with a look of disgust.

Zhang Yuan shook his head secretly, thinking that drunk people can do all kinds of weird things, and even make dirty jokes in public.

At this time one of them talked about the glorious history.

"One time, I took the pedicure technician to the bathhouse, and we had a private room. Not to mention how cool it was! We took a bath in the big wooden barrel...hehe, it was so cool!"

"Damn it! Is it really so good? I'll try it later! Is it the bathhouse in our town?"

"Yes, it's the bathhouse in our town! Take a bath in a large wooden barrel in a single room, eighty yuan!"


Hearing the conversation between the two, Zhang Yuan couldn't help but pricked up his ears.

Bathhouse, big wooden barrel!

This is simply the perfect configuration!

Why don't you ask Wang Chunhua to open a private room in the bathhouse, and then use the big wooden barrel inside to let her take a medicinal bath?


The big wooden tub in the bathhouse is very big, not like a folding tub. Standing next to it, you can see everything at a glance, both what should be seen and what should not be seen.

But then Zhang Yuan hesitated. Usually those who go to a single room in the bathhouse to take a bath are young couples or lovers.

Is it appropriate for me and Wang Chunhua to go there together?

He thought about it and finally decided to tell Wang Chunhua about it first and let Wang Chunhua make his own decision.

After all, the initiative in this matter still lies with Wang Chunhua.

Soon it was Zhang Yuan's turn. Hearing the call, Zhang Yuan got up and walked to the window.

Two hundred and fifty thousand is definitely a huge amount of money for an ordinary family, and it takes a lot of time just to count the money.

The people waiting in the bank couldn't help but glance in Zhang Yuan's direction when they heard the sound of the money counter counting money.

This guy looks quite young, but I didn’t expect him to be so rich!

Even the female teller who handled business for Zhang Yuan couldn't help but stare at him.

Zhang Yuan is tall, handsome, and so rich. It would be great if he could have a relationship with him!

The female teller was thinking so much that she even thought about the name of her child with Zhang Yuansheng.

After counting the money, the female teller handed the piles of money to Zhang Yuan and said with a blushing face.

"Handsome guy, can you add some authority?"

Zhang Yuan was stunned, but he didn't expect someone to ask for his contact information.

He looked at the delicate-looking female teller in front of him, then at the middle-aged female teller next to him, hesitated, and finally nodded in agreement.

In fact, Zhang Yuan has no interest in female tellers.

The reason why he agreed to increase his prestige with the female teller was mainly because her colleagues were looking at her.

If Zhang Yuan rejects the female teller,

The other party will definitely lose face in front of colleagues.

It's just to add prestige. At worst, you can politely refuse the female teller after adding prestige.

Seeing that Zhang Yuan agreed to add prestige, the female teller looked happy, took out her mobile phone and scanned the QR code to add Zhang Yuan.

Only then did Zhang Yuan find out that the female teller's name was Liu Guifang.

Carrying the 250,000 he had withdrawn, he went out. After leaving the bank, Zhang Yuan drove straight to the Chunhua Hotel, preparing to see Wang Chunhua.

On the one hand, it was to tell Wang Chunhua about going to the bathhouse for medicinal bath treatment and listen to her opinion.

On the other hand, it was also to show off his car in front of Wang Chunhua.

Last time Zhang Yuan went to Chunhua Hotel to show off, but Wang Chunhua was not there at that time, which made Zhang Yuan deeply regretful.

Just make it up this time!

When we arrived at Chunhua Hotel, Zhang Yuan didn't make a mistake this time. Wang Chunhua was settling accounts behind the counter!

Seeing Zhang Yuan coming, Wang Chunhua's beautiful eyes were filled with surprise.

"Brother Yuan, you're here!"

Aunt Niu also saw Zhang Yuan and Zhang Yuan's pickup truck parked outside the door, and hurriedly shouted to Wang Chunhua.

"Chunhua, look, the car outside is Brother Yuan's new car! How beautiful!"

Wang Chunhua's attention then fell on the pickup truck outside the door, and she also looked surprised.

"This pickup truck is so good-looking, it looks completely different from the usual pickup trucks!"

Aunt Niu smiled and said, "Of course it's different. Brother Yuan's car is a good car worth 600,000 yuan! It certainly looks different from those pickup trucks that cost more than 100,000 yuan!"

Wang Chunhua was even more shocked when she learned that Zhang Yuan actually spent so much money on a car.

Although she knew that Zhang Yuan had made a lot of money during this period.

But it’s not like you can spend 600,000 to buy a good car, right?

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